
Birdcage (Main)

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Birdcage for more details.

Event code

File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy


label day282:
    scene nodokaotohapark1
    with fade
    play music "wewereangels.mp3"

    "Nodoka and I make our way across town after[school] in hopes of meeting up with Otoha."
    "Rin was supposed to come as well, but she apparently forgot that she had a doctor's appointment today."
    "I’m fine with this of course, as it means I’ll finally get to be alone with Nodoka. "
    "But I guess I’m mildly surprised by how open she was to this instead of just deciding to postpone the excursion."
    "Then again, Uta also did something similar shortly after transferring in."
    "And as much as I want to say that those two are just looking to get closer to me, the logical thing to think would be that they’re going out on a limb for their friends."
    "{i}Or{/i} that they’re going out on a limb for their friends but also want to be alone with me."
    "This is the most exciting answer, so it is the one that I will go with."

    no "Don’t you think you should be wearing something a little warmer given the weather, Sensei?"
    s "I’ll have you know this is the thickest T-shirt money can buy at one very specific store in one very specific location."
    s "And shouldn’t you be drinking something a little warmer than bottled water?"
    no "Probably. But this is what I have, so this is what I’ll drink."
    no "Would you like a sip?"
    s "I’m good, thanks."
    no "Afraid to share an indirect kiss with someone you just met?"

    if bonus == True:
        s "No. I’m just not some maniac who walks around in the snow drinking something that will likely be frozen before we even make it back home."
        s "No, I'm just afraid of cooties. I'm not some maniac who would just risk his life for a sip of water."

    scene nodokaotohapark2
    with dissolve

    no "Of course you’re not a maniac. You’re a completely normal adult accompanying a [young_girl] miles away to meet up with another [young_girl] and potentially kidnap her."
    s "Well it definitely doesn’t sound normal when you put it like that."

    scene nodokaotohapark3
    with dissolve

    no "It doesn’t need to sound normal. "
    no "In fact, nothing needs to sound normal."
    no "The most exciting parts of life are the ones you wouldn’t possibly be able to recreate even if you tried your hardest."
    no "This is the first and last time the two of us will ever come to this park in the snow to pull someone out of the pits of despair."
    no "I think that makes today a beautiful day."
    s "Yeah, but you can be that specific about anything and make it sound more special than it actually is."

    scene nodokaotohapark4
    with dissolve

    no "That’s my job, Sensei."
    no "Otoha’s as well."
    no "We’re just two cute girls who find interesting ways to rearrange words or sounds, and yet we’re regarded as geniuses by many of our peers."
    no "It’s rather silly, I think. How people are quicker to give up and praise others rather than attempt to obtain said praise on their own."
    s "Oh, okay. So you’re one of those cool geniuses who pretends to {i}not{/i} be a genius because being praised is troublesome. "
    no "Perhaps. Or perhaps I just want people to view me for who I really am rather than what I write."
    s "Who are you then?"
    no "I don’t know."
    no "The [incest]uous haiku girl, I suppose?"
    s "I feel like you have access to a lot more words that probably would have been better there."
    no "And yet I chose the ones I liked the most instead of choosing the ones you expected. Bam, genius."
    s "You’re weird."
    no "So are you."

    if bonus == True:
        no "Want to make out?"
        no "Wanna take a quick hug break?"

    s "Sure. Aren’t we on a mission, though?"
    no "I wasn’t being serious."
    s "Oh."
    s "Well shit."

    scene nodokaotohapark5
    with dissolve

    no "On the bright side, this confirms that you really {i}weren’t{/i} afraid of the indirect kiss, though. "

    if bonus == False:
        s "Right. It was the cooties. I already told you that."

    no "I award you five more Nodoka points for your bravery, which brings you to a total of ten."

    if bonus == True:
        s "How many more until we can make out?"
        s "How many more until the hug happens?"

    no "Five thousand. "

    if bonus == True:
        s "That is way too many points. You better be really good at making out."
        s "That is such an expensive hug."

    scene nodokaotohapark6
    with dissolve

    no "I think it's a fair amount of points."
    no "If you’re earning an average of five per day, you’re currently on pace to finish just under three years from now."

    if bonus == True:
        no "It would probably be safer to engage in a tryst with a senior anyway. Chin up, Sensei."

