
Caterpillar (Main)

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Event preconditions

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Event properties

Official wiki page

Caterpillar for more details.

Event code

File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy


label day247:
    scene iointro1
    with fade
    play music "normalday.mp3"

    "I wound up getting a call from Makoto sometime last night about how Io was approved for switching classes today-"
    "And, as such, I’m meeting up with her in the hall beforehand to give her the crash course on my, uhh, {i}teaching{/i} methods."

    i "So, you’re telling me that all I’m going to have to do every day is just...show up?"
    s "Pretty much. "
    s "I think my original plan was more along the lines of “Show up and don’t be an asshole,” but we have one girl who wouldn’t even be allowed to come any more if that were the case."
    i "Can’t you just kick her out if you don’t want her? "
    s "Maybe? "
    s "She’s been getting better, though. Which I’m mildly surprised about since I haven’t done anything to really change her as of yet."
    i "That’s good, I guess. "
    i "I probably wasn’t ever going to talk to her anyway, but I feel a little safer now knowing you’ve already begun her rehabilitation process."
    s "Still sticking to your plan of just breezing by as a loner?"
    i "Kinda just gonna play the field, if you know what I mean."
    i "Feel things out. See who’s worth my time and who’s just another face in the hall."
    s "I can relate to that."

    "Or at least I feel like I could have related to that at some point."
    "My life’s become a vast departure from what I imagined it would be."
    "I’ve gotten to know so many people over the last few seasons and, honestly?"
    "I feel like I can even say I’ve enjoyed many parts of it."

    if bonus == True:
        "Particularly the parts where I get to have sex, but other parts have been good too."
        "Especially all the hugs."

    s "So, ready to do this?"

    scene iointro2
    with dissolve

    i "I’m fine with just hanging out in the hall instead."
    i "In fact, want to ditch class and go get breakfast or something? I’ll treat you."
    s "Getting cold feet, Io?"
    i "…"
    i "Something like that."

    scene iointro1
    with dissolve

    i "Sensei, do you remember all that stuff I was saying about how I would try not to be “too {i}me{/i}” when I joined the class?"
    s "I do remember you saying something along those lines, yes."
    i "Good."
    i "Now, what if I told you the reason I said that was that the real “me” isn’t fun or exciting to be around?"
    s "I’d say that there are plenty of people just like that."
    i "You think so?"
    s "Of course. I’m not particularly fun or exciting either and people keep gravitating toward me."

    if bonus == True:
        i "You’re an attractive guy in a[school] full of hormonal [teenager]s. Of course that’s going to happen."
        i "That is because you are a good boy in a school of bad girls."

    s "So, what? You’re worried everyone will think you’re boring?"
    i "Not boring. Inherently unlikable and unwilling to change."
    i "Kind of like the one asshole girl you were talking about before."
    i "If I come across as anything less than what you want me to be, will you try to change me as well?"
    s "That depends."
    i "On?"
    s "Whether you want to change or not."
    i "Do you {i}want{/i} me to change?"
    s "I don’t even {i}know{/i} you yet. We’ve had three conversations so far and they’ve all been completely different from one another."
    i "It’s not too late to back out, you know. I read the transfer thing and it doesn’t formally go through until the end of the[school] day."
    i "If you want to throw me out, you have every right to do that."
    i "And I won’t blame you if you do."
    i "I’m trash. This[school] is trash. Everything is trash."

    scene iointro3
    with dissolve

    i "Heheh~ Here I go again."
    i "You should have taken me up on that breakfast thing when I offered it."
    s "…"


    s "Are you okay?"
    i "…"
    s "…"
    i "Sensei?"
    s "Yeah?"
    i "I’m going to try to go in there and put on a smile."
    i "I’m gonna try to introduce myself to all of those girls-"
    i "But I want you to know that I might just wind up walking out halfway through."
    s "That’s where our new relationship comes in handy, then."
    s "Most teachers wouldn’t allow something like that. But you’re free to walk out whenever you want in my class."

    scene iointro4
    with dissolve

    i "And you're not even gonna let me finish building the wall..."
    i "You sure you don’t want to get breakfast with me? I’ll tell you all about why I am the way I am."
    s "I think it might be a little better for me to actually figure out what “the way you are” is first."
    i "Well damn. I guess that’s my cue to go say a bunch of stuff about myself then, huh?"
    s "Think you’re going to be able to handle it?"
    i "Of course. Assimilation isn’t optional. "
    i "If I need to blend in in order to get by, I’ll giggle and gossip the way good girls are groomed to."
    i "I’ll fake some interests and laugh at their horrible jokes."
    i "Heck, maybe I’ll intentionally trip on the way to my desk to show everyone that I’m clumsy and lovable."
    i "They’ll write me off as another normal girl-"

    scene iointro5
    with dissolve

    i "And never realize how broken I actually am."
    s "…"
    i "Watch me, Sensei."
    i "Watch me assimilate."

    scene iointro6
    with dissolve
    play sound "slidedoor.mp3"
    stop music fadeout 15.0

    "Io slides the door open and moves into the classroom before I’m able to think up a reasonable response."
    "But what would a reasonable response to that even be?"
    "I hate ruling out peoples’ troubles from the get-go...but what could be going on in that head of hers that would make her be so openly self-deprecating without any desire to change?"
    "If you’re going to complain about being trash, why not just...stop being trash?"

