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Futaba love greater than or equal to 50
Event This Infected Wound (Futaba) is completed)
Bestial Vigor for more details.
File: (install folder)\game\FutabaEvents.rpy
label library50:
scene romancenovels1
with fade
play music "morningmoon.mp3"
"I make my way over to the library hoping to find Futaba but, instead, am greeted by a lone folder occupying the space she normally sits at."
"And while I’m sure that sparking up a conversation with it wouldn’t be the {i}first{/i} time I’ve gotten locked in a discussion with an inanimate object, it’s not really something I typically {i}seek out.{/i}"
"Either way, it’s not like I have anything else going on today- so I might as well wait around until Futaba inevitably returns to reclaim her folder."
scene romancenovels2
with fade
"When I take a step closer, I notice a very specific and extremely suspicious warning scribbled along the bottom of a piece of paper."
"It’s the type of warning that essentially beckons a person to do the opposite of whatever is written- much like a “keep off grass” sign but with more...pinstripes."
"Obviously, I’m going to move the folder. Not just because I’m being told {i}not to,{/i} but because I have no idea what would compel someone to provide a warning like that in the first place."
scene romancenovels3
with dissolve
s "..."
f "..."
"Today is weird."
s "..."
f "..."
"I stare at the back of Futaba’s head for a moment or two, expecting her to realize I’m here and scold me for once again disregarding easily-followed rules."
"But, as she tends to do, she remains focused on what’s in front of her, not paying any mind to the fact that I have crumbled the barrier between us."
"Either that or she’s caught in a daydream again but, based on the precedent set by all of the {i}other{/i} times she’s daydreamt, I don’t really think she’d do that on the {i}floor.{/i}"
s "..."
f "..."
"Maybe she’s just dead?"
"Her head isn’t moving at all. Maybe some angry library-goer decapitated her and left her head on a spike behind a folder and just hoped that someone a little better at following rules would show up in my place?"
s "..."
f "..."
"Or she’s just reading."
scene romancenovels4
with fade
s "..."
f "..."
"Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’s just reading. "
"Why she’s doing that down there when there are plenty of chairs around, I’m not sure. But it is my mission at this point in time to find out or her folder will have died for nothing."
s "Fu-"
f "{i}Hah...{/i}"
s "..."
"A hushed and...suspiciously aroused sigh escapes her lips as I look down on her in a way much different from how things normally are when I hear her emit noises like that."
"But while I’d love to stick around and hear her {i}continue{/i} to make these noises, I am stricken with an intense bout of jealousy in knowing that she is getting just as aroused for {i}paper{/i} as she does for me."
f "{i}Mmh...{/i}"
s "..."
f "{i}...ah~{/i}"
s "Okay. That’s enough."
scene romancenovels5
with dissolve
f "{i}’s almost like...I can hear him...{/i}"
s "You can. I’m right behind you and capable of satisfying you in ways much greater than a rectangle comprised of slaughtered trees."
scene romancenovels6
with dissolve
f "..."
s "..."
f "Did you..."
f "There was a...a sign..."
s "Yeah. I took it down because I was curious about what one measly little folder could possibly conceal. Little did I know it was just a horny librarian."
scene romancenovels7
with dissolve
f "I’m...I’m not..."
f "I’m just...on my lunch break right now..."
s "Cool. Spend it with me and tell me about whatever weird fantasy book is getting you all riled up in the middle of a public forum."
scene romancenovels8
with dissolve
f "Can least finish this chapter? And can you maybe put the folder back up? I didn’t want anyone watching me while know..."
s "Masturbate?"
scene romancenovels9
with hpunch
f "Read! I’m not going to masturbate in a library!"
s "Well, you could’ve fooled me."
scene black
with dissolve2
"Disregarding Futaba’s request to leave her alone until she finishes the next chapter of her book, I move to the opposite side of the counter and take a seat beside her."
scene romancenovels10
with dissolve
"I also steal her book because I am stronger than her and curious about just what she’d choose to read over spending time with me."
f "H-Hey! Give that back! I wasn’t done with that yet!"
s "..."
f "Sensei!"
s "..."
f "I...would like my book back, please!"
s "Huh. "
s "I didn’t think you read this kind of stuff, Futaba."
scene romancenovels11
with dissolve
f "Oh my God..."
s "I guess I can see why you were getting so into it, though. It’s {i}very{/i} descriptive."
s "I always kind of figured Nodoka was the erotica girl, though."
scene romancenovels12
with dissolve
f "It’s not {i}just{/i} erotica, Sensei! There are just...erotic scenes in it. Call it a romance novel! It makes me feel less...lewd!"
s "If that’s what you want, sure. Is this really something you should be reading while on duty, though?"
