
Where Wishes Come True (Uta)

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Official wiki page

Where Wishes Come True for more details.

Event code

File: (install folder)\game\UtaEvents.rpy


label utamaid25p1:
    scene utabeforerain1
    with dissolve2
    play music "love.mp3"

    u "Guhhhhhhhhh..."
    u "Why does being cute have to be so exhausting, Master? All of this adorableness is giving me a headache."
    s "As much as I appreciate still being called “Master” after the cafe has closed, I feel like I should remind you that you’re not really {i}obligated{/i} to say that anymore."
    u "Right, sorry. It’s hard to get out of character while I’m still wearing the outfit- even if I’ve already started taking it apart."
    s "Feel free to continue taking it apart if that helps you relax. No sense in removing the sleeves if you’re going to keep the top on, right?"

    scene utabeforerain2
    with dissolve

    u "Even {i}if{/i} I took the rest off, it’s not like I’ve got the energy to get freaky right now. Being with Uta-chan in this state would be no better than being with some kinda puppet or...a sock."
    s "I don’t think I’ve ever been this attracted to a sock before."

    scene utabeforerain3
    with dissolve

    u "Yeah, yeah. Save it for the Uta-chan who’s in the mood to flirt back. Right now, I just wanna fall into bed and die."

    "I wound up overstaying my welcome at the maid cafe long enough to watch Uta slowly shed her professional persona and begin transitioning into a state I rarely see from her."
    "But given just how much money I spent here tonight, I feel like I should at least be {i}offered{/i} some sort of additional service at this point."
    "Unfortunately, I have accepted by now that those sorts of services are not offered here. Nor do I believe Uta would be cheap by any stretch of the imagination if they were."
    "And I am not about to sell my house for a single blowjob from my niece’s coworker."

    scene utabeforerain4
    with dissolve

    u "Master...if you carry me back to the dorm...I’ll let you do whatever you want with me..."


    s "Deal."

    scene utabeforerain5
    with dissolve

    u "So easy. And literally right after I told you I wasn’t in the mood to flirt anymore. You’ve got a serious problem. "
    s "Stop reminding me. I was just contemplating the idea of selling my house to see what else I could get tonight."

    scene utabeforerain6
    with dissolve

    u "Oh?"
    s "Yeah. I’d tell you more, but you’ve already reiterated the fact that your fun, suggestive banter is a no-go for the rest of the night. "
    u "Well, that was before there was a whole house involved. I might go an extra mile or two for a permanent place to live. "
    s "I’d expect you to go at least ten miles for something of that size."

    scene utabeforerain7
    with dissolve

    u "Size doesn’t matter, Master. Stop trying to overcompensate. I’d still love you no matter what size your {i}house{/i} is."
    s "Oh, if you only knew..."

    scene utabeforerain8
    with dissolve

    u "So...what are you still doing here anyway? Was me telling you that we’re about to close a kadrillion times not enough to give you the hint?"
    s "It was. I just couldn’t stand the thought of being away from you for even a second."
    u "No wonder I’m feeling so exhausted. Being excessively loved really takes it out of a girl, you know?"
    s "I will love you so hard that you’ll go into a coma for the next ten years."

    scene utabeforerain9
    with dissolve

    u "It’s crazy how busy it was tonight, huh?"
    s "Don’t just ignore my amazing pick-up lines."
    u "Master, you should know by now that no pick-up line will ever work on Uta-chan. Especially not any lines about putting her into a coma."
    s "Not even if that coma is a direct result of being aggressively and viciously loved?"
    u "You can’t be aggressive and vicious with girls like me until at least the fourth time, Master. I’ve gotta get warmed up first. "
    s "How much more money do I have to spend until I can start warming you up?"

    scene utabeforerain10
    with dissolve

    u "How much ya got?"

    "I drop my wallet onto the table, showing Uta that she has, once again, sucked me dry in the least interesting way possible."

    u "Rough. And here I was about to go the extra...what was it- {i}ten{/i} miles, for just a little bit more."
    s "I’d ask you to start logging all of my purchases but I worry about what Ami would do if she ever found out the number."

