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Event code

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


label day103:
    s "I think I’ll go to[school] today."

    scene black
    with dissolve


    scene street_noon
    with dissolve
    play music "normalday.mp3"

    "I’m walking to[school], the same way I do pretty much every other day."
    "The only difference is that everyone I know seems to have vanished."
    "How strange!"
    "I’m sure they’ll all be back soon enough."
    "In fact, maybe they all went to[school] as well?"
    "I’m not sure why they’d do something like this on the weekend but-"
    "Well, I guess I’m not really sure of anything anymore."

    scene street2_noon
    with fade

    "I decide to take a detour and head over to a different section of the city."
    "There are normally a lot more people around here, so I figured checking this place out would help me realize if {i}everyone{/i} was gone or just the people I knew."
    "But, as it turns out-"
    "It really is everyone!"

    show amihappyyay
    with pixellate

    a "{size=+25}HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???{/size}"
    s "Morning, Ami. Glad to see you’re back."
    s "You look as cute as ever."
    a "{s}It's so dark{/s} Heheh~ Did you miss me?"

    if bonus == True:
        s "More than you know! Your best friend gave me a handjob the other day and I really wish you were around to see it."
        s "Hey, did you know Maya told me she liked me the other day?"

    a "Maya did? LOL!"
    a "As if I’d believe that!"

    if bonus == True:
        s "No, I mean it. There are cum stains all over the sheets now."
        a "There are always cum stains all over your sheets. You have a masturbation problem, Sensei."
        s "Hahaha, I really do~"

    scene citynoon
    with fade
    show amihappyyay
    with dissolve

    "Ami and I continue our journey through Kumon-mi, walking into various stores along the way to see if anyone is willing to sell us a drink."
    "Of course, no one is. But that’s mostly due to the fact that people don’t exist anymore. Hahah."

    a "So, what now?"
    a "You were on your way to[school], weren’t you?"
    a "How come?"
    s "Not sure. It just seemed like the right choice."
    a "Okay, okay. I know what you mean. Sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have any options either."

    if bonus == True:
        a "Like in the beginning of Lessons in Love where you got to play the Breed Your Niece minigame! How crazy was that?!"
        s "That was a dream, wasn’t it?"
        a "But it felt so real! So real that I may have even gotten dream-pregnant!"
        s "Dream-pregnant?"
        a "Yeah. It’s when you have dream-sex that makes a dream-baby. Like Maya."
        s "But Maya is a normal [teenage]girl, isn't she?"
        a "Oh, you’re right. I must be thinking about someone else."
        a "Maybe...Yumi? Or...how about Futaba? Do either of those two seem dreamlike to you?"
        s "Not particularly."
        s "You kind of do, though."
        a "Me? But I look so normal and correct."
        s "Nuh-uh. Your body is bent into an incredibly strange shape and you have text all over you."
        a "Do you think I {i}enjoy{/i} being your accountant, Sensei?"
        s "Silence, CPA."

    a "Hey! I'm sensitive about that text!"
    s "I'm sorry, Ami. What can I do to make it up to you?"
    a "You can let me lick the dried cum off of your bedsheets with my special tongue!"
    s "Okay. Have fun."
    a "Yay!"

    hide amihappyyay
    with dissolve

    "Ami floats away to go lick cum and I am left standing in the middle of the road."
    "If this were a normal day, I would be run over by a car {s}like her parents{/s} but, thankfully, no one is able to drive on account of not existing."

    scene black
    with fade


    scene street_noon
    with dissolve

    s "Okay...finally back on track."
    s "Maybe I’ll be able to make it to[school] this time without being stopped?"


    s "Huh. I wonder what I should do about the whole ‘end of the year’ thing."
    s "I still haven’t come up with a plan for how to convince the staff to let me continue teaching my class."
    s "I guess a lot of it rides on how well they do on their exams, but..."
    s "I hope all of them suddenly vanishing doesn’t carry any sort of negative implication in that regard."
    s "Did everyone just disappear because they didn’t do well on their tests?"
    s "I hope not. That would mean that I am a bad teacher. I am a very good teacher."
    s "It has to be something else."
    s "Oh well."
    s "I’ll find out when I get to[school]."

    scene black
    with dissolve
    stop music fadeout 15.0


    play sound "slidedoor.mp3"
    scene emptyclassroom
    with dissolve

    s "Good morning, desks."
    s "How are you all doing today?"

    "The desks do not respond because they are desks."

    s "You all have detention. See me after class."