f "I was on my break! "
s "It’s like 10:30 already. You never take breaks around this time."
scene romancenovels13
with dissolve
f "It’s 10:30 already? "
s "Yeah...How long have you been reading this?"
f "..."
s "..."
f "I don’t want to talk about it."
s "Futaba-"
scene romancenovels14
with dissolve
f "I have a problem, okay?! I borrowed a romance novel from Nodoka and ever since, I can’t stop reading them! I’m losing sleep! I didn’t even eat dinner last night!"
s "I’m kind of upset that you never became this addicted to me."
scene romancenovels15
with dissolve
f "It’s easier in books since...I’m able to separate myself from everything. When things happen in real life and I remember that I’m a part of it, I just..."
f "It’s harder for me to enjoy things like that."
s "This just seems like a lot of effort to go to when outlets like porn exist."
f "I’ve never really...liked porn. It’s always made me feel kind of weird. Plus, it’s not like I could even watch it in the library if I wanted to."
f "Besides...romance novels aren’t {i}just{/i} sex, you know. They have stories just like any other book. There’s just an additional...window into intimacy in them that many of the other stories I read lack."
scene romancenovels16
with dissolve
s "{i}The cold air hits my chest as his strong hands, like that of marbled sculptures, unbutton my tunic and lay me out on the grass.{/i}"
s "{i}He shifts my hips and pulls me toward him, his proud length pressing up against me through my undergarments — but when I look into his eyes, the kind, gentle man I have come to know has all but vanished.{/i}"
s "{i}In his place lurks a hungry tiger...bursting with bestial vigor and unable to hold himself back from pinning my slender wrists to the ground and taking me as his own.{/i}"
f "Please...stop...I can’t take much more of this..."
s "{i}He purses his lips and growls, returning his hands to my chest and fondling my breasts before lowering himself down and exploring the rest of me with his tongue.{/i}"
s "{i}As if it's instinct, I reach for the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair and pressing him further into me as his lips begin to taste the petals of my flower.{/i}"
f "And then they have sex! The end!"
scene romancenovels17
with dissolve
s "You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?"
f "I have never felt more embarrassed in my life...and I once stripped for you in the nurse’s office."
s "I remember that. We should do that again sometime."
f "Give my book back and I will let you do whatever you want to me."
s "I’ll pass. I’m actually having a lot of fun turning you on like this. It’s not often that {i}you’re{/i} the one overcome with lust while I’m completely unfazed."
f "Unfazed? That didn’t affect you at all?"
s "Not really. I have no idea who these characters are. Nor do I long for a man to dominate me with bestial vigor."
f "There are romance novels written from the male perspective too, you know. And...there’s a good chance I could probably help you find one if you’re ever interested in reading any."
s "That sounds better, but I think sticking to normal sex is probably more my style."
scene romancenovels18
with dissolve
f "I suppose that’s fair...and here I am, still not even knowing what “normal sex” feels like."
s "Is that just horny Futaba speaking? Or is that something I’m supposed to interpret in my own twisted way?"
f "It’s probably...horny Futaba speaking..."
f "But I also don’t think it would be twisted and I are know...{i}involved.{/i}"
scene romancenovels19
with dissolve
s "If only I knew what “bestial vigor” entailed. Maybe then we could be even {i}more{/i} involved."
f " would you feel if I were to commentate on all of the things {i}you{/i} consume in your free time when you want to...get in the mood?"
s "Honestly? Not bad. If anything, I think that might even sound kind of fun."
scene romancenovels20
with dissolve
f " must be so great not getting embarrassed about every little thing. "
s "What do you even have to be embarrassed about around me? Do you think I’m suddenly going to stop seeing you just because you read books about elves getting fucked in your free time?"
f "They’re not even elves. Stop assuming things when you’ve only read one page."
s "Question, then. {i}Have{/i} you read a romance novel about elves getting fucked? Because based on everything I know about you, I have a strong feeling you have."
f "I..."
scene romancenovels21
with dissolve
f "Yes."
f "I suppose there’s no point in hiding it anymore. You’ve uncovered my biggest secret and my biggest shame."
s "Hey, I’m happy for you. Leaning into your degeneracy isn’t always a {i}bad{/i} thing. Especially when it leads to you learning things about yourself."
s "If anything, I feel a little better now knowing that what we have isn’t just a one-sided pursuit of lust on my behalf and that what you really want is a tiger who-"
scene romancenovels22
with dissolve
f "I don’t want a {i}tiger,{/i} Sensei...I want you. All of those books are just excuses for me to step into the shoes of somebody else for a little while..."
f "To experience the connections {i}those{/i} characters have since I doubt I’ll ever be able to do that on my own."
s "Why not? What makes you so different from all of the elves you’ve watched get fucked?"