    s "You’re so weird."
    no "I suppose I am."
    no "But I’m more suited to the role of a matchmaker anyway."
    no "Or perhaps a seer. "
    no "To observe the dynamics between others. "
    no "To write them down. "

    if bonus == True:
        no "And to get really raunchy with all of the explicit details because sex sells."
        no "And to lick the mirror while no one is watching and see if I can taste my own tongue."

    no "Such is the mission of the [incest]uous haiku girl."
    s "…"
    no "…"
    s "So anyway, Otoha."

    scene nodokaotohapark7
    with dissolve

    no "Right, Otoha."
    no "We’re not far from her usual spot. "
    no "She’s extremely predictable, unlike yours truly."
    s "I’m sure you’ll wind up being plenty predictable soon enough."
    s "I’m normally pretty good at figuring people out, I think."
    no "I suppose we’ll just have to wait and find out how true that is, then."
    no "I’m not opposed to the idea of someone being able to truly understand me when no one really has before."
    no "I don’t know how fond I am of that person being my teacher, but I suppose it would make my life more like something out of a novel."
    no "And just think of how many Nodoka points you could earn if you started {i}really{/i} getting it."

    if bonus == True:
        s "We’ll be making out in no time at all."
        no "Tack an extra thousand points on and I might let you play with my breasts."
        s "We will be hugging in no time at all."
        no "Tack an extra thousand points and I might even trade glasses with you for a day."

    s "Might? That doesn’t sound like a good use of my Nodoka points. I need a manufacturer guarantee."
    no "Apologies, but providing guarantees and refunds goes against company policy. "
    no "All points are to be used at the sole discretion of the consumer and I will not be held liable for any problems that may occur as a result of their misuse."
    s "I hope your currency tanks and you’re forced to accept real money instead."
    no "Do you think you could afford me if that happens?"
    s "How much do you think you’re worth?"
    no "I’ll tell you exactly how much I think I’d be worth for three hundred Nodoka points."
    s "…"
    s "Let me get back to you in 58 days."

    scene black
    with dissolve

    if cafe35 == True:
        "Nodoka and I make our way down the stairs of the overpass we’ve been walking on and wind up inside of the same park where I first met Otoha."
        "Nodoka and I make our way down the stairs of the overpass we’ve been walking on and wind up inside of some trendy looking park."

    "There isn’t a lot of foot traffic on account of the weather, but there are a few passersby I take note of on my way down the steps."
    "I watch them toss coins into a fountain in the center, wondering what it is they could be wishing for."
    "And then I start to wonder what I would wish for if I had any coins on me."
    "I can’t think of anything."

    scene nodokaotohapark8
    with dissolve

    o "Nodoka? "
    o "What are you doing over here? I thought you transferred?"
    no "I’m just here to help a bird with broken wings out of its cage."
    o "…"
    o "What?"
    no "I’m here to rescue you."

    scene nodokaotohapark9
    with dissolve

    no "And so is he."
    s "Yo."
    o "You? Aren’t you Rin’s teacher?"

    if bonus == True:
        s "I’m also Nodoka’s new boyfriend. "
        s "I am also Nodoka's new bocci ball partner."

    scene nodokaotohapark10
    with dissolve

    no "That's right."
    no "And we want you to be there for our first time. "
    no "That's the real reason we came to see you."
    o "Uhh...first time as in..."

    if bonus == True:
        no "I understand that it might not sound exciting simply {i}being{/i} there, so I’m offering to share his body with you. "
        no "But only this once. After that, you can continue to watch, but-"
        no "First game, obviously."
        s "Yeah. Come on, Otoha. What else would that have meant?"
        no "It is very important to both of us that you are there to see it."

    scene nodokaotohapark11
    with dissolve

    o "She’s joking, right?"

    if bonus == True:
        o "Because it would be messed up if you came all the way over here to invite me to some...weird threesome."
        o "Because Nodoka already knows my conservatorship has a no bocci ball clause."

    s "I’ll actually let Nodoka explain why we’re here since I don’t really get it yet."

    scene nodokaotohapark12
    with dissolve

    no "Oh, look. A bird that I will proceed to stare at for the next ten minutes as you rescue this one from its cage."
    no "Have fun explaining everything, Sensei."
    o "It would probably be easier for you to just tell me. We’re not getting anything out of Nodoka."
    s "I see that..."
    s "This would have been a lot easier if Rin came."
    o "She had a doctor’s appointment or something today, right?"
    s "Yeah. I guess that means you two are still talking regularly?"