    "Again, no response."

    if bonus == True:
        "I begin to pace around the classroom, looking for faint traces of life or goodbye notes or things that smell like the girls that I could jerk off to."
        "I begin to pace around the classroom, looking for faint traces of life or those little caps that people sometimes pick off the tips of their shoelaces."

    "Unfortunately, I find nothing."

    scene hall_night
    with fade
    play sound "slidedoor.mp3"

    s "Woah. It's dark all of a sudden."
    s "Is class really over already? How long was I in there?"


    if day > 5:
        s "Oh, right. We don’t have class on weekends."
        s "Silly me."
        s "..."
        s "Oh well. Guess there's no use in worrying about that now."
        s "Maybe time just decided to move differently today."

    s "I wonder what I should do now, though?..."
    s "Maybe Ami is done floating and licking and is able to cook me up a nice batch of snails?"

    play sound "static.mp3"
    show hope
    with flash
    stop sound

    ho "HELLO AGAIN"
    s "Do I know you?..."

    "A strange figure appears before me."
    "I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere else, but I can’t quite put my finger on {i}where{/i}... "

    ho "MAYBE"
    s "You’re not...God, are you?"
    s "No, but..."
    s "Can you maybe tell me where everyone went? You seem like the kind of large, white thing that would know."
    ho "EVERYONE???"
    s "My students, the other people in Kumon-mi...Everyone is gone."
    ho "ARE THEY???"
    s "You don’t know?"
    s "So...are you going to tell me? Or are you just going to be a big ole' jerk about this?"
    s "There is? Who?"

    "The girl with the bell?..."

    s "Do you mean Maya?"
    s "She's still here?"
    s "Well, where has she been? I haven't seen her anywhere."
    ho "LOOK UP!!!"

    "I tilt my neck up-"

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene reset1
    with flash
    stop sound
    play music "iloveyou.mp3"

    "And the same shooting pain I experienced yesterday assaults my senses once again."
    "My brain goes back to being strangled as every sound in the universe combines into one."
    "The noise crawls into my ears and sets fire to the world that I believe in- the world that I have come to love."
    "And in that same world, right in front of me, is a girl who seems to know something."
    "But what does she know?"
    "And will she tell a poor soul like me?"

    s "M-"
    m "You made it."
    m "I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show up."

    scene reset2
    with dissolve

    "Maya turns around and looks directly into my eyes, seemingly unfazed by the galaxies connecting above our heads."
    "It’s a wonderful array of colors- one that I’d be much happier to see if I could find the right level of oxygen up here."
    "The higher up you go, the harder it is to breathe."
    "But that’s something you know, I’m sure."
    "Thankfully, we’ve not yet reached the top of everything."
    "And I can still breathe just a little."
    "But you and I can not breathe together."
    "So what is even the point?"

    m "How do you feel?"
    s "..."
    s "Confused."

    scene reset3
    with dissolve

    m "That’s understandable. Frankly, it would be worrying if you {i}weren't{/i} confused."
    s "Do you know what’s going on here?"
    m "More than you, at least."
    m "Can you walk? Do you need help?"
    s "No, I-"

    "I try to move my legs, but they seem much heavier than normal."
    "After a few attempts, I’m able to lift them off the ground and manage to step closer to her."

    scene reset4
    with dissolve

    m "…"
    s "…"
    m "Is there anything you’d like to ask me?"
    s "A lot, actually."
    m "Then ask..."
    m "And I will answer to the best of my ability."

label resetquestions:
        "Where are we?":
            s "Where are we right now?..."
            m "We’re in Kumon-mi. The same place you were reborn [totaldays] days ago."
            s "Kumon-mi didn’t always look like this, though."
            m "It didn’t?"
            s "No...Or...at least I don’t think it did."
            m "But you have no way of knowing for sure, correct?"
            m "I’ve told you before-"
            m "We all see things a little differently, but our sights are the same once you strip away whatever coat of paint you applied along the way."
            m "What appears to the naked eye on the surface may differ from person to person, but what those visions {i}are{/i} remains unchanged."
            m "Your Kumon-mi is different from mine. And mine is different from Ami's. But they’re still visions of the same Kumon-mi no matter whose eyes you're looking at them with."
            m "Do you understand?"
            s "Not even a little."

            scene reset5
            with dissolve

            m "I figured as much."
            m "I guess I can’t really hold it against you this time, though."
            m "But you’ll understand eventually."

            scene reset6
            with dissolve

            m "Or..."
            m "At least I hope you will."