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "It isn’t until I set foot into Class-A that I realize I’m like that, too."
    "How many times have I pointed out the flaws in myself, only to shrug them off and cast them aside?"
    "Perhaps Io is the same way?"
    "Or perhaps she’s a victim of circumstance-"
    "Not some guy with poor morals who was dropped into a world in which they’d run rampant."

    scene iointro9
    with dissolve2

    i "…"
    ee "…"

    "In the event that this girl {i}is{/i}, as she suggests, trash, it probably isn’t a good idea to display her in front of a group of her peers and shine a light on her."
    "If that were you up there, far away from your safe little cubby in the back of the room, would you be happy?"
    "If you had knowingly informed someone that you were uncomfortable with yourself as a person and that someone immediately said “Go show everyone who you really are,” you’d hate them, right?"
    "In hindsight, that’s how I felt."
    "Or rather, that’s how I feel."
    "Because I can not resign myself to a small wooden box."
    "I must watch a lovely caterpillar squirm."
    "Trying desperately to cocoon itself."

    scene iointro10
    with dissolve2
    play music "heartbeat.mp3"

    "And become something beautiful."

    i "…"
    ee "…"

    "I give you another poem."

    play sound "static.mp3"
    scene iointro11
    with flash
    stop sound
    window hide
    $ renpy.pause(20, hard=True)
    scene iointro7
    $ renpy.pause(5, hard=True)
    scene iointro8
    with dissolve15

    "Does this ever happen to you?"
    "If not, you live a life to be envied."
    "Steady, now."
    "Calm your beating heart."
    "For even when their faces disappear-"
    "Their voices cry out."

    play music "allofthesounds.mp3"

    "If you pay close attention, they sound something like this."
    "A mix of all your favorite things and a touch of what you hate."
    "Some train themselves to tune the voices out."
    "And others-"

    stop music
    scene iointro10

    i "I’m Io."
    i "I don’t feel good."
    i "See you."

    scene black


    play sound "slidedoor.mp3"
    scene hallnoonwinter
    with dissolve

    "I open the door and begin to look for Io."
    "Uta jumped up and immediately started trying to quell the confusion the second she left."
    "And I...actually did something for once."
    "Why is that, I wonder?"

    i "Looking for me?"

    scene iointro12
    with dissolve2
    play music "blueair.mp3"

    s "Well you didn’t run far."
    i "Just needed some air."
    i "Guess my normal-girl act isn’t as polished as I thought it would be."
    i "I’ll work on it."
    s "The hard part is already over. You can just do whatever you want from now on."
    s "Gotta say, though, that was definitely a strong first impression."
    i "I personally liked the part where I stood there and looked like an idiot for ten whole minutes."
    s "I think it was closer to like fifteen seconds, but yeah."
    i "Really? It felt a lot longer to me."
    s "That tends to happen when you’re the center of attention."

    scene iointro13
    with dissolve

    i "Ugh. Now people are probably going to try and ask me if everything is okay or if I’m nervous or blah blah blah."
    s "Is that really such a bad thing?"

    scene iointro14
    with dissolve

    i "Io fact number-one. Get your notebook ready."
    s "I should probably just commit whatever this is to memory. I don’t want to break out a notebook each time I see you."
    i "Previously on “Io Opens Up to a Guy She Just Met,” we learned that Io does not like people."
    i "This was a lie."
    i "Io specifically does not like girls."
    i "Also, Io is going to stop talking in third person now because she feels like a moron."
    s "Why just girls?"

    scene iointro15
    with dissolve

    i "Is that even a question?"
    i "Girls are messed up, Sensei."
    i "Just look at me."

    if bonus == True:
        i "Me...and the rest of them...we’re all at that age where everything is just a big fucking project."
        s "Wow, yeah. You do look pretty messed up."
        i "I know. Like, why is my hair green? No one else has green hair."
        i "I was a mistake."

    scene iointro16
    with dissolve

    i "And I love projects, don’t get me wrong."
    i "I've built so many things."
    i "But sometimes, you can just take one look at something and know that it’s beyond fixing."