    scene nodokaotohapark13
    with dissolve

    o "Regularly is kind of an understatement when she messages me like ten thousand times a day."
    s "Yeah...she can get like that."
    s "It doesn’t look like you mind, though."
    o "Nah. I thought it was a little weird at first, but she’s grown on me."
    o "Kinda like a...puppy waiting for its master to come home and-"

    scene nodokaotohapark14
    with dissolve

    o "Ew. That probably made me sound really weird, didn’t it?"
    s "I’m pretty sure it would make her the happiest girl in the world."

    scene nodokaotohapark15
    with dissolve

    o "Hahah...yeah. Probably."
    o "I’m sure you didn’t come all the way here just to talk about Rin, though. Right?"
    o "Is this about transferring?"
    s "Oh, so you {i}do{/i} know what’s going on."
    o "Well considering Nodoka and Rin have both been bothering me about it constantly, yeah. I think I get what's going on now."
    o "I don’t really know, though."
    o "I was doing okay in my last[school], but I’m not that great with change. And one wrong move could like, really mess up what I have going for me right now."
    s "What do you have going for you right now?"
    o "I don’t know. Freedom, I guess?"
    s "I don’t know if I’d call having your spare time entirely dependent on whether or not you get good grades “freedom.”"

    scene nodokaotohapark16
    with dissolve

    o "Well, yeah...But it makes sense."
    o "Shouldn’t a student’s primary objective be getting good grades or whatever? "
    o "And like, if your grades suck, obviously you should be spending less time doing what you want to do and studying instead."
    s "Or, alternatively, what if you were spending {i}all{/i} of your time doing the things you want to do?"
    o "You’d...probably fail and get held back. "
    o "What are you getting at?"
    s "Transfer into my class and you can do whatever you want, whenever you want."

    scene nodokaotohapark17
    with dissolve

    o "Wait! That makes it sound like you’re teaching some like, music class or something. That's not true, is it?"

    if bonus == True:
        s "The real answer is a lot less...interesting."
        s "I just mean that I hate teaching, so I give everyone straight A’s so I don’t have to do anything."
        o "Is that even legal?"
        s "Who knows?"
        s "But the point is, I’d be willing to do that same exact thing for you since you are the most highly-requested student I’ve had so far."
        s "I will teach anything and everything. If you require a music teacher, I will learn music right away."
        o "Oh. Uhh, well, that's not really-"
        s "I'll do it. I swear."
        o "..."
        s "I mean it. You're the most highly requested student I've had thus far. And if your presence will make the others happy, I should do my best to make it happen."

    o "But only Nodoka and Rin have requested me."
    s "Noriko Nakayama as well. All three of them bombarded me in my office after[school] yesterday asking me to do this."

    scene nodokaotohapark18
    with dissolve

    o "Noriko is there too?! That’s crazy!"
    o "How the hell did you wind up with three of the coolest people I know?"
    s "Probably because I’m the coolest teacher you know."
    o "Hahahaha! No, really though. How’d you do it?"
    s "…"
    s "Am I..."
    s "Am I not cool to you?"
    o "…"

    scene nodokaotohapark19
    with dissolve

    o "Ah, wait! I wasn’t trying to be mean! I just thought you were joking!"
    s "Maybe it’s better if you don’t transfer in after all..."
    o "No no no no, hold on! I’d {i}love{/i} to get out of my house, I just don’t really know if it would be a good idea."

    scene nodokaotohapark20
    with dissolve

    o "It just sounds a little too good to be true, you know?"
    o "Like, I don’t want to go through the effort of talking my parents into letting me transfer and...having to leave again if I can’t keep up."
    o "Plus, getting them to let me move into a dorm would be like, a completely different conversation."
    o "It’s just way too much to do for something that I can't guarantee will actually work out."
    s "Sounds to me like someone is scared."
    o "Kind of, yeah. I’m not really hiding that."
    o "It would be awesome if I could spend more time practicing my singing and stuff but like, some people just aren’t meant to do that."
    s "Do you not believe the thing about getting A’s for doing literally nothing?"

