
Size Matters (Main)

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Event preconditions

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Event properties

Official wiki page

Size Matters for more details.

Event code

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


label day142:
    scene dayonefourtwo1
    with dissolve
    play music "sweetvermouth.mp3"

    "It’s another day in class and...everyone is actually looking at me for some reason."
    "In fact, Ayane isn’t even holding anything weird. "
    "Is this what being a normal teacher feels like?"
    "I don’t like it."

    s "Okay. What are you all up to?"
    s "Is this one of those class-pranks that students just decide to play on the teacher? There’s not anything weird in my desk is there?"

    scene dayonefourtwo2
    with dissolve

    mi "I’ll check your desk if you want me to, Sensei! I’m really good at finding stuff I’m not supposed to find!"
    s "That...what? What does that even mean?"
    mak "That’s Miku’s way of telling you that everything is normal, Sensei. We’ve all just decided to pay extra attention to you today."
    s "Yes, I see that. But why?"
    s "Is this something Molly did? You guys never acted this way before she was here."

    scene dayonefourtwo3
    with dissolve

    mo "Woah, hold your horses. I haven’t even said anything today!"
    s "Yes, which is suspicious on its own given how much you had to say on your first day."

    scene dayonefourtwo4
    with dissolve

    mo "That’s exactly why I’ve been so calm. You told me it was cool to go over the top but I’m pretty sure I went over the top of the top."
    s "Wouldn’t the top of the top be the-"
    s "Actually, never mind. I don’t know what you’re all up to, but I don’t like it."

    scene dayonefourtwo5
    with dissolve

    ay "Sensei."
    s "What, Ayane?"
    ay "How big is it?"
    s "…"
    ay "…"
    s "What?"
    ay "How big is it? We all want to know."
    s "…"

    if bonus == True:
        "But...she knows exactly how big it is..."

    scene dayonefourtwo6
    with dissolve

    c "I’d also like to know, Sensei! I need to plan accordingly."

    if bonus == True:
        if day139 == True:
            "And she knows as well..."
            "Even Chika? What the fuck is going on here?"

    s "Is this something we’re really going to have a group discussion about?"

    scene dayonefourtwo7
    with dissolve

    a "Well, if we’re all going to be in on it, shouldn’t you at least let everybody know?"

    if bonus == True:
        "And now I’m even being betrayed by my [niece]."

    mo "I’m not gonna lie, I’m normally pretty confident under most circumstances, but..."
    mo "It’ll be my first time doing something like this, so I’d at least feel a little more comfortable knowing how big it is beforehand."

    scene dayonefourtwo8
    with dissolve

    f "Umm..."
    f "I know...how big it is..."
    s "Even you?!"
    f "Well...I’ve seen it before so..."

    if bonus == True:
        s "Okay, Futaba. I’m going to need you to stay quiet for a minute."
        s "I understand that some of you may have...seen or experienced things that you probably shouldn’t have, but I want you to know that-"
        s "What the fuck are any of you maniacs talking about? This is giving me anxiety."

    scene dayonefourtwo9
    with dissolve

    m "They’re not talking about what you think they’re talking about."

    if bonus == True:
        s "…"

    scene dayonefourtwo10
    with dissolve

    a "Wait, how do you know what he’s thinking?"
    s "Then what the fuck is everyone talking about?"

    scene dayonefourtwo11
    with dissolve

    mak "Sensei..."
    mo "Woah! We get to curse in here?!"
    mak "We’re not supposed to..."

    scene dayonefourtwo12
    with dissolve

    mo "Fuck yeah."
    s "Hey, not you. Only I’m allowed to do that."
    mo "Sir, yes sir!"

    scene dayonefourtwo13
    with dissolve

    r "Hey, can you just tell us how big it is already? Even I’m starting to get curious and I don’t even normally like that type of thing."
    s "Okay, I don’t know how all of you are managing to be so vague and so suggestive at the same time, but can someone please clarify what you’re asking for the size of?"

