
Backwards Dancing (Main)

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Part of event chain Word of the Day

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Official wiki page

Backwards Dancing for more details.

Event code

File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy


label thirdreset2:
    scene journeytothatoneplace1
    with dissolve2
    play music "backwardsdancing.mp3"

    "I begin my journey to that one place the same way I’ve begun at least three other journeys in my past."
    "The only difference is that the sun has gone into hiding for the time being and TV static has taken its place."
    "I gaze up at the sky and wonder how things would be if the cable company would show up and reorganize the coaxial cables or whatever it is that delivers moving pictures to the giant rectangle called “world.”"
    "Where are we again?"

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene journeytothatoneplace2 with flash
    stop sound

    "I fall through the map to confirm where I am, but only confirm that I know even less than I did about my surroundings ten minutes ago."
    "How come everything always has to be so confusing?"
    "How come everything I walk over has to collapse and send me descending into a realm beyond our imagination, filled with invisible hands and half eaten watermelons?"
    "Just bring me back to Kumon-mi."
    "I’m tired of being below it."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene journeytothatoneplace1 with flash
    stop sound

    "Something somewhere hears my wish and reconnects me to the world I am more familiar with."
    "My legs disagree with my mind’s desire to move forward, however, and start dragging me toward a bad place."

    s "Stop it, legs."
    s "I don’t want to go."
    ll "Stfu man. You always get to be the one who decides where we go and what we do. Let us take over for once."
    rl "70 75 74 20 6d 65 20 6f 75 74 20 6f 66 20 6d 79 20 6d 69 73 65 72 79"

    "Shortly after entering this world, I learned that my right leg was born with some sort of neurological deficiency and would only be able to communicate through numbers."
    "I’ve never been able to understand him as a result of this."

    ll "Anyway, we can’t go to the[school] yet."
    s "But I have to TEACH."
    ll "Bruh, Maya isn’t even there yet. We’ve gotta give her some time."
    s "How do you know that, left leg?"
    ll "You broke out mad quick this time, man. There’s no way she’d be there yet."
    s "I did?"
    ll "Yeah. You’re getting better and better at this shit yo."
    ll "Now, can you shut the fuck up for a minute and let me get back to my job?"
    s "What about Right Leg?"
    ll "Ayo FUCK Right Leg. You think I care about that numbers shit? Nah. We’re going to the old district."

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "I follow the order of my legs and surrender my well-being to their desires, as I am incapable of moving anywhere without their permission."
    "I find it best to give into the desires of my body and completely detach my sentience whenever I can."
    "It helps me avert the blame for all of the horrible things I consciously decide to do and-"

    ll "Aight, we’re here."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene journeytothatoneplace3 with flash
    stop sound

    s "When did it become night?"
    ll "When daytime ended, you fucking moron."
    s "Stop being so mean. I want to talk to Right Leg instead."
    ll "Omfg I can’t even with you anymore."

    "My left leg dislocates itself from my body and hops down the street as quickly as a single disembodied leg can."
    "I’m left to crawl around the old district in search of anyone I’m familiar with but, to the dismay of myself and Right Leg, I find absolutely nothing."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene smile with flash
    stop sound

    "/////////////////////////////COME CLOSER"
    "/////////////////////////////YOU KNOW WHERE YOU NEED TO GO"

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene journeytothatoneplace3 with flash
    stop sound

    "I’m assaulted by a migraine and immediately forget the last two lines of dialogue I {s}read{/s} experienced."
    "I look down and notice that my left leg had reattached itself within the time it took for my brain to signal to itself that it was in pain."
    "Which is actually pretty unsurprising given how short of a distance that message had to travel."

    ll "We have to leave."
    s "Already?"
    ll "Right now."
    ll "I saw some shit, man. We gotta get out of here."
    s "Have you learned your lesson or are you going to detach yourself from my body again?"
    ll "I’ve learned."
    ll "Please, get me out of here."
    s "Fine. But {i}I’m{/i} making the rules from now on."
    s "Stupid leg."

    scene sky
    with dissolve2

    "Daylight returns and winter becomes summer."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene wintersky with flash
    stop sound

    "It’s only momentary, though, as winter returns seconds later."
    "Maybe I’ll get really lucky and feel both of them at the same time soon enough."
    "Hot will become cold and cold will become hot and-"
    "Wait. I think that would just make the temperature moderate or something."
    "Isn’t every temperature temper{i}ate{/i}?"
    "I don’t know."