    scene utabeforerain9
    with dissolve

    u "Doin’ something like that would just be extra work anyway. And as you can see, maid cafe stuff can be crazy exhausting when business picks up."
    u "I think summer’s gonna be good for us at this rate. And I’m not just saying that because you are singlehandedly financing my college education fund."
    s "I didn’t even realize you were planning on going to college."
    u "I might. I haven’t really decided yet. "
    u "That is if I can actually get into one, though. As you may have noticed from my transcript, the whole “learning” thing doesn’t really work well for me."
    s "Are you implying that I actually would have gone through the effort to look at your transcript?"
    u "Right, right. We can’t all be hard workers. Can we, Master?"
    s "We certainly can not. But when you think about it, you {i}are{/i} getting a decent chunk of my income. So it’s not like your hard work isn’t exactly rewarded."

    scene utabeforerain7
    with dissolve

    u "The duties of the world’s greatest maid never cease."
    s "I don’t know. You seem pretty checked out to me."
    u "And yet I’ve still called you “Master” throughout this entire conversation. Uta-chan truly is amazing, isn’t she?"
    s "She’d be more amazing if she didn’t treat me the same way she treats all of the other customers when I am clearly the highest bidder for her love."

    scene utabeforerain6
    with dissolve

    u "You say that as if I wasn’t planning to reward you tonight~"
    s "You’re {i}not{/i} planning to reward me tonight. That’s just your second wind kicking in as you remind yourself that your sole purpose on this planet is to lead me on."
    u "That’s my {i}second{/i} purpose. My {i}first{/i} purpose is making you smile."
    u "Which is precisely why..."
    s "..."
    u "Tonight...and tonight only..."
    s "..."
    u "I’m going to close up this store...and take you into the back..."
    s "..."
    u "Make sure we’re all alone...where no one will ever find us..."
    s "..."

    scene utabeforerain11
    with dissolve

    u "And give you an all-inclusive, behind the scenes tour of the secret world of maids!"
    s "Wow, exactly what I wanted."

    scene utabeforerain6
    with dissolve

    u "It might not be the inside of my dress, but at least it’s something my parents would approve of! And I know just how much that means to you, Master."
    s "Yeah. I guess if you’re ever going to actually give me your hand in marriage, winning them over is going to be kind of necessary."

    scene utabeforerain12
    with dissolve

    u "Hah...hahah...yeah. "
    u "Yeah that would, uhh..."

    scene utabeforerain13
    with dissolve

    u "Uhh...anyway! I guess now’s as good a time as any to start this tour thingy, right? Still got a whole store to clean up and...and then I’ve gotta get back to the dorm, so..."
    u "I guess...follow me? "

    scene utabeforerain10
    with dissolve

    u "Oh, and don’t think that being alone in a private room gives you permission to get handsy, Master. "
    u "I have absorbed some of Osako-chan’s strength through sheer willpower, so you’d be in serious trouble if you actually tried anything."

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "Uta’s second wind turns into a tornado, ripping her from her place at the table and sending her crashing through a door in the side of the room."
    "I get caught up in it as well and follow her through an opening I imagine no man has ever moved through- into a place filled with wonder and mystery..."

    scene utabeforerain14
    with dissolve2

    "And that place is just a kitchen."

    u "Our first out of a whopping {i}two{/i} stops on this official, Uta-chan sanctioned tour of the maid cafe is the kitchen! Or, as I like to refer to it, the place where wishes come true! "
    s "I don’t think any of my maid-related wishes involve a kitchen."
    u "Yeah, because you’re a pervert. But there are plenty of people who are happy just receiving attention and food from us!"
    u "It isn’t weird to want to be cared for! And it isn’t weird to want to care {i}for{/i} people either!"

    scene utabeforerain15
    with dissolve

    u "Just look at me! I love what I do. I love making people happy. I just also love all of the money I can make {i}while{/i} doing that."
    u "So, if you ever decide to be a little less of a pervert and can come up with some kinda kitchen-related wish that doesn’t involve bending me over the rice cooker, just let me know!"
    s "What about the counter?"
    u "No wishes at all involving the defilement of Uta-chan’s purity."
    s "For someone so pure, you come across as annoyingly evil in the face of my perversions, you know."

    scene utabeforerain16
    with dissolve

    u "Oh? Well, luckily for you, our next stop is the perfect place to indulge in those perversions, Master. Or at least it would be if I weren’t accompanying you. "
    u "But, if you’d like some time alone to truly {i}indulge{/i} in what many others have only dreamt of, I suppose I might be able to step out for a little while."
    s "This sounds much better than a kitchen."
    u "Yes. It’s much more suited to the tastes of a creepazoid like you."