            $ resetq1 = True
            jump resetquestions

        "Where did everyone go?":
            s "Where did everyone else go? Why are you the only person I've run into today?"

            scene reset4
            with dissolve

            m "Do you think that's something I'm aware of?"
            s "I have no idea what to think."
            m "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you...but I don’t know where they went."
            m "It's the same every time this happens."
            s "Every time? This has happened before?"

            scene reset6
            with dissolve

            m "Far too often, if you ask me."
            m "I’m getting kind of sick of it, to be honest. But at this point, it's inevitable."
            s "Well...is there anything we can do to bring them back?"

            scene reset4
            with dissolve

            m "Do you care about them that much?"
            m "Isn’t there something {i}more{/i} important to you?"
            s "I...don’t think so?..."
            s "What is there that would be more important than bringing everyone back?"

            scene reset7
            with dissolve

            m "You really don’t know?"
            s "No...I don’t know {i}anything...{/i}and I think I’ve made that pretty apparent."

            scene reset8
            with dissolve

            m "You’ll know eventually."
            m "And if you don't, you don't."
            m "You can't miss something at all if you don't know that you're supposed to miss it."
            m "So...if you wind up remembering what's more important to you than everything else-"
            m "Maybe bring this up again the next time we meet here, okay?"

            $ resetq2 = True
            jump resetquestions

        "Who are you?":
            s "Who {i}are{/i} you exactly?..."

            scene reset8
            with dissolve

            m "Maya Makinami. A normal teenage girl."
            m "That was an easy question."
            s "I know your name...what I don’t understand is why you seem so calm right now."
            m "Well, it’s not like panicking would help, given the circumstances."
            m "The first few times, I was just as terrified as you."
            s "How many times have you been through this?"
            m "I’ve stopped counting."
            m "There’s no point anymore."
            m "It only makes things harder."
            s "You're not, like...{i}God...{/i}are you?"
            m "God?..."
            m "Do you think you've been sucked into some sort of manga or something?"
            m "Of course I’m not god."
            m "I’m just a very unlucky girl."
            m "Nothing more..."
            m "Nothing less."

            $ resetq3 = True
            jump resetquestions

        "How much of this is real?":
            s "Is any of this real? Or is this just...a dream or something?"

            scene reset4
            with dissolve

            m "Nothing is real. You already know that."
            m "You’ve been told time and time again."
            m "Why are you so surprised to be somewhere like this despite all of that?"
            s "I think anyone would be surprised if they walked onto a[school] roof and were met with...whatever is going on in the sky right now."
            m "A fair point."
            m "But still, I don’t think it’s as unexpected as you’re making it out to be."
            m "You’ve had your hand held through everything. "
            m "I wonder who it is that's been holding it?"
            s "I have no idea what you’re talking about..."

            scene reset5
            with dissolve

            m "Well, whatever. I guess I’ll just remind you {i}again{/i}."

            scene reset4
            with dissolve

            m "Nothing is real. Nothing will ever be real."

            scene reset6
            with dissolve

            m "Or..."
            m "At least that’s what I keep telling myself."

            $ resetq4 = True
            jump resetquestions

        "What happens next?" if resetq1 == True and resetq2 == True and resetq3 == True and resetq4 == True:
            s "So...what happens next then?"
            jump restofthereset

label restofthereset:
    scene reset8
    with dissolve

    m "I'm glad you asked."
    m "What comes next is my favorite part."
    m "The end of the world."
    m "Isn’t it beautiful?"
    m "Just look at the sky. It’s unlike anything else you've ever seen...isn't it?"

    "It’s true..."
    "Despite the incredibly thin air and how hard it’s become to move my limbs, it truly is beautiful up here."
    "Part of me wishes I could stay and observe this sky forever."
    "But something deep inside of me tells me that I don’t have much longer at all."

    m "You don’t have to be scared of what happens next. Everything will be okay."
    m "If this place were dangerous, don’t you think I’d stop coming?"
    s "I don’t know why you do {i}anything{/i}, to be completely honest. "
    s "Everything about you seems like some big secret."
    m "Maybe everything about me {i}is{/i} some big secret?"
    m "Maybe you're a little closer to the truth than you think?"

    scene reset9
    with dissolve

    m "And maybe if you keep annoying me about opening up to you, you’ll eventually find that out."
    m "Who knows?"
    s "You make it sound like we’re still going to have time to get to know each other after this."

