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Super Secret Sex Dungeon for more details.
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
label day7:
scene newgymbullyredux1
with dissolve
play music "10c.mp3" fadein 3.0
ay "So yeah, that basically sums up how I feel about phlebotomy."
s "That's nice and all, but I really don't remember asking you anything even remotely close to that."
ay "You didn't? Because I could have sworn I heard you specifically ask for my thoughts on phlebotomy."
s "Again, no. I asked you why you've been following me around for the past fifteen minutes when you're supposed to be in gym class right now."
scene newgymbullyredux2
with dissolve
ay "Because spending time with you is much better for my health than running around the track a few times."
s "Smooth."
ay "{i}And{/i} true. Gym class doesn't really do anything for me since I'm already the picture of perfect health."
ay "Plus, doesn't walking down the hall with someone so clearly in love with you make you feel all masculine and important and stuff?"
s "Not really. It just feels like any other day to me so far."
ay "Sure! Except you're going to spend the rest of the day with me and you never really do that, so it can't be {i}that{/i} normal. Right, Sensei?"
s "Ayane, go away or you're going to get me in trouble."
scene newgymbullyredux3
with dissolve
ay "For real? I thought this was the part where you take me to your super-secret sex dungeon and show me all of your tools."
s "If I had a super-secret sex dungeon, I can assure you it wouldn’t be on[school] grounds."
scene newgymbullyredux4
with dissolve
ay "Sure, Sensei. That’s just what you {i}want{/i} me to think."
s "Ayane, seriously. I am exercising my teacher powers to demand you go to the gym right now. I have to walk around the halls and look important and you are getting in the way of that."
scene newgymbullyredux5
with dissolve
ay "How come {i}I{/i} have to go but not you?! You know that your duties as a teacher include physical education as well, right?!"
s "Wait, they do? Since when?"
ay "Since always. It wasn't until recently that you started skipping that period, so I figured I'd follow you around today and try to figure out why."
s "That's nice and all, but how does going on a rant about phlebotomy and asking me to take you to a sex dungeon have anything to do with that?"
scene newgymbullyredux6
with dissolve
ay "The phlebotomy thing was just a tangent, but if you really do have a sex dungeon, I will understand why you haven't been showing up to gym lately."
s "There is no sex dungeon, Ayane."
scene newgymbullyredux7
with dissolve
ay "Okay, but there should be. I can't really think of any place better for one of those."
ay "I have a guy who's really good at installing those fake bookcase door thingies if you need help preparing one."
ay "I actually already have my own secret room at school that I haven't told you about. You can put yours right next to mine and we can talk to each other through the wall."
s "Why would you possibly need a secret room in school?"
ay "I don't know. For secret stuff?"
ay "You'll never know when you need a secret room, Sensei. I learned {i}that{/i} in the war."
s "..."
ay "..."
scene newgymbullyredux8
with dissolve
ay "Anyway, wanna head to the gym and stare at my legs while I walk around in bloomers?"
ay "It's a nice alternative to the sex dungeon. Also, I think if you miss {i}another{/i} gym period Makoto will actually kill you."
s "You know, I'm honestly surprised I missed any at all since bloomers are involved."
s "I hereby promise to never miss another gym period again. And it's all thanks to you, Ayane."
ay "Your words are no good here, Sensei. You can thank me by staring at me longer than the other girls and occasionally winking at me to remind me that I'm your #1."
s "I...will do my best, Ayane."
scene black
with dissolve2
scene gymbully1
with dissolve2
y "The fuck is even the point of havin' a teacher if {i}he{/i} is goin' to be the one who fucking skips class?"
y "Why'd I even leave the dorm in the first place? Could've just stayed at fuckin' home and it would've made literally zero difference."
scene gymbully2
with dissolve
c "Yumi, chill. You don't have to always talk like such a thug, you know?"
c "Besides, the things you're saying right now make it sound like you {i}want{/i} Sensei here. Doesn't that go against your whole...thing?"
scene gymbully3
with dissolve
y "What {i}thing?{/i} And I ain't talkin' like a thug! This is just how I fuckin' talk!"
scene gymbully4
with dissolve
c "Yeah, well, the way you normally talk sounds the same as how a thug normally talks. Do with that what you will."
y "Oh, give me a break. The fuck do {i}you{/i} know about how people on the streets talk?"
c "However much I've learned from you over the last couple years, I guess."
scene gymbully5
with dissolve
y "And why the fuck are {i}you{/i} just sitting there? I don't remember inviting you to hang out with us."
c "Yumi, Futaba was there before we even sat down."
y "Well she should have {i}left{/i} as soon as we sat down."
f "{size=-10}I don't...really have anything to-{/size}"
y "Speak the fuck up. I can't hear you."
scene gymbully6
with dissolve
f "Umm...I said I...don’t really have anything to say."
scene gymbully7
with dissolve
y "Figures. You {i}never{/i} have anything to say, do you."
y "All you do is just fuckin' sit there taking up half the gym and making that one girl who's always hanging around you look like fifty times better than she actually is. "
scene gymbully8
with dissolve
c "That {i}girl{/i} has a name, Yumi. It's Rin."
c "And the fact that you even need to be reminded of that when you have known her since middle school is pretty unbelievable."
scene gymbully9
with dissolve
y "You sayin' that I'm just {i}pretending{/i} to not remember her name? The fuck is your problem today?"
c "{i}My{/i} problem? I've been sitting here for the last ten minutes looking up sales on Amazon while all {i}you've{/i} done is bitch and moan about literally everything."
scene gymbully10
with dissolve
y "Yeah,'s a free country, ain't it? I can bitch and moan about whatever I want, {i}whenever{/i} I want and you can't do shit."
