This is generated automatically through code analysis and may include mistakes. For the interactive version of this tool, which looks at your latest savegame to hint the next see the walkthrough tool here.
Days since the start of the game greater than or equal to 114
Event Reset (Main) is completed)
Event Scouting Mission (Sana) is completed)
Human Trafficking for more details.
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
label day114:
scene residential
with dissolve
play music "justbehappy.mp3" fadein 4.0
s "So hot..."
s "Dying..."
s "Need...water..."
"Hey there."
"If you couldn’t tell, it’s excruciatingly hot today."
"So much so that halfway through wandering around Kumon-mi looking for something to do, I’m already prepared to call it quits. "
"Seriously, though, what gives?"
"You’d think after resetting the world, Maya would have at least made it so the temperature isn’t threatening to melt my insides every day."
"She mentioned being able to change things but...maybe something like the weather is out of her control?"
"Who even knows? Maybe she just likes the heat."
"I come to a stop in front of a corner-store in the residential area next to the one Ami and I live in."
"I don’t typically come over to this part of town, likely due to the fact that there isn’t really anything here- but I figured I might as well try something different today."
"Plus, this also seems like a great chance to run into a side character."
"I wonder which one it will be this time?"
scene black
with dissolve
scene pizzakaori1
with dissolve
"Oh, look. It’s Kaori."
"And she’s scowling at a pizza."
"That seems about right."
k "Tch-!"
k "This hot, circular cheese-and-tomato wheel is causing me anguish."
k "I have only eaten one out of eight triangles and I am already in pain."
k "Am I...allergic to shapes? Is that what is happening?"
s "Hey, Kaori. Having some trouble there?"
scene pizzakaori2
with dissolve
k "Hamburger Man?! What are you doing here?!"
k "And why are you without a [young_girl]?!"
s "I’m not...always with a [young_girl], Kaori."
scene pizzakaori3
with dissolve
k "You’re not?"
s "I’m not."
if bonus == True:
k "But you are almost always with a different small human."
s "And when I am, it's only to help them prepare for the workforce after exiting college."
k "I was beginning to think you were part of a...umm...what’s the word-"
k "Human trafficking ring?"
s "Human trafficking? Is that really the line of work you think I’m in?"
k "Yes. None of the girls who have appeared beside you were ever seen again."
k "How much money does a human female go for, Hamburger Man?"
s "I’m a teacher, Kaori. That explains why I’m always with [younger_girls]."
if bonus == True:
"Well, kind of doesn’t. But I doubt someone like her would understand that."
scene pizzakaori4
with dissolve
k "…"
k "I smell deceit."
s "Deception doesn’t have a scent, Kaori. It’s probably just the pizza."
scene pizzakaori5
with dissolve
k "Yes! Pizza! {i}That{/i} is the proper name for the cheese wheel! Thank you, Hamburger Man!"
k "I am now slightly closer to believing you are an actual teacher!"
"I take a seat at the table opposite Kaori and put my elbows down on it, resting my chin in my hands."
scene pizzakaori6
with dissolve
k "Why are you sitting with me?"
k "I did not give you permission to sit here."
k "If you have come for the human-pizza, I am not willing to share."
s "Okay well, first off, please don’t call it a human pizza. That makes it sound like something completely different."
k "Heard."
s "Secondly, I’m not going to take anything from you unless you offer it."
k "You aren’t?"
s "Correct."
scene pizzakaori7
with dissolve
k "Hm..."
"A look of distrust spreads across Kaori’s face as she attempts to decipher human conversation and the connotations that come along with it."
k "I have a hard time following your reasoning, Hamburger Man."
k "You always seem to want food whenever I see you, and this time, you suddenly do not."
s "Of course I always want food when I see you. You work in like nine different restaurants."
scene pizzakaori8
with dissolve
k "Is that not normal? "
s "Of course it’s not normal. Most people only work in like one or two at a time."
k "But then...what do they do with all of their free time?"
s "Uhh...I don’t know. Don’t you have any hobbies?"
k "…"
s "…"
k "I am unfamiliar with this word. “Hobby.”"
k "What does that mean? It sounds fake. Is that a fake word?"
s "A hobby is something you like to do."
if cafe25 == True:
if bonus == True:
s "You know, kind of like how you like taking pictures of yourself in your underwear and posting them online."