    scene reset8
    with dissolve

    m "Do you think we won’t?"
    s "Well...not if this is the end of the world."
    s "Not if everyone is already gone."
    m "That is correct."
    m "This {i}is{/i} the end of the world."
    m "And everyone is most certainly already gone."
    m "But who says they're never coming back?"
    s "What?..."
    m "If {i}this{/i} is the end of the world..."
    m "Then all we need to do is reset it."


    s "Again, {i}what?{/i}"
    m "We're going to reset the world."
    m "Well...{i}I'm{/i} going to reset the world."
    m "You're going to watch."
    s "Is that something you can do?"
    s "How?"

    scene reset9
    with dissolve

    m "This is our world. We can do whatever we want in it."
    m "And right now, what we want is for it to be reset...Correct?"

    scene reset10
    with dissolve

    m "You didn’t really think the[school] year was just going to carry on forever, did you?"
    s "Well, no...In fact, I’ve been kind of worried about how quickly everything was coming to an end lately."

    scene reset5
    with dissolve

    if bonus == True:
        m "Yeah, I bet. That harem of yours has just started to take off, hasn’t it?..."
        m "I bet. Your plan to fill the world with hugs is probably getting off to a pretty good start, all things considered."
        m "Would be a real shame if you just couldn't hug anybody anymore."

    s "That’s really not what I was talking about..."

    scene reset11
    with dissolve

    m "{i}Hah{/i}...Well, whatever the case..."
    m "I wouldn't worry too much about {i}completely{/i} starting over."
    m "If all goes according to plan, your progress won't reset at all."

    "My progress?..."
    "What does she mean by that?"

    s "Uh...Well, what do we have to do exactly?"

    scene reset4
    with dissolve

    m "Like I've said...{i}You{/i} don’t have to do anything. You can just stand there and...wait, I guess."
    m "Soon, everything will go black..."
    m "And then you’ll wake up in a happier place."
    m "It might not be clear to you at first, but you'll figure it out soon enough."
    s "And what about everyone else?"
    s "They'll come back as well?"

    scene reset6
    with dissolve

    m "It'll be like nothing ever changed."
    m "Again, {i}if all goes according to plan.{/i}"
    m "Sometimes, plans fail and everything snaps."
    m "But everyone, including myself, should be the same exact way they were when you last saw them."

    if bonus == True:
        scene reset4
        with dissolve

        m "So, fortunately for you, you won’t have to worry about grooming anyone all over again."
        m "Rejoice, Sensei. Your harem of misguided teenagers will emerge from the end of the world unscathed. What a wonderful day this is."
        s "I’m surprised that you’re still making me out to be such a creep even at the end of the world."
        s "Does that mean you'll still have a crush on me."
        m "Unfortunately, yes."
        s "I am sorry Maya. Things would not work with the two of us."
        s "My vision is too bad and you like circular fruits too much."

    m "Trust me, I’m not doing this because I want to."
    s "Then...why are you doing it?"
    s "{i}How{/i} are you doing it?"

    scene reset12
    with dissolve

    "Instead of answering the question, Maya closes her eyes and begins to breathe deeply."

    if bonus == True:
        "I watch the way her chest moves as she inhales and exhales. It’s almost hypnotizing in a way."

        m "Please stop staring at my chest."
        "I use this opportunity to think about why there are no B batteries."

        m "Stop thinking about B batteries."

    s "How did you even know that? Your eyes are closed."
    m "I know everything about you, whether you like it or not."
    m "Now, please close your eyes."
    s "We're...doing this right now? This is it?"
    m "That's correct. "
    m "It’s time to return things to how they should be."
    m "Or, at least..."
    m "How they should be {i}for now.{/i}"

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "I do as Maya says and close my eyes."
    "Within a matter of seconds, I feel her arms wrap around my waist."
    "Her face presses against my chest."

    m "I swear I’m only doing this because it won’t work if I don’t."
    s "That’s something a tsundere would say."
    m "I already told you, the tsundere role is filled."
    s "Whatever. Just do what you need to do."
    m "I would love to, but you keep talking."
    s "I’ll stop then. "
    m "Fantastic. Then stop."
    s "Stopping now."
    m "It doesn't sound like you're stopping."
    s "I'm stopping, I swear."
    m "Is this really happening?"
    s "No more words."
    m "You’re the absolute worst human being alive."
    s "You're only saying that because the only other human being alive right now is you."
    m "Silence...seriously."