    scene dayonefourtwo14
    with dissolve

    a "Oh. They’re talking about the place we’ll be staying when we all go to the beach."
    a "I told everybody about it over the[school] message-board."
    s "Okay, I have a few questions."
    s "First...We have a[school] message board?"
    a "Yeah, why?"
    s "Second, why are you actually communicating through it? Aren’t those sorts of things boring to [teenager]s?"
    a "I guess a little bit. But for organizing group stuff it’s a lot easier than just texting everyone."
    s "Last question, isn’t it bad talking about a vacation your teacher is taking you on through a site that the rest of the staff can see?"
    s "Makoto? Can you back me up on this? That’s a bad idea, right?"

    scene dayonefourtwo15
    with dissolve

    mak "Hmm...I suppose that could be easily misconstrued, yes. Ami was surprisingly smart about it, though. So I don’t think it will be an issue."
    s "Smart? Ami? Are you sure?"

    scene dayonefourtwo16
    with dissolve

    a "Hey!"

    scene dayonefourtwo17
    with dissolve

    mak "Yes, I was surprised as well."
    a "Why does everyone think I’m dumb?! I’m smart!"
    s "Well then, Ami...How exactly did you manage to tell everyone about a trip to the beach without making me sound like a suspicious individual?"

    scene dayonefourtwo18
    with dissolve

    a "Code language. Instead of saying beach trip, I said ‘educational field trip.’"

    "Oh. Well, I guess that is at least mildly smart. I’m surprised everyone else was able to catch on so easily, though."
    "But, then again, I’m sure that by now, they wouldn’t ever expect me to take them on a trip with any amount of educational value, so it’s all starting to make sense."

    a "So yeah, just tell everybody how big the place is gonna be and-"
    s "Ami, I haven’t even booked the place yet. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to find one."

    scene dayonefourtwo19
    with dissolve

    f "Well...um...we’re talking about the beach in Kumon-mi, right?"
    s "I mean, I guess so. I haven’t actually laid out any concrete plans yet."
    f "Well, if you {i}do{/i} decide on that as where you want to bring us...I’ve been to the inn there with family before."
    f "It’s not very large, but I think we should be able to fit everyone in two or three rooms."
    f "Some of us will likely have to sleep on the ground, but...I think it can work."

    scene dayonefourtwo20
    with dissolve

    c "I don’t mind sleeping on the ground! I can sleep anywhere as long as I have a pillow."

    scene dayonefourtwo21
    with hpunch

    s "I’m sure it is, Rin."
    m "I refuse to sleep on the ground. I’ll sleep in the bed with Ami and Ayane."
    m "Sensei can sleep on the bus."

    scene dayonefourtwo22
    with dissolve

    ay "{i}MY{/i} Sensei? Sleeping on a {i}bus{/i}? Are you out of your mind?"
    ay "He’s going to sleep in the bed with me. {i}You{/i} can sleep on the bus."
    m "If he’s actually going to be sleeping in the bed with you then yes, I will sleep on the bus."
    s "You’re all still getting a little ahead of yourselves. It will probably be a while before I can even book anything."

    scene dayonefourtwo23
    with dissolve

    mak "Would you like me to handle that for you, Sensei? I’m already doing pretty much everything else, so one more thing won’t bother me."
    s "I mean, if you’re okay with it, sure."

    scene dayonefourtwo24
    with dissolve

    mak "Hehe...It’s kind of like I’m becoming your secretary too~"

    scene dayonefourtwo25
    with dissolve

    mo "Pardon my interjection, Master, but we Irish folk don’t typically handle the sun all too well."
    mo "Would you be willing to find the time in your busy schedule to nurse me back to health should I happen to fall ill?"
    s "Just wear sunscreen, Molly."
    mo "But I don’t have any sunscreen."
    s "Then go buy some."
    mo "But I don’t have any money."
    s "Then bring a parasol or something."