"I still haven’t seen those, now that I think about it..."
scene pizzakaori9
with dissolve
k "Why do you bring up the instant gram again?!"
k "I was unaware people could view those photos and have since deleted the account!"
k "My underwear is now safely stored in the private confines of my own logical telephone!"
s "Smartphone, Kaori. Smartphone. "
k "Logical telephone!"
s "Also, why do you need those pictures anyway?"
k "That does not matter! Please progress the conversation to the next stage! My face feels hotter than normal!"
s "You know, like playing shuffleboard or Canasta."
k "I am unfamiliar with these ancient human games!"
s "Do you have anything like that, Kaori?"
scene pizzakaori7
with dissolve
k "Something I like to do..."
s "Or maybe something you’re just particularly interested in?"
k "Hmm..."
scene pizzakaori9
with dissolve
k "Furry things!"
s "I’m sorry?"
k "Furry things! Soft things! The ones that make cute noises like “woof” or “purr!”"
s "So, you like animals?"
k "Yes! Are animals a hobby?"
s "Well, uhh, animals {i}themselves{/i} aren’t a hobby...but I guess stuff related to animals can be? "
k "Then yes! This is what Kaori likes!"
s "Well, either way, I think you should try spending less time at work and more time doing fun stuff."
s "Life gets boring pretty quickly if all you do is work."
scene pizzakaori8
with dissolve
k "Are you also a hard worker, Hamburger Man?"
s "I’m..."
"I show up every day."
"Does that count?"
s "I guess you could say that."
k "I am impressed. I didn’t realize human trafficking required so much effort."
s "Again, I’m a teacher. Not a human trafficker."
k "Apologies. You are the first “teacher” I have come into contact with in many years. My knowledge of them is wearing out."
s "Many years? How old are you, Kaori?"
k "I am roughly 154 in dog-years."
s "Human years, please."
k "Apologies. I am 22 in human-years."
if bonus == True:
s "And you’re not in college or anything?"
s "Why aren't you in college, then? I understand that you are already working, but there could be so much more out there for you."
k "What is a “college?”"
s "It’s like high school but for adults."
k "I see."
k "What is a “high school?”"
s "It’s-"
s "Wait, you didn’t go to high school?"
k "Would that be something I remembered if I did?"
s "Uhh, yeah. Kind of."
k "I see."
k "Then no."
k "No high school."
s "Then...what the hell were you doing during your teenage years?"
k "…"
k "I think I went to the “movies” once."
s "…"
"I swear, this girl gets even more confusing every time I talk to her."
s "So, let me get this straight-"
s "You didn’t go to high school..."
k "Correct."
if bonus == True:
s "You didn’t go to college..."
s "You aren't going to college..."
k "Correct."
s "But you did go to the movies once."
k "I think so, yes."
s "How are you landing all of these jobs? "
scene pizzakaori10
with dissolve
k "Restaurants do not require formal education and typically accept any help they can get."
k "So I have done nothing but that for as long as I can remember."
s "Well, I’ll concede that you’re a pretty good waitress but-"
scene pizzakaori4
with dissolve
k "I am the {i}best{/i} waitress."
s "Right, you are the {i}best{/i} waitress, but...I just can’t imagine life being all that exciting if you don’t do anything other than that."
scene pizzakaori10
with dissolve
k "Do you have a suggestion for things to do instead? You seem to know a lot about human life."
s "Yeah, most humans do."
s "How about this, though-"
s "What if I took you around and kind of just, showed you stuff every once in a while?"
k "You would be my human-life coach?"
s "I mean, it would probably be easier to call me your friend, but sure."
k "How much does this service cost, Hamburger Man?"
s "It’"
scene pizzakaori2
with dissolve
k "You will teach me the proper way to live for no money at all?! Human traff- {i}teachers{/i} must make a lot of money!"
"We really don’t, unfortunately..."
s "Well, there is one thing you can give me..."
scene pizzakaori11
with dissolve
k "Ah-"
"Kaori pauses for a moment and...starts to blush?"
scene pizzakaori12
with dissolve
k "I...suppose {i}that{/i} sort of thing...might be possible..."
s "…"
k "…"
s "Kaori, what exactly do you think I’m going to ask you to do?"
scene pizzakaori11
with dissolve
k "You know exactly what you’re going to ask for, Hamburger Man."
k "I have not done it before but-"
s "I was just going to ask for your phone number..."
k "…"
s "…"
scene pizzakaori13
with dissolve
k "My face feels very hot all of a sudden."
k "I will give you my phone number if you can make it stop."
s "I..."
s "Sure, yeah. Whatever."
