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Part of event chain Why Now?
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File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy
label dormwar10:
scene goodmorningio1
with dissolve2
"I wake up to nothing at all."
"A horrible start to the day."
"I faintly recall getting up in the middle of the night to blast the AC, but it has now reached a point where I am so cold that I don’t even want to move."
"So I lie here and die."
"I lie here underneath a beige ceiling, accompanied by the four paperthin walls propping it up-"
"And die."
"Goodbye, world."
s "…"
"I stare up and try to connect this morning’s vision with the one I’m most accompanied with."
"This ceiling is lower than the one in my room, which means that if I were to continue growing, I’d hit my head on this one before the other."
"But that’s just how verticality works."
"The higher something is, the safer it is."
"So we should all ascend and ascend and ascend, placing ourselves on top of the highest things we can find."
"Because only then can we look down at those who have had their growth stunted and laugh a hearty laugh, pressing our hands against the skin of our arms to scare away the goosebumps."
s "…"
"I have never liked the way the world looks right after opening my eyes."
"It’s one of the saddest views of all."
"Because even though it is wonderful to breathe and wonderful to see-"
"It is not wonderful to be."
"But I am."
q "Oh, you’re up."
scene goodmorningio2
with dissolve2
play music "io.mp3"
i "Yo."
s "...Io?"
i "Io. "
s "What are you doing here?"
i "Avoiding female contact."
s "Yes, but...when did you even get here? I went to sleep pretty late."
i "Sometime between like, 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM I think?"
s "Uh-huh. And how exactly did you get into my room?"
i "I told the people at the front desk that you were my dad and they just gave me a key."
i "Crafty, right?"
i "I’m glad you didn’t have the chain lock attached because that would have meant I’d need to go home and get my tools, which would be significantly harder to explain to the employees."
s "You were that desperate to get away from your floormates, huh?"
scene goodmorningio3
with dissolve
i "Don’t tell me you’re surprised by that."
s "I’m not. But I {i}am{/i} surprised that you didn’t just go back to the dorm instead."
i "To tell you the truth, so am I."
i "But it was somewhere around like 1:30 that I started thinking about stuff, and among all of those thoughts was this one guy who looks kind of like you."
s "Kind of?"
i "Kind of. You look pretty different without your glasses."
s "And you look different in...whatever you’re wearing right now."
scene goodmorningio4
with dissolve
i "What’s wrong with what I’m wearing right now?"
s "It's..."
s "Nothing. It's fine."
i "If you close your eyes, I can put my normal clothes back on. I got changed while you were sleeping and just threw them all at the foot of your bed."
s "At least have the courtesy to wake me up next time."
scene goodmorningio5
with dissolve
i "You did wake up. You stepped on my leg on your way to the air conditioner before deciding that you wanted to freeze the two of us to death."
s "I’m sure I was only subconsciously trying to freeze myself to death. I didn’t realize you were here."
i "And literally stepping on me wasn’t enough to give that away?"
s "I...was apparently very tired."
scene goodmorningio6
with dissolve
i "Well, since you’re awake now, how about we start drafting our escape plan?"
s "Escape plan?"
i "Yeah. Where we ditch the rest of this competition thing and go hang out at an amusement park or something."
s "I don’t think I’m allowed to do that, unfortunately."
i "What do you mean you’re not allowed? You’re a grown man and you make your own rules."
i "What do you have to gain by letting a bunch of annoying [teens] drag you around like you’re some kind of dog all day?"
s "What do I have to gain by ditching them to be with you?"
scene goodmorningio7
with dissolve
i "One whole Io. Redeemable wherever Ios are accepted."
i "So basically nowhere because Io is trash and her value keeps getting lower and lower with each passing day."
s "Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a great investment."
scene goodmorningio6
with dissolve
i "What if I add like...a snack to the deal? You like potato chips?"
i "Let’s go get potato chips. And soda. And then ride some big fucking rollercoaster or something."
s "You have too much energy for it being this early..."
s "In fact, why are you even awake? Didn’t you say you didn’t fall asleep until like 2:00 or 3:00?"
i "Ish. But it’s not really easy to sleep when A: you stepped on me and really hurt my leg. And B: I had to sleep on the floor."
i "Like, yeah, I’ve got a futon and stuff..."
i "But that bed looks crazy comfortable and it gave me one of those inner struggle things where I had to think about whether or not it would be cool to join you in there."
s "I wouldn’t have minded. Though, it definitely would have been a little more confusing to wake up to that when I feel like I haven’t seen much of you at all lately."
scene goodmorningio8
with dissolve
i "And whose fault is that?"