    scene nodokaotohapark10
    with dissolve

    o "Not really. "
    o "Nodoka, is that true?"
    no "I don’t know. I haven’t transferred in yet."
    s "How is saying that helping you accomplish your goal? Just lie to her."
    no "I don’t need to. I already know what she’s going to do."
    no "You’re tired of staying at home, aren’t you?"
    no "I know what it’s like to feel trapped. You can’t create in an environment like that."
    no "The best thing for you is to truly experience freedom. And to do that, you must escape the cage."
    no "Mend your broken wings and fly higher than you’ve ever flown before."
    no "Also, if you and Rin start dating, that means I get to-"

    scene nodokaotohapark21
    with dissolve

    o "Okay! Yeah! I’ll try talking to my parents! Just get her to stop talking!"
    no "{i}Yuritopia awaits...{/i}"

    if bonus == True:
        s "Do you need any help? I’m not really great at talking to parents apart from single moms."
        o "First off, what?! Second, no! I’ll be fine!"
        s "Do you need any help? Talking to parents is one of my absolute favorite things to do as a teacher."
        o "Uhh...no..."

    o "I just..."
    o "You’re really sure about the A’s thing, right?"
    o "Because if you can like, {i}really{/i} promise me that, I can probably make a deal with them."
    s "Of course. If there is one thing you can trust me with, it is your grades. "
    s "That’s the one area I’ve yet to let anyone down in so far."

    if bonus == True:
        s "Well, second counting-"
        s "Education is so important to absorb while you're still in college, because once you're out-"

    scene nodokaotohapark22
    with dissolve

    o "C-Conversation over! You two win! I already said I’ll talk to them!"

    if bonus == True:
        no "Ohohoho...what’s the other thing you haven’t let anyone down in, Sensei?"
        s "Well...You see, Nodoka, if there is any area I’m confident in, it’s-"
        o "Oooooooookay, I’m out. Congrats on your new boyfriend, Nodoka."
        o "Congrats on making my night weird, you two."

    scene nodokaotohapark23
    with dissolve

    no "And congratulations to you on your future girlfriend."
    o "Shut up. We’re just friends."
    o "And stop trying to hook me up with people. It literally never works."
    no "I don’t have to try anything this time. You’ve got it handled all on your own."
    no "You’re such a big girl now, Otoha. I’m so proud."
    o "…"
    no "…"
    o "I’ll text you later about what my parents say. "
    o "They might need to sleep on it, though."
    no "I’ll begin making the arrangements for us to room together."
    no "Unless perhaps you’d like to swap places with Futaba and sleep in the same room as Rin."
    no "That way, we can all be happy."
    o "…"

    scene nodokaotohapark22
    with dissolve

    o "Do whatever you want. I’ll be fine either way."
    o "And uhh...thanks, Sensei. "

    if rinbetrayed == False:
        o "Rin was right about you being a really cool guy."
        o "This is...really cool of you."

    o "But I’m...gonna get going now. I have to be home in half an hour anyway."
    no "Fly free, little bird. "
    s "How? Aren’t her wings supposed to be broken?"
    no "Shhh...she’s off to a better place now."

    scene black
    with dissolve

    s "But that just makes it sound like she’s dead..."
    o "Ahh! What’s with this weird chemistry between you two?!"

    "Otoha gets off the bench and storms away from Nodoka and me, grabbing a large black and red backpack in the process."

    no "It’s because we’re soulmates."

    if bonus == True:
        no "I’ll create a Facebook invite for our first time and send it over as soon as I-"
        o "No thanks! Bye!"
        no "And by that I mean we share the same soul and that we are simply one person reincarnated into two separate bodies at the same exact time."

    s "…"
    no "…"
    s "Do I gain any more Nodoka points for succeeding today?"
    no "You can have five more. Congratulations, Sensei."
    s "You really need to start awarding more points for things..."

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ otoha_love += 1
    $ day282 = True
    stop music fadeout 5.0

    "{i}Otoha’s affection has increased to [otoha_love]!{/i}"

