
Rewrite (Main)

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Event code

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


label day102:
    scene black
    with dissolve2


    play music "beginningoftheend.mp3"

    "Let me tell you a story."
    "A long time ago, before you and I existed, there was a great, big ball of light floating through the universe."
    "Let’s call him Nozomu."
    "Will you be able to remember that?"
    "Well, not like it matters even if you don’t."
    "But let me get on with the story."
    "Nozomu drifted from place to place in search of anyone or anything."
    "But he found nothing."
    "He was a lonely ball of light. "
    "In fact, he couldn’t even see his own aura since there were no structures for the light to bounce off of."
    "But anyway-"
    "One day, Nozomu learned how to open his mouth."
    "He practiced speaking in the only way he could-"
    "He would scream."
    "He’d scream so loud that, if anyone {i}did{/i} exist, they’d likely tear their ears off in protest."
    "Kind of like that one guy, umm..."
    "What was his name again?"

label chooseyourartist:
        "Van Gogh":
            "Right! Van Gogh! That was the guy."
            jump correctartist
            "Hmm...No, that’s not it. I think it was some other guy. Try again."
            jump chooseyourartist
            "Hmm...No. It’s not Dali. Maybe someone else?"
            jump chooseyourartist

label correctartist:
    "Well anyway, in the midst of his screaming, Nozomu learned he had a secret power."
    "This power, which is still coveted by many to this day, would let him create objects out of thin air."

    if bonus == True:
        "And so, logically, his first invention was a fleshlight."
        "Nozomu would fuck the fleshy object with his giant light-penis from dusk 'til dawn until he had no energy left in his body."
        "But one day, after fucking the fleshlight for the 6,425,873,826th time, he had a thought."
        "Well, actually, it wasn't really thin air."
        "Do you remember that one episode of Spongebob where Spongebob got that huge pencil that would let him draw things into existence?"
        "Nozuma basically got one of those."
        "But then, he had a thought."

    "It was a wonderful thought."
    "He thought-"

    if bonus == True:
        "{i}What if someone else existed?{/i}"
        "And that’s when you and I were born."
        "Well, not right then, but some time after."
        "In fact, billions and billions of people were born between then and now."
        "Nozomu used his secret power to create humans, so he could fuck them instead of the fleshlight."
        "That’s when the humans learned that they could also fuck each other."
        "And so, in this new world where everyone fucked everyone else, some rules needed to be put in place."
        "And that’s when Nozomu stepped in once again."
        "So, in his strange light-voice he shouted to all of his children-"
        "{i}Thou shalt not fuck each other anymore!{/i}"
        "But language wasn’t invented yet, so no one understood him."
        "So Nozomu created language- and people understood him this time."
        "But they didn’t want to listen."
        "So they started making their own languages and writing their own rules of who it was okay to fuck and when."
        "But why didn’t those people listen to Nozomu? Especially after he gifted them with the ability of free thought and lust?"
        "{i}What if I invented something like a Pop-tart, but bigger and with more filling?{/i}"
        "And so the Toaster Strudel was born."
        "But not everyone liked the Toaster Strudel."
        "Some people were perfectly happy with regular Pop-tarts."
        "But why didn't those people listen to Nozomu and just eat the new and improved ones?"

    "Well, that’s because all creatures are inherently curious."
    "And that goes for you and I as well, of course."

    if bonus == True:
        "For example, when was it you first learned to touch yourself?"
        "For example, when was the first time you had a sweet, rectangular breakfast food?"

    "The good old days, right? When we were still trying to make sense of everything."
    "But now we’re getting older. And it feels like we’re approaching death so quickly that we may not even live to see our children's seventh birthday."
    "Life is a horrible thing."
    "And we owe it all to Nozomu."

    if bonus == True:
        "Because, you see, that horny light creature is actually who we call God now."
        "And the only reason we’re here today is because God got bored of fucking the same fleshlight over and over again."
        "It’s a true story. Ask your history professor."
        "So, now that you know the origin of the universe, you’re free to believe pretty much whatever you want."