i "You realize that you’re one of the two people I actually enjoy spending time with, right?"
i "And Uta’s been kind of all over me lately, so it would be nice if you’d come see me more to balance out the scale and blah blah blah Io is needy."
s "Speaking of Uta, did you ever tell her where you ran off to? I know she was looking for you last night."
s "In fact, where {i}did{/i} you run off to?"
i "I think some of Ayane’s blood splashed onto me after she was decimated at the maid cafe, so I wound up going back to my aunt’s to take a bath."
i "Also figured that Yuki might be there since it was a Saturday night and she’s normally free around then. But nope, no dice."
s "Probably because she was with me."
scene goodmorningio9
with dissolve
i "Yuki was? "
s "Yeah, I ran into her while I was walking around."
i "Oh, okay. So you two didn’t like, make plans or anything. You just bumped into each other."
i "How do you find the time to cultivate relationships with so many people, Sensei?"
s "Easy. Time is unlimited."
i "That’s debatable. "
i "Time is a human construct with no direct intrinsic value, so it’s only as unlimited as we humans want or imagine it to be."
i "Also, the fact that time itself could be considered unlimited has no bearing on the time that you, a middle aged male, have left to live your life."
i "Cherish every second. Celebrate what it means to live. Vote Io."
s "...Vote Io for what?"
i "Dunno. Just sounded like a good campaign slogan."
scene goodmorningio6
with dissolve
i "Anyway, is it cool if I use your shower to get ready for the amusement park? I don’t really wear makeup so I’ll only be like ten minutes tops."
s "Io, I’m not going to the amusement park with you. I have to get up and...let girls fight over me or something."
i "But I’m fighting for you right now. Why does anyone else need to be involved?"
s "Because they made plans to fight for me and didn’t just sneak into my room in the middle of the night."
scene goodmorningio10
with dissolve
i "Guh. Who would have thought that being assertive would spell my downfall when it only seems to make you like everyone else more?"
s "It’s not a downfall and I don’t like you any less than I did before. I just can’t do what you want me to do right now."
s "But you know what you {i}can{/i} do?"
scene goodmorningio5
with dissolve
i "Please please please please please please {i}please{/i} do not ask me to join in on any of the weird “festivities” our class has planned for today."
i "It sucks enough that I’m already showing up for like half of them."
i "Expecting me to join in and talk to people on top of that is just like...yeah, no."
i "Like, I said maybe two sentences to that Chika girl during the sports thing yesterday and even that was more associating than I planned on doing the whole weekend."
s "Why not Yumi, then?"
scene goodmorningio11
with dissolve
i "Oh, right. You weren’t there for it when we were choosing the competitions, but I’m pretty sure Yumi wants to fight me."
s "What? Why?"
i "Probably because I’m like half her size and she has anger issues that likely stem from repeated emotional abuse at a [young]age."
s "…"
s "Why do you have to be so real all the time?"
scene goodmorningio7
with dissolve
i "Real? I’m more fake than like, all of the people I call out for {i}being{/i} fake on a daily basis."
i "It’s a very complicated situation, but I’d be more than happy to explain it to you on a rollercoaster."
s "Io..."
scene goodmorningio12
with dissolve
i "Hah...Yeah, yeah. I know."
i "There won’t {i}be{/i} a rollercoaster because I was too spontaneous for you and didn’t fill out the proper “Sensei request” forms."
i "I’ll just take my broken leg and hobble on over to the ER all by myself. Maybe someone there will want to ride the teacups with me."
play sound "knock.mp3"
scene goodmorningio13
with dissolve
s "…"
i "…"
i "If that’s not housekeeping, this is going to be really hard to explain."
c "Sensei? Are you awake yet?"
i "That doesn’t sound like housekeeping."
scene black
with dissolve
"I hop off of the bed, making sure I don’t step on Io again, and gesture at her to get up as well..."
scene goodmorningio14
with dissolve
i "Ugh..."
i "I’m going to have to hide, aren’t I?"
s "Would you prefer to stay and chat with her about why you’re in my room?"
scene goodmorningio15
with dissolve
i "Sure. Why not? Invite her on in and I’ll tell her all about why I prefer being with you over like 99.99%% of the world."
s "Or alternatively, you could grab your clothes off of the floor and go...hide under a desk or something."
play sound "knock.mp3"
scene goodmorningio14
with dissolve
c " everything okay? Do I hear someone else in there?"
i "What about the futon? I don’t have time to get rid of both."
s "Just..."
s "Here, I’ll help."
scene black
with dissolve
"I put on my glasses and grab the futon off the floor."