    "I stop teasing Maya and actually {i}do{/i} stop talking this time."
    "Her arms never leave my waist."
    "I guess the two of us need to be touching in order for the ‘resetting’ process to work or something?"
    "But even if that’s the case, isn’t this hug a little excessive?"
    "Wouldn’t just holding my hand be enough to-"

    play sound "static.mp3"
    stop music
    scene happy1 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy2 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy3 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy4 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy5 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy6 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy7 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy8 with flash
    scene helpme with flash
    scene happy9 with flash
    scene timetogrow1
    stop sound
    play music "10c.mp3"

    q "About time! Do you have any idea how much trouble you'd get into if the principal showed up and caught you sleeping right now?"
    s "Huh?..."
    q "Class ended ten minutes ago. It's time to get up."
    s "What? What class?"
    s "Where am I?"
    s "And...what did you call me just now?"

    scene timetogrow2
    with dissolve

    q "The...same thing I always call you? Sensei."
    q "What's going on? Did you have a bad dream or something?"
    s "I..."
    s "..."
    s "I guess so..."
    q "Do you want me to call the nurse or something? You seem a little flushed."

    scene timetogrow3
    with dissolve

    q "Come a little closer so I can touch your forehead and find out."
    s "I'm fine...I think I just need a few minutes to collect myself or something."

    "Excuse me for asking this so abruptly, but-"
    "What the fuck is going on right now?"
    "Who is this girl? Or, better question, who am {i}I?{/i}"
    "Why can't I remember anything?..."
    "This classroom seems vaguely familiar, but..."
    "But it's like each time I try to piece things together, I just circle back around and give up before I'm able to get anywhere."

    q "...?"

    "This girl should probably know something, right?"
    "But...if she's my student, she'll probably only know things that a {i}student{/i} would know. She'll have no idea who I am or...where I even live or-"
    "Wait, where am I supposed to go after I leave here when I still have absolutely no clue where I am?"

    scene timetogrow4
    with dissolve

    q "Um...are you sure you're okay? You're looking a little...panicky."
    s "I'm just...tired, I think."
    q "Still? Even after sleeping through the entire last period?"
    s "Yeah, sorry. Long night, I guess."

    scene timetogrow5
    with dissolve

    q "Long night? But we were together the whole time."
    s "I'm sorry, what?"

    "Am I...dating a teenager?"

    scene timetogrow6
    with dissolve

    q "Okay, seriously. What's going on with you? You're acting like you don't even recognize your own niece."

    "Oh. So that's how it is."
    "Well, that is significantly less exciting. But at least I should be able to leverage that role to...try and make sense of what's going on here."
    "At the very least, if we're related, she'll probably know where I live."

    s "Of course I recognize you. I'm just feeling a little out of it right now."

    scene timetogrow2
    with dissolve

    q "Well, do you think going home might help? Because it doesn't seem like sticking around school is helping you at all right now."
    s "Yeah, but...do you think you might be able to come with me? I could probably use the help since I'm still...you know, regaining my footing and whatnot."
    q "Why would I not come with you? We literally live together."
    s "Oh. Right. I forgot."

    "Well, at least my first five minutes in what I'm assuming is some sort of...alternate reality or something have been filled almost entirely with convenient coincidences."
    "That has to be what this is, right? Some sort of...reincarnation type thing?"
    "Wait, doesn't this mean that I must have died, though?"
    "Just what the hell is happening to me all of a sudden?"

    scene timetogrow7
    with dissolve

    q "How can you just {i}forget{/i} that we've been living together for years?"
    q "What's next? Are you going to tell me you've forgotten my name?"
    s "..."
    q "..."

    scene timetogrow8
    with hpunch

    q "Oh my God! You {i}have{/i} forgotten my name, haven't you?!"
    a "It's Ami, Sensei! {i}Ami!{/i}"
    s "Sorry. It's nothing personal...probably."
    a "Probably?!"
    s "To be completely honest, I'm having a hard time remembering literally anything right now. So...I'll probably be leaning on you for help for a little while."

    scene timetogrow9
    with dissolve

    a "I mean...helping you is pretty much all I do in the first place, so I'm happy to do whatever you need me to."
    a "But if your memories are really that jumbled, shouldn't we take you to a doctor or something?"
    a "You're old, but I didn't realize you were old enough to start dealing with that dementia thingy."
    s "I'm not {i}that{/i} old, am I?"