    if day >= 6:
        jump endofsat
        jump endofweekday

label day283:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


jump day68
    if totaldays >= 70 and bar10 == True and day70 == False:
        jump day70
    if totaldays >= 72 and day70 == True and day72 == False:
        jump day72
    if totaldays >= 77 and day77 == False:
        jump day77
    if totaldays >= 79 and day == 5 and chikadorm15 == True and day79 == False:
        jump day79
    if totaldays >= 83 and mikudorm10 == True and day83 == False:
        jump day83
    if totaldays >= 85 and streets10 == True and day85 == False:
        jump day85
    if totaldays >= 86 and futaba_lust >= 5 and day == 5 and day86 == False:
        jump day86
    if totaldays >= 89 and day65 == True and day89 == False:
        jump day89
    if totaldays >= 91 and day63 == True and day65 == True and day91 == False:
        jump day91
    if totaldays >= 96 and day == 1 and shrine15 == True and ayanenew1 == True and day96 == False:
        jump day96
    if totaldays >= 98 and ami_lust >= 5 and day98 == False:
        jump day98
    if totaldays >= 103 and day102 == True and day103 == False:
        jump day103
    if totaldays >= 110 and day103 == True and day110 == False:
        jump day110
    if totaldays >= 114 and day103 == True and bar20 == True and day114 == False:
        jump day114
    if totaldays >= 120 and day103 == True and day91 == True and day120 == False:
        jump day120
    if totaldays >= 121 and day85 == True and day103 == True and day121 == False:
        jump day121
    if totaldays >= 126 and day103 == True and streets15 == True and chikadorm15 == True and day126 == False:
        jump day126
    if totaldays >= 128 and day103 == True and day126 == True and day == 5 and day128 == False:
        jump day128
    if totaldays >= 138 and day103 == True and day130 == True and day85 == True and day138 == False:
        jump day138
    if totaldays >= 139 and chika_lust >= 5 and chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chikadetention == True and day139 == False or chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chika_lust >= 10 and day139 == False:
        jump day139
    if totaldays >= 140 and day138 == True and day140 == False:
        jump day140
    if totaldays >= 142 and amidorm15 == True and day140 == True and day142 == False:
        jump day142
    if totaldays >= 144 and day128 == True and day142 == True and day144 == False:
        jump day144
    if totaldays >= 150 and day144 == True and streets15 == True and cafe20 == True and soccer10 == True and day150 == False:
        jump day150
    if totaldays >= 153 and day150 == True and day153 == False:
        jump day153
    if totaldays >= 154 and day153 == True and day154 == False:
        jump day154
    if (totaldays >= 200 and day == 5 and beachvacation16 == True and chikainvite1 == True and harukadate1 == True and kaoridate1 == True and cafe25 == True and bar25 == True and mayadorm25 == True
    and mikudorm15 == True and streets25 == True and makotoinvite2 == True and makidate1 == True and rindorm35 == True and halloween1 == False):
        jump halloween1
    if totaldays >= 214 and makidate5 == True and halloween14 == True and makotodorm25 == True and mikudorm30 == True and amidorm25 == True and day == 1 and day214 == False:
        jump day214
    if totaldays >= 215 and day214 == True and day == 2 and day215 == False:
        jump day215
    if totaldays >= 216 and day215 == True and day == 3 and day216 == False:
        jump day216
    if totaldays >= 217 and day216 == True and day == 4 and day217 == False:
        jump day217
    if totaldays >= 218 and day217 == True and day == 5 and day218 == False:
        jump day218
    if totaldays >= 230 and makoto_lust >= 10 and christmas7 == True and makotolust10 == False:
        jump makotolust10
    if totaldays >= 237 and day == 1 and christmas7 == True and day237 == False:
        jump day237
    if totaldays >= 239 and day == 3 and day237 == True and day239 == False:
        jump day239
    if totaldays >= 240 and day == 4 and day239 == True and day240 == False:
        jump day240
    if totaldays >= 244 and day == 1 and day240 == True and day244 == False:
        jump day244
    if totaldays >= 246 and day == 3 and day244 == True and day246 == False:
        jump day246
    if totaldays >= 247 and day == 4 and day246 == True and day247 == False:
        jump day247
    if totaldays >= 261 and day == 3 and day247 == True and kirininvite2 == True and bar35 == True and day261 == False:
        jump day261
    if totaldays >= 263 and day == 5 and day261 == True and day263 == False:
        jump day263
    if totaldays >= 264 and day == 1 and day263 == True and day264 == False:
        jump day264
    if totaldays >= 269 and day == 3 and day264 == True and day269 == False:
        jump day269
    if totaldays >= 270 and day == 4 and day269 == True and day270 == False:
        jump day270
    if totaldays >= 271 and day == 5 and day270 == True and day271 == False:
        jump day271
    if totaldays >= 272 and day271 == True and onseninvite == False:
        jump day272
    if totaldays >= 280 and day == 1 and day271 == True and rindorm45 == True and iodorm10 == True and nikidate5 == True and chikaonsen4 == True and yumidorm30 == True and norikofirsthall == True and convenience5 == True and day280 == False:
        jump day280
    if totaldays >= 281 and day == 2 and day280 == True and day281 == False:
        jump day281
    if totaldays >= 282 and day == 3 and day281 == True and day282 == False:
        jump day282