    scene iointro17
    with dissolve

    i "Getting to know people means getting to know what ails them."
    i "Which means trying to help them fix it."
    i "Which means {i}figuring out{/i} how to fix it."
    i "Then, before long, you’re spending more time on someone else than yourself."
    i "How many friends does a normal [teenage]girl have?"
    i "Four? Five?"
    s "Probably a lot more, to be honest."
    i "Ugh. That’s even worse."
    i "The more people you know, the more burdens you're forced to carry."
    i "But some people have {i}big{/i} frickin’ burdens, you know?"
    i "So maybe you can say that I’m afraid of being weighed down, or even that I'm afraid I’d weigh somebody {i}else{/i} down-"
    i "But the fact of the matter is, I think it’s easier to just stay away from people like that."
    i "I’ll surround myself with projects that won’t judge me or stab me in the back if I can’t do anything about them."

    scene iointro18
    with dissolve

    i "Or maybe I’ll just waste away my days with someone like you- who will sit there like a big old sponge and soak up all of my complaints."

    "The walls crumble once more."

    i "So, can we go get breakfast now?"
    s "Before that...I want to point out a little hypocrisy in your logic, Io."

    scene iointro19
    with dissolve

    i "Which part?"
    s "Your key complaint about girls is that they’re all projects. But don’t you think you’re making yourself sound like a bit of a project, too?"
    i "Oh, I’m like ten projects. I know that."
    i "It’s why I gave you that warning about how you might not like me once you get to know me."
    s "And if that’s true?...And I don’t come to like you once I figure you out?"
    i "You can throw me away."
    i "I’ll probably cry for a day or two. Maybe a week. But I’ll get over it."
    i "Worse things have happened to me."
    i "I just have a good feeling about the two of us."

    scene iointro20
    with dissolve

    if bonus == True:
        i "But there’s a good chance that feeling is just hormones."
        i "But there's a good chance that feeling is just all of the sugar packets I ate on the way here today catching up to me."

    i "And there’s a good chance that I’m already well beyond repair."
    i "But, in the event I’m not-"
    i "Do you want to try?"
    i "Do you want to keep getting to know me even after I’ve done nothing but say things that would scare a normal person away the last few days?"
    i "Cause I think...if you turn me down now, I can manage to not get hurt."
    i "There’s still a little bit of the wall left."

    "I find myself thinking this a lot but-"

    if bonus == True:
        "Teenagers really are exhausting."
        "Io is a huge fucking bitch."

    "How do you even develop a perspective like Io’s this early on in life?"
    "It’s only her first year in [high_school] and she’s already acting like she’s given up on associating with anyone for the rest of eternity."
    "Where does she expect to go?"

    scene iointro21
    with dissolve

    i "…"

    "And why...do I want to go with her?"

    s "Of course I still want to get to know you."
    s "I can’t let you just {i}only{/i} have Uta for the rest of your [high_school] career."
    s "Maybe I can even get you to add a few more of the girls into the mix. Hiding from them forever isn’t going to do you any favors."
    i "I’ve got a lot of baggage, Sensei...You’re opening a real can of worms here."
    s "Are you really trying to talk me out of this while looking like {i}that{/i}?"
    i "How do I look? I can’t see my face."
    s "I don’t know. Desperate?"
    i "Desperate?..."

    scene iointro22
    with dissolve

    i "Yeah..."
    i "That might not be too far off."
    i "You’re a real weirdo, Sensei."
    i "I thought my “Throw everything at him and pray something sticks” strategy was going to backfire for sure, but..."
    i "You don't seem scared of me at all."
    s "Let’s just say I’ve gotten pretty good at handling girls with issues over the last few months."
    i "Well, please handle mine gently if you’re going to handle them at all."
    i "I’m a lot more delicate than I let on..."
    i "So please..."
    i "Don't let me break."

    "One thing I don’t think Io realizes is that, after a few short conversations-"
    "She already feels more delicate than almost anyone I've ever met."
    "But her self-perception is clearly all out of sorts."
    "It’s strange how someone so self-centered can be so unaware of who they are or how they appear to others."
    "You’d think that focusing everything around your own interests or disinterests would help you avoid that."
    "But I guess, in some rare cases-"
    "That exact mindset can warp you."
    "Io Ichimonji does not exist."
    "She has already lost herself."
    "And, I can’t say this for sure right now-"
    "But I’m pretty sure that whoever this girl is-"
    "Needs my help finding her."

    scene black
    with dissolve2

    "{i}Congratulations! Uta and Io have been added to the second floor of the dorms!{/i}"
    "{i}They’re staying in Room 7 and are now available to spend free time with on nights and weekends.{/i}"
    "{i}Additionally, Uta can be found at the Maid Cafe at night and Io can be found at the Bathhouse on afternoons!{/i}"