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "Once again, a gust comes and sweeps us away. "
    "The sweet scent of pastries vanishes along with the bright fluorescent light of the kitchen and is replaced by one much more stale and much more dim."

    scene utabeforerain17
    with dissolve2

    "A room full of lockers. Lockers which likely contain the clothes and personal belongings of the cafe’s entire (Albeit very limited) staff."
    "The important thing, however, is that this staff contains Uta. Which means that Uta routinely undresses in this very room."
    "Which means that I must now prevent myself from getting an erection and inadvertently disproving her earlier statement about overcompensation."
    "In other words, this is much better than the kitchen."

    u "Welcome to the locker room. Or, as I like to refer to it, the {i}other{/i} place where wishes come true."
    s "This is definitely much closer to what I would wish for. "

    scene utabeforerain18
    with dissolve

    u "Well, you sure as heck aren’t the only one. Because I’m pretty sure Osako-chan and Miss Watabe get it on in here at least once a week."
    s "You wouldn’t happen to be hiding any cameras in here by any chance, would you?"

    scene utabeforerain19
    with dissolve

    u "Nope! So if you were to go really crazy and take Uta-chan for yourself right now, nobody would ever know."
    s "That is...not something you should be saying to me."
    u "Why not? You were already thinking it, weren’t you?"
    s "That has nothing to do with whether or not that’s something that should be said out loud, though."

    scene utabeforerain20
    with dissolve

    u "Master, please. You’re making it sound as if I’m not already aware of how badly you want to watch me undress right now."
    s "This {i}would{/i} be the place to do that, after all."
    u "It {i}would{/i} be...under normal circumstances."
    s "And I’m assuming normal circumstances are when I’m not here?"
    u "Correct!"

    scene utabeforerain21
    with dissolve

    u "But also, I spilled soy sauce all over my street clothes earlier and I don’t want to change back into them now because it would be embarrassing."
    s "More embarrassing than being dressed as a mildly risque maid?"

    scene utabeforerain22
    with dissolve

    u "Is taking the sleeves off really all it takes to make this getup mildy risque? They’re just sleeves."
    s "You’d be very surprised at what even the mildest of wardrobe changes are able to accomplish."
    u "Boy brains are silly. You could take off your whole shirt right now and I probably wouldn’t even feel a thing."
    s "Want me to try?"

    scene utabeforerain23
    with dissolve

    u "I mean...this {i}would{/i} be the place to do it."

    scene utabeforerain24
    with dissolve

    u "But nope! "
    u "Wanna know what you {i}can{/i} do, though? "
    s "Help you take the rest of your costume off? Deal. Great end to the tour, Uta. So glad I didn’t have to {i}actually{/i} pay for this."
    u "Not quite! What I’d have you do is actually even better than that! "
    s "That isn’t going to be true, but tell me what it is anyway."

    scene utabeforerain25
    with dissolve

    u "Can you maybe walk me home?"
    u "Even if there aren’t many men around here, a journey through the dark in a maid outfit is {i}probably{/i} gonna attract some negative attention."
    s "Just wear the clothes you spilled stuff on. It’s not a big deal."

    scene utabeforerain26
    with dissolve

    u "But then people are going to think I’m a slob!"
    s "I don’t mean to offend you, but I have seen your room and that statement might not be as untrue as you think it is."
    u "You knowing is different than random people knowing! "
    s "Why?"
    u "Because...I said so! That’s why! "
    s "..."
    u "Are you gonna walk me home or not?!"
    s "Depends. Are you going to stay in character the whole time?"
    u "Do I...have to? Or can I maybe just be normal Uta who just happens to be cosplaying as Uta-chan?"
    s "You can be whichever one you are right now. The blushing is cute and I would like to see more of it."

    scene utabeforerain27
    with dissolve

    u "B-Blushing? But I’m not- wait, what the heck? Why is my face so hot?"
    s "Beats me. Maybe you’re just flustered because you’re holding yourself back from tackling me again?"

    scene utabeforerain28
    with dissolve

    u "For the last time, we fell! I didn’t tackle you!"