    scene black

    "I don’t know anything at all."
    "{i}Congratulations! You have advanced to the next line of the script!{/i}"
    "{i}Please remember to subscribe on SubscribeStar so Lessons in Love can become the new standard of religious education in public[school]s all across the US!{/i}"
    "{i}For more information, please contact your local library!{/i}"
    "{i}Approach the counter with tears in your eyes and say nothing but, “Help me.”{/i}"

    scene t with dissolve2

    "Praise be!"
    "Lay your hands upon the most sacred of bodies, whichever they may be in your eyes, and say “Good job!”"
    "Make your gods happy or they will make your life miserable!"
    "Everything revolves around them!"
    "Your existence will leave no impact on this world and, sooner or later, we’ll all just wind up flowing into one another anyway!"
    "Why not have a little fun on the way out?"

    scene journeytothatoneplace4
    with dissolve2

    "I show up to[school] and-"
    "Wrong game."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene journeytothatoneplace5
    with flash
    stop sound

    "I show up at[school] to find the hallway filled with boxes."
    "Would you like to open one?"

            "Too bad, lol."

    "I’m incapable of opening any of the boxes for reasons beyond my comprehension."
    "I decide to stand still instead, seeing as there is no feasible way for me to move past this barrier."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene journeytothatoneplace6 with flash
    stop sound

    a1 "We meet again!"
    a2 "We meet for the nth time!"

    "Two mysterious white figures with blank faces claim to know me, but I don’t know them at all."
    "They do a little dance and it’s actually kind of cute."
    "I dance along with them and uncover a skill I didn’t know I had."

    "{i}You have gained the ability [[Dance]!{/i}"
    "{i}Dance: (17 Hour Cooldown) Empower your allies with the willpower they need to make it through the day without contemplating how the world would change if they stopped existing.{/i}"

    if bonus == True:
        "{i}[[Dance] may also be used to prime players of the opposite sex for mating during mating season!{/i}"
        "{i}Please check the in-game calendar for upcoming special events like “Mating season” and “Buzzsaw fest!”{/i}"
        "{i}[[Dance] may also be used to KILL enemies of opposing factions when used from behind them!{/i}"
        "{i}Please check the in-game calendar for upcoming special events like “Dance party” and “Buzzsaw fest!”{/i}"

    a1 "His eyes glaze over!"
    a2 "He dances like a filet of fish!"
    a1 "Don’t you mean “fish out of water?”"
    a2 "No! A filet of fish!"
    a1 "Pan seared!"
    a2 "Steamed!"
    s "How do I roof?"
    a1 "He can’t even form proper sentences!"
    a2 "How pathetic!"
    a1 "{s}sssssssssssssssssssssssssss{/s}"
    a2 "{s}kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk{/s}"
    s "Can at least tell how box past get?"
    a1 "Sorry! But you are unable to go this way!"
    a2 "This wing of the[school] is currently reserved!"
    a1 "We’re making some renovations!"
    s "Then how progress game need hint."

    if persistent.lesson1 != True:
        show amihappyyay with pixellate

        a "You can’t!"
        s "Can’t progress game?"
        a "Nope!"
        a "You missed your chance to progress by not properly investigating before typing in the answers!"
        a "Did you look up a guide or something?"
        s "Brain so small and don’t want think =("
        a "That’s okay!"
        a "There are plenty of other games out there more suited to people like you."
        a "This world doesn’t want you anymore."
        s "Am lose?"
        a "It appears that way."
        a "It’s kind of sad, though."
        s "Why sad? Because lose?"
        a "It’s just a little depressing that Maya won’t get to see you make it to the roof this time."
        a "She had a little picnic planned out and everything."
        a "Oh well!"
        a "Guess she’s just doomed to a life of hopeful abstinence and you’re doomed to close the application and get back to your normal depressing life."
        s "I will leave bad review. That will teach lesson."
        a "I’m sure you will."
        a "Bye bye, Sensei!"
        s "Ami nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~"

        scene black
        with dissolve2
        $ renpy.pause(1, hard=True)
        scene theend with dissolve4
        $ renpy.pause(5, hard=True)
        scene black with dissolve2
        $ renpy.pause(3, hard=True)
        $ renpy.quit()

        a2 "He wants a hint!"
        a1 "A hint, you say???"
        a2 "A hint! A hint! A hint!"
        s "A hint! A hint! A hint!"

        "I begin to clap my hands along with the second figure."
        "The two of us dance in unison and develop a strong bond."