scene gymbully11
with dissolve
c "Ugh...Why do I even bother?"
y "Hey. {i}You{/i} must know where our fucking asshole teacher is, right?"
y "Figure since you're always starin' at him and shit that you probably just know where he is at all times."
y "The fuck is up with that anyway? You trying to suck his dick or something?"
scene gymbully13
with dissolve
f "Wh...What?!"
c "Yumi, are you fucking kidding me right now? Listen to yourself. Futaba did literally {i}nothing{/i} to you."
y "Of course she did literally nothing to me. Fatass probably hasn't done a single fucking thing in her life."
scene gymbully14
with dissolve
y "Hey, why don't you get up and go look for him or something? You could use the exercise, right?"
c "Yumi, knock it the fuck off right now! I'm serious!"
scene gymbully16
with dissolve
y "Oh yeah? {i}How{/i} serious, Chika? You gonna fight me if I keep goin' or something?"
c "You'd love that wouldn't you? But no, I'm not going to fight you just because you woke up and decided to be a fucking bitch today."
c "Seriously, though. Why did you even come here if this is all you planned on doing?"
y "Hey, I didn't {i}plan{/i} this. If anything, it's our fucking teacher's fault this is happening since none of this shit would be going on if he just did his job for once."
scene gymbully17
with dissolve
c "That is fucking bullshit and you know it."
y "Hey, Futaba. I'm really sorry for being in such a bad mood today."
y "I just..."
y "Well, I really {i}really{/i} care about all of the starving children out there. And knowing you could singlehandedly end world hunger by just giving up your lunch for the day kinda triggers me."
scene gymbully19
with dissolve
c "Okay, that’s it!"
c "Futaba, come with me. We'll find Sensei together and let {i}him{/i} deal with Yumi's BS so you don't have to."
f "I..."
f "I don't understand..."
y "Hahaha...hahahahaha!"
scene gymbully20
with dissolve
y "Oh, come on! It was just a joke! We all know it's in good fun, right?!"
c "Fuck off, Yumi! You can sleep in the dorm yourself tonight. I'll go stay with Chinami myself."
scene black
with dissolve2
scene newgymbullyredux9
with dissolve2
s "Hey, sorry I’m late. I got a little caught up in-"
c "That doesn't matter right now. Can you take Futaba to the nurse's office for a little while?"
s "Oh. Sure. Is something wrong?"
c "Yeah, Yumi. For whatever reason, she just decided to torment the poor girl again today."
f "I'm fine...I really don't-"
scene newgymbullyredux10
with dissolve
c "I know you're fine. You deal with this way too much and I'm really sorry that Yumi's constantly saying things like that to you. It's really not fair."
c "I just don't want her to keep going...and getting Yumi out of the gym would take an entire militia at this rate."
c "So off and relax with Sensei for a little while. He'll know how to handle this."
"That is giving me far too much credit for something I am absolutely not prepared to deal with."
scene newgymbullyredux11
with dissolve
f "I'm sorry, Sensei...I didn't mean to inconvenience you..."
s "It's not an inconvenience at all."
s "Let's just...head over to the nurse's office and hang out there until gym is over..."
c "I'm sorry again, Futaba...I'll talk to Yumi for the millionth time later tonight."
scene newgymbullyredux12
with dissolve
f "It's fine...really. And thank you for standing up to her..."
f "It means a lot, Chika...It really does..."
c "Of course. I've got you, girl."
scene newgymbullyredux13
with dissolve
c "And, between you and me, the only reason that I {i}didn't{/i} fight her back there is because I wouldn't be able to afford her hospital bills."
c "She might talk big, but that girl ain't got shit on me."
f "Hahah...hah......hah..."
scene black
with dissolve2
"Futaba and I take a walk over to the nurse's office, but she's so embarrassed by whatever happened while I was away that she doesn't say anything the entire time."
"Eventually, the bell rings and she waves me off so she can walk back to the locker room and get changed."
"And despite how I know I should be walking back with her to make sure she's okay, I understand that being alone might just be...better for her in her current condition."
"I'll definitely have to talk to Yumi about this, though."
"I still have no idea how to deal with her, but..."
"I can't just let this go on if it's going to be affecting some of the other girls this badly."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ futaba_love += 1
$ day7 = True
stop music fadeout 5.0
"{i}Futaba's affection has increased to [futaba_love]!{/i}"
jump afterschoolevent
label day8:
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
label weekdaymorning:
"{i}[totaldays] Days have passed...{/i}"
if totaldays > 24:
$ everyday = True
$ clichebath = True
$ amiawake = True
$ firstclass = True
$ sleepover = True
$ day5 = True
$ day7 = True
$ day8 = True
$ day12 = True
$ day14 = True
$ day16 = True
$ day20 = True
$ day21 = True
$ day24 = True
if cafe20 == True:
$ harukanumber = True
if bar10 == True:
$ saranumber = True
if halloween11 == True:
$ makoto_virgin = False
if kirindate25 == True:
$ kirin_virgin = False
if makiinvite2 == True and makiskip == False:
$ makisex = True
if makiinvite2 == True and makiskip == True:
$ makisex = False
if ayanedorm10 == True:
$ ayanenew1 = True
$ ayanenew2 = True
$ ayanenew3 = True
if pornshop15 == True:
$ makotonew1 = True
$ makotonew2 = True
$ makotonew3 = True
if futabadorm15 == True:
$ futabanew1 = True
$ futabanew2 = True
$ futabanew3 = True
if amidorm10 == True:
$ aminew1 = True
$ aminew2 = True
if totaldays > 21 and roomwithclocks == False:
$ roomwithtrack = True
$ v11check()
if totaldays >= 5 and day5 == False:
jump day5
if totaldays >= 7 and day7 == False:
jump day7