    "This body feels mostly healthy and well put together, so I can't imagine I'm any older than my 30's."

    a "I guess not. You're actually one of the youngest teachers we have, I think."
    a "But if there's something wrong with your brain, we should act now. Because if anything bad ever happened to you, I'd probably just die too."
    s "That seems...excessive."

    scene timetogrow10
    with dissolve

    a "Well, if your memories really are gone, you'll be finding out very soon that that's just the type of girl I am!"

    scene timetogrow11
    with dissolve

    a "Or you're just lying about all of this because you hate me and want to play a weird prank on me, but I'll play along either way!"
    a "Helping you round up your memories sounds kinda fun, actually. It's like we're characters inside of a manga now or something."
    s "Yeah...or something."

    scene timetogrow12
    with dissolve

    a "I wonder how it'll end. Normally, all of the stuff where the main character loses his memories ends up being kinda depressing by the last volume."
    s "I think there are more pressing matters at hand than figuring out how things are going to {i}end{/i} right now."

    scene timetogrow11
    with dissolve

    a "Right, right. We've gotta get you back home since you can't remember where you live without me."
    a "You know, Sensei, if you want to spend more time with me, all you have to do is ask. You don't have to fake amnesia just for my attention."
    s "Well, please forgive me if I continue to {i}fake{/i} it for a little while longer."

    "Because at this point, I still have no idea what I'm supposed to do..."

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "Ami spins around and I instinctively leave my desk to follow her, like it's something I've done time and time before."
    "It's not, though."
    "This isn't my life."
    "It can't be."
    "Because no one would ever look at me the way she does if this is where I'm meant to be."
    "Without even knowing myself yet, I understand that much."
    "For as she pulls me through the halls of the school by my wrist, my mind ventures forth to forbidden territories-"
    "And it encircles itself in possibilities and fantasies I will not yet reveal to you."
    "If I did, I can't imagine you'd stay to observe me much longer."
    "But I suppose I don't even know who {i}you{/i} are...or who I'm even aiming these thoughts at right now."
    "Well...perhaps they don't need to be aimed anywhere at all."
    "And perhaps I'm content with just imagining someone is there as it makes daydreaming all the less lonely."

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath1
    with dissolve2

    s "Uhh...Ami?"
    a "Yes, dearest uncle?"
    s "Would you mind...you know...reminding me what the name of the city we live in is?"

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath2
    with dissolve

    a "Jeez, even that's gone?"
    s "Just assume that {i}everything{/i} is already gone since it'll wind up saving the two of us a ton of time."
    a "Not {i}everything{/i} is gone, Sensei. I'm sure your love for me would remain no matter what sort of crazy thing happened to your brain."
    a "But, you're right. It's already kinda late out and I should be spending less time questioning you and more time helping you get back to normal."

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath3
    with dissolve

    a "So, allow me to {i}re-{/i}introduce you to Kumon-mi! A super normal town just outside of Tokyo."
    a "We’re not allowed to leave the city limits anymore because of the war, but-"
    s "Wait, war? What war?"

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath2
    with dissolve

    a "The same war we've been in for years now."
    a "Like 99%% of the men were drafted into the space army and are off fighting aliens right now or something."
    s "Is this...some sort of joke? Or..."
    a "Joke? No. It's super real."
    a "And you should be thankful you weren't one of the people who got drafted since you're a teacher and we need more people like you to make sure everyone in our class doesn't wind up like Miku."

    "I have no idea who that even is..."

    s "Is the war really in space, though?..."
    a "Of course. It's an important aspect of the plot that is going to be used as comedic relief in the future, so don't try and focus too much on it or you'll wind up getting distracted from everything else."
    s "Everything else meaning {i}what,{/i} exactly? Are there some other...weird rules about this place I need to be lectured on now?"

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath4
    with dissolve

    a "A few! But really, the hardest part of everything is that the girl-to-boy ratio is completely out of whack and I wouldn't be surprised if you go weeks or months without seeing other men sometimes!"
    s "I see no problem with this."

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath5
    with dissolve

    a "Well, you should. That's the part where you were supposed to say, “You're the only girl for me, Ami! I don't care about any of the other ones!”"
    s "Aren't we related?"

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath6
    with dissolve

    a "Enough about that, how 'bout we get back to some of those rules you were just talking about?"
    s "Are we really going to ignore the blatant incestuous undertones you-"
    a "Rule number one is keep your hands off all of your students! But that should probably be a rule that goes without saying since...you know."
    s "Is that, like...an Ami rule? Or is that an actual school rule?"
    a "I'm pretty sure it's a law. But it's also a school rule."