    scene dayonefourtwo26
    with dissolve

    mo "I will bring two in order to compensate for how weak and sensitive my European skin is."
    s "Sounds great."
    s "So, can we go back to normal now that I’ve been forced into confirming that I’ll take you all to the beach?"

    scene dayonefourtwo27
    with dissolve

    r "Oh, actually, do you mind if I come talk to you for a second, Sensei?"
    r "There’s something I want to...run by you if that’s okay."
    s "Huh? Yeah. That’s fine."

    scene black
    with dissolve

    "Rin shyly walks over to my desk and brings her voice to a near-whisper."

    r "Do you...mind if we actually talk in the hall?"

    play sound "slidedoor.mp3"

    scene dayonefourtwo28
    with dissolve

    r "Sorry for calling you out here in the middle of class like that. You don't think it seemed weird, do you?"
    s "Weird? Not really. Maybe a little unusual, but I doubt anyone really thought anything of it."
    r "R-Right..."
    r "Well, umm..."

    scene dayonefourtwo29
    with dissolve

    r "I’m...not really great when it comes to spending the night anywhere other than my dorm."
    s "Do you mind if I ask why?"

    scene dayonefourtwo30
    with dissolve

    r "That’s exactly why I called you out here."
    r "So like, you know how I’m supposed to take medication and stuff to keep me from getting all blaaaaah or whatever?"
    s "Of course."

    "To be fair, it’s kind of hard to forget after I saw her in that delirious state a while back."

    r "Well, being somewhere I’m not used to normally freaks me out a bit. I think it’s an anxiety thing."
    r "And it’s not like I’m gonna bail on the trip or anything like that. I think it sounds fun."
    r "But if I start acting all...you know...weird..."

    scene dayonefourtwo31
    with dissolve

    r "Would you mind...maybe trying to calm me down a bit?"
    s "Absolutely. How would I do that, though? You weren’t really that...consolable the last time I saw you in poor condition."

    scene dayonefourtwo32
    with dissolve

    r "I don’t know, man. Just...sit with me and pat my head or something. Preferably away from everyone else."
    s "Even Chika?"
    r "Definitely Chika. Chika more than anyone. I can’t have her knowing I can get all weird like that."
    r "I’d never have a chance if she knew that side of me."

    if chikadorm20 == True:
        s "That’s not true. Chika’s one of the most caring people I know. She’d never think less of you over something like that."

        "Rin stays quiet for a moment. I notice her fingers beginning to pluck at loose threads on her sweater before she locks her eyes with mine again."

        scene dayonefourtwo33
        with dissolve

        r "Sounds like...you’re getting to know her pretty well, huh?..."
        s "…"

        s "Do you really think she’s the type of person to just cut ties with you after finding out something like that?"
        r "Well, no...But that doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with her knowing."
        s "…"

    scene dayonefourtwo34
    with dissolve

    r "Um, anyway! We should probably be getting back to class, right? People might think it’s serious if we’re out here for any longer."
    s "This...is kind of serious, though. Right?"

    scene dayonefourtwo35
    with dissolve

    r "What? No! No way! Just a little heads up in case I get a little panicky. It’s nothing worth losing sleep over."
    r "I just...wanted you to know. That’s all."

    scene black
    with dissolve2
    play sound "slidedoor.mp3"

    "Rin and I walk back into class and she immediately retreats to her desk as if none of this ever happened."
    "The rest of the[school] day carries on normally."
    "Now I have to figure out how I’m going to handle going on a mini-vacation with an entire class of [high_school] girls."