"Io scurries over to where she threw her clothes, following my lead and tossing everything into the bathroom at the same time as me."
s "I’m sorry, Io. It must be done."
i "What must be-"
i "Hey! Sensei! I would have...gone in on my own!"
"I throw Io into the bathroom as well and finally move to the door to let Chika in."
scene goodmorningio16
with dissolve
c "Good morning~"
s "Good morning. What are you doing here? "
c "I just came to say that since we didn’t really get to talk at all yesterday."
c "What took so long to get to the door? I didn’t wake you up, did I?"
s "You did, actually. But it’s okay. "
s "You should probably get going before someone else has the same idea as you and-"
c "Joke’s on you. I set an alarm extra early just so I could be the one who actually got to come wake you."
c "And sure, the rest of the girls will be waking up soon-"
if bonus == True:
scene goodmorningio17
with dissolve
c "But that doesn’t mean we don’t have time to have a little fun of our own."
s "Uhh..."
"Chika digs two of her fingers into the waistband of my sweatpants and attempts to tug me close to her."
"I refuse to move forward for obvious reasons, but this just makes her more aggressive as she inserts her entire hand into my pants."
c "Do guys always get hard while they sleep or did I just get lucky today?"
s "This...really isn’t the best time..."
c "Mnh~’s probably not."
c "But I want it to be~"
"Chika reluctantly lets go of me and switches back into wholesome mode, her primary setting."
scene goodmorningio16
with dissolve
c "I guess just being here to wake you up is enough. We don’t have to do anything else right now if you don’t want to."
c "Besides, I need to go and get ready for my contest anyway. It’s gonna be a good one."
s "Oh yeah?"
c "Oh yeah. I won’t tell you what’s in store since it’s supposed to be a surprise, though."
s "Chika, stop it. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet. I am not ready to hug."
c "This wouldn't be such an issue if you didn't always smile while hugging."
s "I can not help it. The hugs just make me so happy."
s "Besides, don't you have to get ready for your contest or whatever?"
s "If you are not well prepared, you may regret it in the future."
c "Ughhhhhhh yeah, I guess you're right."
s "Wait, what even is your contest anyway?"
c "I can't tell you since it's supposed to be a surprise..."
scene goodmorningio18
with dissolve
c "But let’s just say that being your girlfriend gives me a preeeeeetty big advantage in it."
s "…"
"And of course she has to say that while Io is just one paperthin wall away. Great."
scene goodmorningio16
with dissolve
c "Anyway, good morning and I love you. Try not to miss me too much before my contest, okay?"
c "Or do. In fact, you probably should, since I’ll be missing {i}you{/i} a whole lot."
s "Yeah..."
s "I’ll see you later, Chika."
c "Mhm~ See you later, Sensei."
c "I love you."
scene black
with dissolve2
if bonus == False:
"Chika hugs me and I am unable to escape."
"I hope Io did not hear the hug."
scene goodmorningio19
with dissolve
i "…"
s "…"
"Io comes out of the bathroom a full minute after Chika leaves, but doesn’t say anything once she does."
"I guess it’s not really easy finding words at a time like this, though."
"Or ever, really."
"So I just let her stand there for a little while longer."
"And I stand there with her."
"Not saying anything, and barely thinking anything other than “Fuck. This sucks.” which, in my defense, it does."
"It sucks for everyone involved."
"Woe is me, having so many girls who like me as much as they do."
"Or, in some cases-"
i "...Girlfriend?"
"In some cases, love."
s "It’s...a really complicated misunderstanding."
i "Of course it is. Girls are the fucking worst."
i "Just tell her you’re not dating if it’s becoming too much of a problem."
s "It’s a little more complicated than that..."
scene goodmorningio20
with dissolve
i "Well...tell me about it, then."
s "I don’t really think it’s something you should be getting involved in."
i "And it’s not something I particularly {i}want{/i} to be involved in...but it beats the hell out of everything I’m going to be thinking for the rest of the day now."
s "Io-"
scene goodmorningio21
with dissolve
i "{i}Her?{/i} "
i "{i}That{/i} was your choice? "
i "A generic tanned, bleach blonde gyaru? "
s "Chika’s not generic, she’s-"
i "She’s been gone for like five minutes and I can still smell her fucking perfume."
i "What the hell, Sensei? You're so much better than that."
i "Is that really the kind of girl you’re into? Is it because she, like...put out right away or something?"
s "It’s not that. I just-"
i "Is it just blondes in general? Is that your thing? Because there was that other girl who you already-"
s "Io, correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t you said before that who I “see” is none of your business?"