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath7
    with dissolve

    a "Technically, the rule only applies to school grounds, though...since no one can really keep track of what you do elsewhere."
    s "Right...and is there anything else I should be worried about?"

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath1
    with dissolve

    a "Probably! So just ask me whatever comes to mind and I'll help you out the best I can!"

    jump amiwhattodo2

label amiwhattodo2:
        "Tell me about my students":
            s "Can you tell me a little bit about my class?"
            a "You mean {i}remind{/i} you a little about your class?"
            s "Yeah...that. Sorry."
            a "Don't apologize to {i}me,{/i} Sensei. I'm used to dealing with you when you're at your worst. This sort of thing doesn't bother me at all."
            a "You're the only male teacher at an all-girls school...and there are ten total students you’re in charge of- including me!"
            a "Our school works a little different from the other high school in that we’re in your care for every class of the day."
            a "Sometimes, a student or two might not show up to class. A couple of them have cutting problems."
            a "I also think I heard something about more students joining later on in the year as well!"
            a "Sometimes, classes get a little crowded and people need to be moved around and stuff."
            a "Oh, in addition to being our teacher, you’re also our guidance counselor!"
            a "Some of the girls have issues they have a hard time discussing, so getting them to open up is part of your job."
            a "Since the semester has only just begun, some of them are still in the process of warming up to you."
            a "Oh! But then there are also some girls like Ayane and Maya who you've known for years since they come to our house to sleep over all the time."
            a "If you have any more specific questions about them, it would probably be better to check that weird book thingy you always keep lying around in your room."
            s "Book thingy?"
            a "I'm not really sure what it is since you won't let me look inside, but I'm pretty sure it's like...info on all of the students or something."
            a "Probably school related stuff since I know you'd never hide anything from me. Right, Sensei?"
            s "Uhh...yeah. Sure."
            a "Great!"
            a "So, any other questions?"

            jump amiwhattodo2

        "Where are your parents?":
            s "What about your parents? Why aren't you staying with them instead of-"
            a "Ask something else."
            s "But-"
            a "{i}Ask something else.{/i}"

            jump amiwhattodo2

        "What should I do?":
            s "So...what should I do?"

            scene bathscenebutnomorebath2
            with dissolve

            a "Hm? What do you mean?"
            s "Like...apart from teaching and...counseling or all of the other stuff my job requires me to do."
            s "I guess what I'm asking is...what is a normal day like for me?"

            scene bathscenebutnomorebath1
            with dissolve

            a "Oh, okay! Gotcha."
            a "I don't know. That's kind of a tough question."
            a "There's tons to do in Kumon-mi. And I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to keep yourself entertained when you're not working or hanging out with me."
            s "You know, I kind of figured a girl your age would be a little more interested in spending time with her friends rather than her uncle."

            scene bathscenebutnomorebath8
            with dissolve

            a "I...can do both!"
            a "And I won't let you make me feel like a loser because I like being closer to someone with the same blood as me!"
            s "Having the same blood is just a pretty specific thing to look for in a companion is all."
            a "I just told you! I won't let you make me feel like a loser just because I like spending time with you!"
            s "And I won't try to do that anymore, I guess."
            s "Again, I'm just trying to figure out how to use what little free time I'll have and...no offense, but I'm sure not all of it will be spent on you."

            scene bathscenebutnomorebath2
            with dissolve

            a "You can't just say “No offense” right before saying something super offensive, Sensei. It doesn't work that way."

            scene bathscenebutnomorebath1
            with dissolve

            a "But I guess expecting you to speak normally is a little much to ask since everything else seems to be different about you today anyway!"
            a "So, is there anything else you want to know?"

            jump amiwhattodo2

        "Tell me more about the war":
            s "Can you tell me more about that war you mentioned earlier?"
            a "Nope!"
            s "Oh."
            s "Oh, okay."
            a "Anything else you want to know?"

            jump amiwhattodo2

        "Let's just move on":
            jump nextstart2

label nextstart2:
    s "I think I know everything I need to. Let's just go home and I'll...figure the rest out from there."
    a "Cool! In that case, I-"

    scene bathscenebutnomorebath9
    with dissolve

    a "Ah! Wait!"
    s "What? What's wrong?"
    a "What's {i}wrong-{/i} is that Maya has been sitting all by herself over there this entire time and we haven't even noticed her."
    a "Maya! We're coming to say hello whether you like it or not!"