        "{i}Your affection with Angel 2 has increased to 1!{/i}"

        a1 "Fine, fine. You can have a hint."
        a1 "Your hint is..."
        a1 "Turn to your right!"

        play sound "static.mp3"
        scene journeytothatoneplace7 with flash
        stop sound

        s "Wow! So easy hint!"

        play sound "imscared.mp3"
        with flash

        "Some loud noise that keeps scaring the shit out of me happens again and the two figures behind me dissolve into the ground like teeth down the back of an unsuspecting throat."

        if bonus == True:
            "Or cum, because cum is funnier than melting teeth."
            "I take a few minutes to think about cum and get a boner."

        ngk "Hello."
        s "…"
        ngk "…"
        s "…"
        ngk "What?"
        s "Who the fuck are you?"
        ngk "I am the guardian of the top floor."
        s "I’m so fucking lost."
        ngk "Aren’t we all."
        s "What is there that even needs to be guarded up there?"
        ngk "Stuff."
        s "But the white things told me that this is where I had to go and you’ve never even been here before."
        ngk "I’m a new hire."
        s "Can I talk to your manager?"
        ngk "I’d really prefer you didn’t."
        s "I want to talk to your manager."
        ngk "I’m not looking for any trouble, man."
        ngk "Just tell me what it is you’re here to see and maybe we can work something out."
        s "I...don’t know."
        ngk "Gotta give me a little more than that, bud."
        s "No, I just..."
        s "I’m here for...something."
        ngk "Something...round? Shiny?"
        ngk "Maybe something like a Christmas ornament?"
        ngk "It is winter, after all."
        s "No...that’s not it..."
        s "I..."

        play sound "static.mp3"
        scene imissyou18 with flash
        scene journeytothatoneplace7 with flash
        stop sound

        s "A bird!"
        ngk "A bird?"

        play sound "static.mp3"
        scene imissyou19 with flash
        scene journeytothatoneplace7 with flash
        stop sound

        s "No! Not a bird!"
        s "Maya!"
        ngk "Hm..."
        ngk "I did see some girl go up there a little while ago."
        ngk "Walked right past me. Didn’t even say hello."
        ngk "The nerve of some people."
        s "Yes. She is who I’m here to meet. And she can be very rude."
        s "I’ll make sure she comes down and apologizes after we finish resetting the world together."
        ngk "Why reset the world?"
        ngk "Isn’t it kinda nice having everybody gone?"
        ngk "There’s no noise. Everything is free."
        ngk "It’s kinda like paradise."
        ngk "But...then again...I’m a net with a knife nose and a melon mouth, so I don’t really know much about paradise."
        s "Then...can I pass?"
        ngk "I don’t know. {i}Can{/i} you?"
        s "Are we really playing that game right now?"
        ngk "Nope. We’re playing Lessons in Love. A game created by Selebus for the express purpose of saving the world."
        ngk "None of this is actually happening and it’s just all one big simulation."
        s "What?"
        ngk "Oh, nothing."
        ngk "I’ve just been getting really into theorycrafting lately and I’m pretty sure I have everything figured out."
        ngk "Sure, the game’s come out and told me that’s not the case like six hundred times, but there are also all of these recurring themes about perception and-"
        ngk "You know what? Just join the Discord. I’ve got some notes I can share with you on there and you look pretty busy right now."
        s "I just want to go upstairs."
        ngk "What’s stopping you?"
        s "You are, aren’t you?"
        ngk "Dude, just walk past me. I have no legs. What would I even do?"
        s "I didn’t think of that."
        ngk "Well, you’re not really all there right now."
        ngk "Probably a side effect of slowly fading away or something."
        s "Fading away?"
        ngk "Yeah."
        ngk "Seems to me like you might be hanging on by a thread and fighting against whatever forces are trying to make {i}you{/i} disappear as well as everyone else you know."
        ngk "But hey, that’s just a theory."
        ngk "A {i}game{/i} theory."
        ngk "You may pass."
        s "Thank {s}God{/s} you."

        scene black
        with dissolve2

        "Left leg and right leg join forces one final time as they carry my body up the stairs and past the guardian of the top floor."
        "My peripheral vision catches sight of a familiar television program as I ascend and I can’t help but become distracted for a moment."
        "I stop watching when I realize that I don’t know anyone on the screen."
        "One of them did have familiar eyes, though."

        stop music

        "/////////////////////////////////BUFFERING MUSIC..."
        "/////////////////////////////////UNABLE TO LOAD MUSIC"
        "/////////////////////////////////YOU ARE NOW OUT OF RANGE OF “USER2”"
        "/////////////////////////////////YOU ARE NO LONGER SHARING YOUR SCREEN WITH “USER2”"
        "/////////////////////////////////WOULD YOU STILL LIKE TO CONTINUE?"

            "Go to the roof":
                play sound "static.mp3"
                scene smile with flash
                scene frown with flash
                scene smile with flash
                scene frown with flash
                scene smile with flash
                scene frown with flash
                stop sound

                $ renpy.end_replay()
                $ thirdreset2 = True

                jump thirdreset3

label thirdreset3:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy


label endofreset3loop:
    scene bedroom_day

    s "Time to go to work!"

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ thirdreset1 = True

    jump thirdreset2