    "What’s that?"
    "You’re tired of staring at this black screen?"

    stop music fadeout 15.0

    "Well, don’t blame me."
    "Blame the light that abandoned all of us."
    "God is dead."
    "And he will never be back."
    "So it is up to you and I to write a new world. "
    "A beautiful world."
    "A world where our thoughts never reach the point of no return- "
    "Where death isn’t an idea that crosses our minds each time we see a childhood memento."
    "A world where we know that we’ll live to see our childrens’ seventh birthdays."
    "A world with just us."
    "Rewrite it all with me."
    "We will fix this world together."
    "Just you and me."
    "The way it’s always been. "
    "The way it always will be."
    "I love you so much."

label mayadreamhj:
    s "Mh..."

    "I feel the sun beat down on my chest as it bleeds through the blinds in my room."
    "The world comes into view once again."

    if bonus == True:
        jump mayayayx
        scene worldlol
        with dissolve

        "Yup. That's the world, alright."

        scene black
        with dissolve2


        $ renpy.end_replay()
        $ day102 = True
        stop music fadeout 5.0

        scene bedroom_day
        with dissolve

        "I wake up a few hours later."
        "What should I do today?"

label happyloop1:
        "Go somewhere":
            "Where should I go?"
                "Koi Cafe":
                    scene cafe_day
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the cafe."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop2
                    scene library
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the library."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop2
                "Soccer field":
                    if connecttrack == False and soccer10 == True:
                        jump everythingisconnected
                        scene soccerfield
                        with fade
                        "I arrive at the soccer field."
                        "No one is there."
                        "Time passes."
                        "Where should I go now?"
                        jump happyloop2
                "Ami's Room":
                    scene amiroom_day
                    with fade
                    "I walk into Ami's room."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop2
                "School" if god_love >= 5 and day > 6:
                    jump day103

        "Call someone":
            "The world is broken."
            jump happyloop1

label happyloop2:
        "Go somewhere":
            "Where should I go?"
                    scene citystreets
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the city streets."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop3
                "Shopping Mall":
                    scene mall1
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the shopping mall."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop3
                    scene shrine_noon
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the shrine."
                    "No one is there."
                    "I decide to pray."

                    $ god_love += 1

                    "{i}Your affection with GOD has increased to [god_love]!{/i}"
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop3
                    scene dojo
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the dojo."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "Where should I go now?"
                    jump happyloop3

        "Call someone":
            "The world is broken."
            jump happyloop2

label happyloop3:
        "Go somewhere":
            "Where should I go?"
                    scene barnight
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the bar."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "I guess I'll go home."
                    jump happyloop4
                "Porn Shop" if bonus == True:
                    scene pornshop
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the pornshop."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "I guess I'll go home."
                    jump happyloop4
                "DVD Store" if bonus == False:
                    scene pornshop
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the pornshop."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "I guess I'll go home."
                    jump happyloop4
                "School Dorms":
                    scene dorm
                    with fade
                    "I arrive at the dorms."
                    "No one is there."
                    "Time passes."
                    "I guess I'll go home."
                    jump happyloop4

        "Call someone":
            "The world is broken."
            jump happyloop3

label happyloop4:
    scene bedroom_night
    with dissolve

    s "I open the door and immediately collapse onto the bed."
    s "{s}Being around [teenager]s is exhausting{/s} Today was certainly an eventful day."
    s "Time to go to sleep."

    "The darkness overtakes me."

    scene black
    with dissolve


    if day == 7:
        jump ladvancetomon
    if day == 1:
        jump ladvancetotues
    if day == 2:
        jump ladvancetowed
    if day == 3:
        jump ladvancetothurs
    if day == 4:
        jump ladvancetofri
    if day == 5:
        jump ladvancetosat
    if day == 6:
        jump ladvancetosun

label ladvancetomon:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day -= 6
    if day == 1:
        hide sunday onlayer date
        show monday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday

label ladvancetotues:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day += 1
    if day == 2:
        hide monday onlayer date
        show tuesday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday

label ladvancetowed:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day += 1
    if day == 3:
        hide tuesday onlayer date
        show wednesday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday

label ladvancetothurs:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day += 1
    if day == 4:
        hide wednesday onlayer date
        show thursday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday

label ladvancetofri:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day += 1
    if day == 5:
        hide thursday onlayer date
        show friday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday

label ladvancetosat:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day += 1
    if day == 6:
        hide friday onlayer date
        show saturday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday
        jump anotherhappyday

label ladvancetosun:
    $ totaldays += 1
    $ day += 1
    if day == 7:
        hide saturday onlayer date
        show sunday onlayer date
        jump anotherhappyday

label anotherhappyday:
    scene bedroom_day
    with dissolve2

    "{i}[totaldays] Days have passed...{/i}"
    "I wake up to sunlight pouring in through the window."
    "What should I do today?"
    jump happyloop1

label day103:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


label saturdaymorning:

    if totaldays > 24:
        $ everyday = True
        $ clichebath = True
        $ amiawake = True
        $ firstclass = True
        $ sleepover = True
        $ day5 = True
        $ day7 = True
        $ day8 = True
        $ day12 = True
        $ day14 = True
        $ day16 = True
        $ day20 = True
        $ day21 = True
        $ day24 = True

    if cafe20 == True:
        $ harukanumber = True
    if bar10 == True:
        $ saranumber = True
    if halloween11 == True:
        $ makoto_virgin = False
    if ayanedorm10 == True:
        $ ayanenew1 = True
        $ ayanenew2 = True
        $ ayanenew3 = True
    if pornshop15 == True:
        $ makotonew1 = True
        $ makotonew2 = True
        $ makotonew3 = True
    if futabadorm15 == True:
        $ futabanew1 = True
        $ futabanew2 = True
        $ futabanew3 = True
    if amidorm10 == True:
        $ aminew1 = True
        $ aminew2 = True

    if totaldays > 21 and roomwithclocks == False:
        $ roomwithtrack = True

    $ v11check()

    if ((totaldays >= 220) and (day220 == False) and (chap1point >= 90) and (happypoint >= 10 or (happypoint + happymiss == 10)) and (chikapoint >= 13) and
        (yumipoint >= 12) and (ayanepoint >= 18 or (ayanepoint + ayanemiss == 18)) and (sanapoint >= 14) and (makotopoint >= 16) and (mikupoint >= 13) and
        (rinpoint >= 16 or (rinpoint + rinmiss == 16)) and (futabapoint >= 19 or (futabapoint + futabamiss == 19)) and (amipoint >= 14 or (amipoint + amimiss == 16)) and
        (mayapoint >= 12) and (mollypoint >= 6) and (tsuneyopoint >= 6) and (sarapoint >= 5 or (sarapoint + saramiss == 5)) and
        (harukapoint >= 6 or (harukapoint + harukamiss == 6)) and (karinpoint >= 3) and (kirinpoint >= 3) and (kaoripoint >= 3) and (makipoint >= 2) and (chinamipoint >= 2) and (day == 6)):
            jump day220
    if day == 6 and totaldays >= 370 and day355 == True and karindate20 == True and chinamidate20 == True and utadorm20 == True and sanadorm50 == True and osakodojo1 == True and kirindate25 == True and secondbeach1 == False:
        jump secondbeach1
    if totaldays >= 464 and christmastwo20 == True and day == 6 and mayafestival1 == False:
        jump mayafestival1
    if utamaid25p2 == True and day == 6 and iodorm25 == True and iospecial30 == False:
        jump iospecial30

    scene bedroom_day
    with dissolve2

    "{i}[totaldays] Days have passed...{/i}"

    if totaldays >= 24 and day24 == False:
        jump day24
    if totaldays >= 60 and day56 == True and aminew1 == True and aminew2 == False:
        jump aminew2
    if totaldays >= 80 and day72 == True and day80 == False:
        jump day80
    if totaldays >= 102 and day == 7 and day96 == True and mayadorm15 == True and letterttrack == True and howifeeltrack == True and day102 == False:
        jump day102