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "Ami charges away from me and I am stricken with the harsh realization that I might not be getting home as early as I was anticipating..."

    scene mayacg1
    with dissolve2

    m "..."

    "I stop caring about that the moment I see her friend, though."
    "If I'm remembering correctly, this is..."

    a "Hello! Earth to Maya! Ami and Sensei reporting in."

    scene mayacg2
    with dissolve

    m "Hm?"

    scene mayacg7
    stop music

    m "Ah-"

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene whygodwhy
    with flash
    scene mayacg7
    with flash
    stop sound

    s "…"

    play music "comfort.mp3"

    "When our eyes meet, everything floods back into me."
    "I’m back in Kumon-mi."
    "Back where I first started."
    "Everything feels different...but somehow, exactly the same."
    "This might not be where I am {i}meant{/i} to be-"
    "But it's where I am. And it's where I will stay until I am forcibly removed."
    "There is no home for me anywhere else, so I will carve a hole inside of {i}this{/i} world and sleep inside of it, refusing to move out even if the world around me breaks."
    "Because now I know that world will reset."
    "And that nothing here is permanent."
    "What I don’t know is {i}how.{/i}"

    scene mayacg8
    with dissolve

    "Fortunately, I think the answer to that question is sitting right in front of me as we speak-"
    "Smiling a beautiful, crooked smile as she pretends to hate me more than she actually does."

    m "..."
    s "..."
    m "{i}You’re welcome...{/i}"

    scene mayacg9
    with dissolve

    a "Hey! What are you doing over here? I thought you had stuff to do after[school] today."
    m "My plans fell through and I was hungry, so..."
    s "..."
    a "Really? Well, you can come over later if you want. Sensei has amnesia, so-"
    s "Actually..."
    s "I’m fine, Ami."
    s "I guess I just needed to wake up."

    scene mayacg10
    with dissolve

    a "Huh? Already? But...just a couple minutes ago you were all like-"
    s "I’m fine, really. Let’s just treat today like any other day."
    a "Well...sure. If that's what you think is best, that's fine by me."

    scene mayacg9
    with dissolve

    a "Oh! I forgot to ask, but how did you do on your tests, Maya?"
    a "You were probably fine, right?"
    a "Thankfully, Makoto taught me all that slope-intercept stuff a couple weeks ago, so I’m pretty sure I passed by the skin of my teeth."
    m "I did fine as well. Not great, not horrible."

    "So...we’re {i}past{/i} the standardized tests now?"
    "Weren't they just getting started the last time I woke up here?"

    s "Hey, random question, but...how far into the[school] year are we?"

    scene mayacg10
    with dissolve

    a "Huh? You don’t know? Isn’t that, like...your job?"
    s "Yeah, but I forgot my phone at home and I’m not sure what today’s date is."

    scene mayacg11
    with dissolve

    a "Hmm...I guess, only a few months? We’ve still got more than half of the year to go, I think."

    scene mayacg12
    with dissolve

    a "You should probably start keeping track of stuff like that, Sensei! You’re already forgetful enough!"
    s "Yeah..."
    s "Yeah. I’ll do my best..."

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "The rest of the day went on as if nothing ever changed."
    "But somewhere-"
    "In the back of my mind-"
    "I remember a rooftop."
    "I remember a sky."
    "And I remember the scent of watermelon shampoo as a small girl wrapped her arms around me and changed my life forever."

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ maya_love += 5
    $ day103 = True
    stop music fadeout 5.0

    "{i}Maya’s affection has increased to [maya_love]!{/i}"
    "{i}Life goes on!{/i}"


    if day < 6:
        jump endofweekday
    if day >= 6:
        jump endofsat

label everythingisconnected:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


label happyloop1:
        "Go somewhere":
            "Where should I go?"
                "Koi Cafe":
                    scene cafe_day
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the cafe."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop2
                    scene library
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the library."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop2
                "Soccer field":
                    if connecttrack == False and soccer10 == True:
                        jump everythingisconnected
                        scene soccerfield
                        with fade
                        "I arrive at the soccer field."
                        "No one is there."
                        "Time passes."
                        "Where should I go now?"
                        jump happyloop2
                "Ami's Room":
                    scene amiroom_day
                    with fade
                    "I walk into Ami's room."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop2
                "School" if god_love >= 5 and day > 6:
                    jump day103