"Kaori writes her phone number down on a slip of receipt paper and hands it to me."
k "I still feel the heat."
s "It’ll go away soon. "
k "How soon?"
s "Soon."
k "How soon?"
s "Kaori, chill."
scene pizzakaori14
with dissolve
k "Oh, it’s gone."
k "Um..."
scene pizzakaori15
with dissolve
k "You can...have some of the cheese circle if you’d like."
s "…"
s "Thanks."
scene black
with dissolve
"Kaori and I sit at the table eating pizza for another few minutes before a small cat runs by."
"She immediately takes off down the alleyway to catch it."
"Sensing that she won’t be coming back any time soon, I wind up asking for a box to take the rest of the pizza home."
"I hope we have room in the fridge for this..."
"{i}Congratulations! You now have Kaori’s phone number.{/i}"
"{i}Use it to call her during your spare time to raise your affection with her!{/i}"
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ kaorinumber = True
$ day114 = True
stop music fadeout 5.0
jump endofweekday
label day120:
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
$ ayanenew1 = True
$ ayanenew2 = True
$ ayanenew3 = True
if pornshop15 == True:
$ makotonew1 = True
$ makotonew2 = True
$ makotonew3 = True
if futabadorm15 == True:
$ futabanew1 = True
$ futabanew2 = True
$ futabanew3 = True
if amidorm10 == True:
$ aminew1 = True
$ aminew2 = True
if totaldays > 21 and roomwithclocks == False:
$ roomwithtrack = True
$ v11check()
if totaldays >= 5 and day5 == False:
jump day5
if totaldays >= 7 and day7 == False:
jump day7
if totaldays >= 8 and day8 == False:
jump day8
if totaldays >= 12 and day12 == False:
jump day12
if totaldays >= 14 and day14 == False:
jump day14
if totaldays >= 16 and firsttimedojo == True and day16 == False:
jump day16
if totaldays >= 20 and day20 == False:
jump day20
if totaldays >= 21 and firsttimestreets and day21 == False:
jump day21
if totaldays >= 26 and day26 == False:
jump day26
if totaldays >= 28 and day28 == False:
jump day28
if totaldays >= 30 and cafesugar == True and day30 == False:
jump day30
if totaldays >= 33 and day33 == False:
jump day33
if totaldays >= 36 and day16 == True and bar5 == True and day36 == False:
jump day36
if totaldays >= 40 and day40 == False:
jump day40
if totaldays >= 43 and amisroom10 == True and day24 == True and aminew1 == False:
jump aminew1
if totaldays >= 44 and day38 == True and day44 == False:
jump day44
if totaldays >= 48 and day48 == False:
jump day48
if totaldays >= 50 and cafe15 == True and day50 == False:
jump day50
if totaldays >= 54 and day54 == False:
jump day54
if totaldays >= 55 and pornshop10 == True and makotonew1 == False:
jump makotonew1
if totaldays >= 56 and shrine5 == True and day56 == False:
jump day56
if totaldays >= 60 and ayanenew2 == True and ayanenew3 == False:
jump ayanenew3
if totaldays >= 63 and rindorm20 == True and day63 == False:
jump day63
if totaldays >= 64 and futabanew1 == True and day72 == True and futabanew2 == False:
jump futabanew2
if totaldays >= 65 and bar15 == True and cafe20 == True and day65 == False:
jump day65
if totaldays >= 68 and ayane_lust >= 5 and day68 == False:
jump day68
if totaldays >= 70 and bar10 == True and day70 == False:
jump day70
if totaldays >= 72 and day70 == True and day72 == False:
jump day72
if totaldays >= 77 and day77 == False:
jump day77
if totaldays >= 79 and day == 5 and chikadorm15 == True and day79 == False:
jump day79
if totaldays >= 83 and mikudorm10 == True and day83 == False:
jump day83
if totaldays >= 85 and streets10 == True and day85 == False:
jump day85
if totaldays >= 86 and futaba_lust >= 5 and day == 5 and day86 == False:
jump day86
if totaldays >= 89 and day65 == True and day89 == False:
jump day89
if totaldays >= 91 and day63 == True and day65 == True and day91 == False:
jump day91
if totaldays >= 96 and day == 1 and shrine15 == True and ayanenew1 == True and day96 == False:
jump day96
if totaldays >= 98 and ami_lust >= 5 and day98 == False:
jump day98
if totaldays >= 103 and day102 == True and day103 == False:
jump day103
if totaldays >= 110 and day103 == True and day110 == False:
jump day110
if totaldays >= 114 and day103 == True and bar20 == True and day114 == False:
jump day114