f "Stop saying that. The key difference, though, is that all of the characters in all of the books I’ve read know who they are while I’m still mostly...unsure about everything."
f "No one in any of the romance novels I’ve read has had an extensive inner monologue about how unworthy of love they are...or how they struggle to look at themselves in the mirror."
f "But those are things I think about every day. And even moreso before we get intimate. "
scene romancenovels23
with dissolve
f "If only there was some sort of way for me to...adopt that perspective. Maybe then, I wouldn’t have to hype myself up just to reciprocate your lust..."
f "Or, at the very least, I wouldn’t constantly find myself mentally switching places with a girl being intimate with a strong, mysterious man when I already have one of my own right here who appreciates me for {i}me.{/i}"
s "I don’t know if saying this at the height of a personal info dump is a good idea or not, but...maybe try roleplaying? If you can’t get into the right state of mind on your own, I mean."
scene romancenovels24
with dissolve
f "I..."
f "Are you sure that’s even something you’d be okay with?..."
s "As long as I don’t have to play any sort of role myself. I’m not much of an actor."
s "But if you’re asking if I’d be okay “getting intimate” with you while {i}you’re{/i} putting on some sort of show, absolutely. "
s "I think you should do whatever it is that makes you comfortable and it’s not really my duty to tell you if what you’re doing is okay or not."
s "Note, though, that I will continue to steal books like this from you if I catch you reading them because it is both fun {i}and{/i} I am curious about what sort of secret fetishes you may have."
scene romancenovels25
with dissolve
f "I think...I might like older men..."
s "What? No way."
f "Ha ha ha. Very funny."
scene romancenovels26
with dissolve
f "But...on a completely serious note...I definitely agree with you."
f "Maybe not in regard to the...roleplay thing, since doing that sexually sounds extremely embarrassing...but I do have to learn to be more comfortable with myself when it comes to moments like that."
f "And I’ve been trying...really. "
f "Progress is just slow."
f "You can change everything about yourself...from your weight to your hair..."
f "You can change every last bit."
f "But teaching yourself to look {i}at{/i} those changes instead of directly through them is a lot harder than most people think."
f "Which is..."
f "Which is why I think I need to start {i}forcing{/i} myself forward. "
f "Because if I don’t, it could take decades for me to get to where I want to be."
f "And if I wait that long, I’ll have wasted my entire life."
scene romancenovels27
with dissolve
s "Futaba-"
f "Do you think that...maybe I could come over soon?..."
f "On a day that..."
f "Ami isn’t around?..."
s "..."
f "..."
s "Are you sure?"
f "I think so..."
f "But I guess that could just be horny Futaba speaking. The man I like {i}did{/i} just read me a sex scene, after all."
s "Would continuing to read it further reinforce this decision? "
f "I don’t know, would certainly further reinforce my desire to go back home and change my underwear."
s "I still don’t think we should do this unless you feel better about-"
f "I don’t want to wait decades, Sensei. "
f "I don’t even want to wait another day."
f "Now...either take me back home right now...or keep reading to me..."
f "Because I don’t want this feeling to go away..."
scene black
with dissolve2
"I wind up reading Futaba another three pages of the book before her arousal becomes too much to bear. "
"She takes me into the bathroom and sucks me off while fingering herself."
"But the entire time this is happening, I’m only thinking about what comes next."
"And how the next time I invite her to my house, I’ll be cementing our relationship as one of even greater value."
"But that’s okay."
"I’m always comfortable with her, after all."
"So I will do my best to keep her comfortable as well."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ library50 = True
$ futaba_love += 1
stop music fadeout 5.0
"{i}Futaba’s affection has increased to [futaba_love]!{/i}"
jump saturdayafternoon
label futabainvite3:
File: (install folder)\game\FutabaEvents.rpy
label library:
if futaba_love >= 0 and firsttimelibrary == False:
jump firsttimelibrary
if futaba_love >= 5 and futabafall == False:
jump futabafall
if futaba_love >= 10 and library10 == False:
jump library10
if futaba_love >= 15 and futabadorm10 == True and library15 == False:
jump library15
if futaba_love >= 20 and library20 == False:
jump library20
if futaba_love >= 25 and futabanew3 == True and library20 == True and library25 == False:
jump library25
if futaba_love >= 30 and futabadorm25 == True and beachvacation16 == True and library25 == True and library30 == False:
jump library30
if futaba_love >= 35 and rindorm35 == True and futabadorm30 == True and library35 == False:
jump library35
if futaba_love >= 40 and futabadorm40 == True and yumicallnight35 == True and kaoridate15p3 == True and library40 == False:
jump library40
if futaba_love >= 50 and futabadorm50 == True and library50 == False:
jump library50