scene goodmorningio22
with dissolve
i "It’s {i}not{/i} any of my business! You can do whatever you want and I don’t have the right to get upset over it!"
i "But..."
i "But I’m apparently going to get upset over it anyway!"
s "Why?"
i "Because I’m sensitive! And a hypocrite! You know these things!"
s "I do. Which is why I’m not holding this against you and lecturing you the way I did when you talked down on Ayane without getting to know her."
scene goodmorningio23
with dissolve
i "Sensei, I don’t know what kind of person you want me to be...but I don’t want to get to know these people."
s "Then don’t. No one is forcing you to."
i "…"
s "…"
scene goodmorningio24
with dissolve
i "…"
s "…"
i "Do you..."
i "Can we go to the amusement park now?"
s "Io-"
i "I didn’t think so."
i "It's really funny, you know."
i "I told myself when I left the bathroom that I’d just pretend I didn’t hear anything and that nothing ever happened-"
i "But of course I decided to be {i}me{/i} again and just started venting without even thinking about how it would make you feel."
i "I’m sure you have your reasons for whatever you’re doing with that girl."
s "And I’m sure you have your reasons for the way you’re reacting to it."
i "And I’m sure that I’ll wind up telling you all about them at the worst or most inappropriate time one of these days."
s "And I’m sure that I’ll be right there to listen."
scene goodmorningio25
with dissolve
i "And I’m sure that you’ll hate me for it."
s "And I’m sure that I won’t."
i "…"
s "…"
i "I..."
i "I think I’m going to...skip taking a shower this morning since I took a bath like, less than twelve hours ago."
i "You can...go on ahead, though. If you need to meet up with everyone, I mean."
i "If it’s okay with you, I’ to try sleeping for a little while longer in here since I didn’t get much last night."
s "Do you need me to carry you to the bed? I’m not sure how broken your leg is."
i "Not so broken that I need you to carry me. I’ll be okay."
s "Then yeah. Feel free to spend as much time in here as you want. "
s "Just don’t answer the door for anyone. "
i "Not even housekeeping?"
s "Not even housekeeping."
scene goodmorningio26
with dissolve
i "And...uhh...I’m sorry."
i "For snapping again, I mean. "
i "I don’t want you to hate me just because I found out something I probably wasn’t supposed to know."
s "It was bound to happen sooner or later. But it’s really not as serious as she made it sound and-"
i "I’m sorry if this is blunt, but I really don’t care."
i "Which means I really don’t want to hear anymore about it."
s "Which means I should probably stop talking."
i "We both should. We’re not very good at it."
s "No, we’re really not. "
i "…"
s "…"
i "I...guess this is the part where you leave, then?"
s "Well, yes. But there is one glaring issue."
i "Is it that you’re still wearing sweatpants?"
s "It is that I’m still wearing sweatpants."
if bonus == True:
i "Well, don’t mind me. I’ve already seen your penis, so-"
"I begin to take my pants off and-"
i "Can I at least see your secret abdomen eye again before I go?"
"I begin to lift up my shirt and-"
scene goodmorningio27
with dissolve
i "That was a joke, Sensei! "
i "I mean, I {i}have{/i} seen it. But only through the camera! And...I’ll just go back into the bathroom and...wait or something."
s "Oh. Sure. Whatever is more comfortable for you."
i "Thanks...but can the door maybe?"
if bonus == True:
s "Open it yourself. I stopped taking my pants off the second you flinched."
i "If I open my eyes and your pants are off, I’m going to be extremely disappointed."
s "That hurts my feelings more than you could ever imagine."
s "Of course. But only because the eye told me to."
scene black
with dissolve2
if bonus == True:
"Io opens her eyes and quickly reaches for the handle of the bathroom door, throwing herself inside without so much as looking at me."
"I take a moment to get dressed and hear the sound of the shower starting up just as I’m about to leave the room."
"Which means, of course, that Io can’t even follow through on smaller promises to herself."
"Either that or she just...decided that she wanted to take a shower. Which is also a reasonable thing to think and something I probably should have done this morning before leaving."
"But I highly doubt Io would let me shower {i}with{/i} her at this point."
"Especially not after today."
"Or, who knows? Maybe she’d be more into it now that she’s gotten a direct glimpse into some of the “competition.”"
"Still...I’m not happy about how things played out with Chika this morning."
"Would I have been happy if we were alone and a small, green-haired girl had {i}not{/i} snuck into my room the night prior?"
"Most likely."
"But things didn’t play out that way."