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ rin_love += 1
    $ day142 = True
    stop music fadeout 5.0

    "{i}Rin’s affection has increased to [rin_love]!{/i}"

    jump afterschoolevent

label day144:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


$ roomwithtrack = True

    $ v11check()

    if totaldays >= 5 and day5 == False:
        jump day5
    if totaldays >= 7 and day7 == False:
        jump day7
    if totaldays >= 8 and day8 == False:
        jump day8
    if totaldays >= 12 and day12 == False:
        jump day12
    if totaldays >= 14 and day14 == False:
        jump day14
    if totaldays >= 16 and firsttimedojo == True and day16 == False:
        jump day16
    if totaldays >= 20 and day20 == False:
        jump day20
    if totaldays >= 21 and firsttimestreets and day21 == False:
        jump day21
    if totaldays >= 26 and day26 == False:
        jump day26
    if totaldays >= 28 and day28 == False:
        jump day28
    if totaldays >= 30 and cafesugar == True and day30 == False:
        jump day30
    if totaldays >= 33 and day33 == False:
        jump day33
    if totaldays >= 36 and day16 == True and bar5 == True and day36 == False:
        jump day36
    if totaldays >= 40 and day40 == False:
        jump day40
    if totaldays >= 43 and amisroom10 == True and day24 == True and aminew1 == False:
        jump aminew1
    if totaldays >= 44 and day38 == True and day44 == False:
        jump day44
    if totaldays >= 48 and day48 == False:
        jump day48
    if totaldays >= 50 and cafe15 == True and day50 == False:
        jump day50
    if totaldays >= 54 and day54 == False:
        jump day54
    if totaldays >= 55 and pornshop10 == True and makotonew1 == False:
        jump makotonew1
    if totaldays >= 56 and shrine5 == True and day56 == False:
        jump day56
    if totaldays >= 60 and ayanenew2 == True and ayanenew3 == False:
        jump ayanenew3
    if totaldays >= 63 and rindorm20 == True and day63 == False:
        jump day63
    if totaldays >= 64 and futabanew1 == True and day72 == True and futabanew2 == False:
        jump futabanew2
    if totaldays >= 65 and bar15 == True and cafe20 == True and day65 == False:
        jump day65
    if totaldays >= 68 and ayane_lust >= 5 and day68 == False:
        jump day68
    if totaldays >= 70 and bar10 == True and day70 == False:
        jump day70
    if totaldays >= 72 and day70 == True and day72 == False:
        jump day72
    if totaldays >= 77 and day77 == False:
        jump day77
    if totaldays >= 79 and day == 5 and chikadorm15 == True and day79 == False:
        jump day79
    if totaldays >= 83 and mikudorm10 == True and day83 == False:
        jump day83
    if totaldays >= 85 and streets10 == True and day85 == False:
        jump day85
    if totaldays >= 86 and futaba_lust >= 5 and day == 5 and day86 == False:
        jump day86
    if totaldays >= 89 and day65 == True and day89 == False:
        jump day89
    if totaldays >= 91 and day63 == True and day65 == True and day91 == False:
        jump day91
    if totaldays >= 96 and day == 1 and shrine15 == True and ayanenew1 == True and day96 == False:
        jump day96
    if totaldays >= 98 and ami_lust >= 5 and day98 == False:
        jump day98
    if totaldays >= 103 and day102 == True and day103 == False:
        jump day103
    if totaldays >= 110 and day103 == True and day110 == False:
        jump day110
    if totaldays >= 114 and day103 == True and bar20 == True and day114 == False:
        jump day114
    if totaldays >= 120 and day103 == True and day91 == True and day120 == False:
        jump day120
    if totaldays >= 121 and day85 == True and day103 == True and day121 == False:
        jump day121
    if totaldays >= 126 and day103 == True and streets15 == True and chikadorm15 == True and day126 == False:
        jump day126
    if totaldays >= 128 and day103 == True and day126 == True and day == 5 and day128 == False:
        jump day128
    if totaldays >= 138 and day103 == True and day130 == True and day85 == True and day138 == False:
        jump day138
    if totaldays >= 139 and chika_lust >= 5 and chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chikadetention == True and day139 == False or chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chika_lust >= 10 and day139 == False:
        jump day139
    if totaldays >= 140 and day138 == True and day140 == False:
        jump day140
    if totaldays >= 142 and amidorm15 == True and day140 == True and day142 == False:
        jump day142