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    s "Right, right. The falling part is still a little hazy to me. All I really remember is how we almost kissed."
    u "We...did not! That never happened!"
    s "Are you going to stay in the locker room all night? Or am I going to walk you home now?"
    u "You can obviously walk me back to- wait. I still haven’t mopped. Or...really done anything to close the store yet."
    s "Just let whoever the opener is take care of it. I’m sure they won’t mind."
    u "Guh. You don’t know the first thing about this line of work, do you?"


    scene utabeforerain29
    with dissolve2

    u "Thanks for walking me home again, Sensei. I’d feel a little bad about getting you to do this all the time if you weren’t so obsessed with me."
    s "Are you sure you’re not the one who’s obsessed with {i}me?{/i}"
    u "If I’m so obsessed with you, how come I’m in the bottom ten of Uta-chan’s official harem ranking?"

    scene utabeforerain30
    with dissolve

    s "Probably because you won’t let yourself get any higher when you know you could."
    s "Or because you’re not {i}actually{/i} interested in me and are just overcome by curiosity and hormones."
    u "Wha..."
    u "What’s with that really {i}real{/i} answer all of a sudden? "
    u "Are we still joking around or, like...are we actually talking now? Cause I wasn’t ready for that mood swap. "
    s "Either one is fine. "
    s "It’s just a little exhausting having to deal with people who are always hiding things."
    u "You..."

    scene utabeforerain31
    with dissolve

    u "Hah..."
    u "This is exactly why Io likes you so much, Sensei. "
    s "Io likes me because I just happened to be there when she {i}wanted{/i} to like someone. That could end just as quickly as it started."
    u "That’s a good point, I guess. I don’t think it will, though. She’s pretty attached now."
    s "Are you attached as well?"
    u "To Io?"
    s "To me."

    scene utabeforerain32
    with dissolve

    u "..."
    s "..."
    u "Do..."
    u "Do you have any interest in visiting Nara one day, Sensei?"
    s "Is that you just dodging my question?"
    u "Does answering like that mean you’re dodging {i}mine?{/i}"
    s "Even if I was interested, it’s not like we can go anywhere. The city’s still closed off."
    u "But it won’t be that way forever, right? Especially now that we’re gettin’ like, actual news about the space war that I forgot was even a thing."
    s "Just hearing about who died and who didn’t isn’t exactly {i}news.{/i}"
    u "Then...in a perfect world, without any space war and without any barrier, would you ever want to see where I come from?"
    s "Would I be going with you? Or by myself?"
    u "Whatever...you’d prefer..."
    s "Then sure."
    s "It just sucks that probably won’t ever happen."
    u "Yeah..."
    u "Yeah, that does suck."
    u "I’d like to take you there one day. And not just on an official Uta-sanctioned tour. "
    u "Like...{i}actually{/i} take you."
    u "To show you what I grew up with."
    u "Because the more time I spend with you, the more I want you to, like...actually know stuff about me. "
    u "It just sucks because the only things I can think of telling you would make you like me less."
    s "..."
    u "..."

    "A silence spreads itself between us."

    scene utabeforerain33
    play sound "thunder.wav"
    stop music

    "It is promptly killed by something that disagrees with its existence."

    scene utabeforerain34
    with dissolve4
    play music "rainloop.wav" fadein 3.0

    u "Jeez! That scared the heck out of me."
    s "..."

    scene utabeforerain35
    with dissolve2

    u "And now it’s raining too?..."
    u "Since when does it ever rain around here?"
    s "..."

    scene utabeforerain36
    with dissolve2

    u "Well, we’re not just gonna stand around and wait for it to stop, are we?! I’m already low on wearable clothes and I’ve gotta work tomorrow!"
    s "I told you to wear the other outfit, but you were insistent on not looking like a slob for all of the...zero people we have passed on the way back."
    u "Scold me later! Keep me dry for now! You’re big! You can be my umbrella!"
    s "Let’s just find somewhere to go instead. That way we {i}both{/i} won't have to-"
    u "Whatever! Anything is fine! Just choose a building and get inside! Hurry! "

    scene black
    with dissolve2
    stop music fadeout 5.0

    "Uta pushes me toward the closest awning to try and shield us from the rain, but it’s to no avail as the wind rages on and ensures that we remain in peril."
    "It isn’t until we finally find a building that isn’t locked a good ten minutes later that we are finally safe..."

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ utamaid25p1 = True
    $ uta_love += 1

    "{i}Uta’s affection has increased to [uta_love]!{/i}"

    jump utamaid25p2

label utamaid25p2:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\UtaEvents.rpy


label utamaid:
    if uta_love >= 0 and day247 == True and utamaid1 == False:
        jump utamaid1
    if uta_love >= 5 and utamaid1 == True and day > 5 and utamaid5 == False:
        jump utamaid5
    if uta_love >= 10 and dormwar17 == True and utamaid10 == False:
        jump utamaid10
    if uta_love >= 20 and bathhouse20part2 == True and utadorm15 == True and utamaid20 == False:
        jump utamaid20
    if uta_love >= 25 and utaarchery1 == True and utamaid25p1 == False:
        jump utamaid25p1