"And I have once again managed to walk the tightrope that is adultery (Or at least partial adultery since we’re not dating in my eyes) without falling off and plummeting to the ground below."
"I exit the room without a smile on my face, leaving another smileless girl behind in the shower."
"And hope that everything turns out okay."
"Io opens her eyes and quickly reaches for the handle of the bathroom door, throwing herself inside without so much as looking at me."
"I use this opportunity to have a telepathic conversation with my secret eye and perform my morning sacrifice of a goldfish in order to appease him."
"It gets tiring having to carry around so many goldfish all the time-"
"But if that is what the eyes wants-"
"I must obey."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ dormwar10 = True
stop music fadeout 5.0
label dormwar11:
File: (install folder)\game\scripts\subscribestar\inappropriatecontent.rpy
no "Do you remember that one story I wrote about the two sisters who would take turns pleasing each other while their mother secretly watched from the doorway?"
f "Unfortunately. But what does-"
no "I actually based that off of a sex dream I had where you and I were roommates and Ms. Watabe was my older, more experienced sister."
s "Oh, you know what, yeah. I’m starting to feel it now. "
scene futabanodokahotel30
with dissolve
f "Why was I just watching?!"
no "You joined in eventually. I just figured that based on everything I’ve heard tonight that you wouldn’t want to hear about that part."
no "But my god, did Ms. Watabe teach me so many things in that dream."
f "Why was I in it at all?! Stop dreaming about me!"
s "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but the “contest” is about to end."
scene futabanodokahotel31
with dissolve
no "Whaaaaat? But I didn’t even get my turn yet~"
f "I...uhh..."
f "Where are know..."
no "Do it on her face, Sensei~"
no "If she’s not going to let me compete, you should punish her for it."
s "At this rate, it seems like that is very likely what is going to happen..."
f "It’s okay, I guess..."
f "Just...try not to get too much of it in my hair or...on my clothes..."
no "You can get some on me if you want. I’ve heard so many different stories about how it tastes that I can’t help but wonder what the truth is."
s "Futaba-"
scene futabanodokahotel32
with dissolve
f "Yes, Sensei?..."
s "Keep going just like that..."
f "Yes, Sensei..."
no "God this is so fucking hot. "
with sexfade
with sexfade
scene futabanodokahotel33
with cumflash
with hpunch
"The two girls remain silent as Futaba keeps up a steady pace and forces me over the edge."
"I “subconsciously” try to lean toward Nodoka to grant her wish about getting some on her, but Futaba grips me tightly enough to prevent that from happening."
"Of course, in doing so, she takes everything directly on her face, which I’m sure makes Nodoka just as happy."
scene futabanodokahotel34
with dissolve
no "Well, ladies and gentlemen. It appears that we have our winner."
f "I can’ my eyes..."
s "Are we actually calling this a contest? Because the entire ordeal was pretty one sided."
scene futabanodokahotel35
with dissolve
no "Oh, absolutely. But Futaba’s bravery and willingness to finally stand up to my incessant sexual prodding has earned her at least {i}one{/i} point as far as I’m concerned."
f "Um...are there any...tissues or?..."
s "I wouldn’t mind giving you a turn of your own if you’re willing to wait a few-"
no "No time. Sorry, Sensei. "
no "Things to do, people to see. Futabas to wipe teacher-semen off of."
f "Can’t...breathe through my nose either..."
no "You heard the girl. "
scene black
with dissolve
no "Okay...come on, Futaba. Let’s get you cleaned up."
"Nodoka stands up and pulls Futaba to her feet as well, escorting her into the bathroom and helping her regain her vision."
"The two of them come back moments later and decide to hang around for another hour or so before leaving."
"And, just like the actual “contest,” the entire thing is extremely casual."
"There are jokes to be made about Futaba’s sudden switch from innocent to not, but none of them are malicious and...well, she seems to handle it all surprisingly well."
"It’s nothing like the Futaba I first ran into at the library, which seems so long ago now."
"And I’m sure that some of it has to do with the fact that it was Nodoka beside her and not anyone else-"
"But I know that some of it is simply because she has grown."
"And will continue to grow."
"Just like a tree."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ futaba_lust += 1
$ dorm1warpoints += 1
$ futabalust15 = True
stop music fadeout 5.0
"{i}Futaba’s lust has increased to [futaba_lust]!{/i}"
"Floor 1: [dorm1warpoints]\nFloor 2: [dorm2warpoints]"
$ totaldays += 1
$ day += 1
if day == 7:
hide saturday onlayer date
show sunday onlayer date
jump dormwar10