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ day247 = True
    $ io_love += 1
    stop music fadeout 5.0

    "{i}Io’s affection has increased to [io_love]!{/i}"

    jump afterschoolevent

label day261:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy


jump day44
    if totaldays >= 48 and day48 == False:
        jump day48
    if totaldays >= 50 and cafe15 == True and day50 == False:
        jump day50
    if totaldays >= 54 and day54 == False:
        jump day54
    if totaldays >= 55 and pornshop10 == True and makotonew1 == False:
        jump makotonew1
    if totaldays >= 56 and shrine5 == True and day56 == False:
        jump day56
    if totaldays >= 60 and ayanenew2 == True and ayanenew3 == False:
        jump ayanenew3
    if totaldays >= 63 and rindorm20 == True and day63 == False:
        jump day63
    if totaldays >= 64 and futabanew1 == True and day72 == True and futabanew2 == False:
        jump futabanew2
    if totaldays >= 65 and bar15 == True and cafe20 == True and day65 == False:
        jump day65
    if totaldays >= 68 and ayane_lust >= 5 and day68 == False:
        jump day68
    if totaldays >= 70 and bar10 == True and day70 == False:
        jump day70
    if totaldays >= 72 and day70 == True and day72 == False:
        jump day72
    if totaldays >= 77 and day77 == False:
        jump day77
    if totaldays >= 79 and day == 5 and chikadorm15 == True and day79 == False:
        jump day79
    if totaldays >= 83 and mikudorm10 == True and day83 == False:
        jump day83
    if totaldays >= 85 and streets10 == True and day85 == False:
        jump day85
    if totaldays >= 86 and futaba_lust >= 5 and day == 5 and day86 == False:
        jump day86
    if totaldays >= 89 and day65 == True and day89 == False:
        jump day89
    if totaldays >= 91 and day63 == True and day65 == True and day91 == False:
        jump day91
    if totaldays >= 96 and day == 1 and shrine15 == True and ayanenew1 == True and day96 == False:
        jump day96
    if totaldays >= 98 and ami_lust >= 5 and day98 == False:
        jump day98
    if totaldays >= 103 and day102 == True and day103 == False:
        jump day103
    if totaldays >= 110 and day103 == True and day110 == False:
        jump day110
    if totaldays >= 114 and day103 == True and bar20 == True and day114 == False:
        jump day114
    if totaldays >= 120 and day103 == True and day91 == True and day120 == False:
        jump day120
    if totaldays >= 121 and day85 == True and day103 == True and day121 == False:
        jump day121
    if totaldays >= 126 and day103 == True and streets15 == True and chikadorm15 == True and day126 == False:
        jump day126
    if totaldays >= 128 and day103 == True and day126 == True and day == 5 and day128 == False:
        jump day128
    if totaldays >= 138 and day103 == True and day130 == True and day85 == True and day138 == False:
        jump day138
    if totaldays >= 139 and chika_lust >= 5 and chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chikadetention == True and day139 == False or chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chika_lust >= 10 and day139 == False:
        jump day139
    if totaldays >= 140 and day138 == True and day140 == False:
        jump day140
    if totaldays >= 142 and amidorm15 == True and day140 == True and day142 == False:
        jump day142
    if totaldays >= 144 and day128 == True and day142 == True and day144 == False:
        jump day144
    if totaldays >= 150 and day144 == True and streets15 == True and cafe20 == True and soccer10 == True and day150 == False:
        jump day150
    if totaldays >= 153 and day150 == True and day153 == False:
        jump day153
    if totaldays >= 154 and day153 == True and day154 == False:
        jump day154
    if (totaldays >= 200 and day == 5 and beachvacation16 == True and chikainvite1 == True and harukadate1 == True and kaoridate1 == True and cafe25 == True and bar25 == True and mayadorm25 == True
    and mikudorm15 == True and streets25 == True and makotoinvite2 == True and makidate1 == True and rindorm35 == True and halloween1 == False):
        jump halloween1
    if totaldays >= 214 and makidate5 == True and halloween14 == True and makotodorm25 == True and mikudorm30 == True and amidorm25 == True and day == 1 and day214 == False:
        jump day214
    if totaldays >= 215 and day214 == True and day == 2 and day215 == False:
        jump day215
    if totaldays >= 216 and day215 == True and day == 3 and day216 == False:
        jump day216
    if totaldays >= 217 and day216 == True and day == 4 and day217 == False:
        jump day217
    if totaldays >= 218 and day217 == True and day == 5 and day218 == False:
        jump day218
    if totaldays >= 230 and makoto_lust >= 10 and christmas7 == True and makotolust10 == False:
        jump makotolust10
    if totaldays >= 237 and day == 1 and christmas7 == True and day237 == False:
        jump day237
    if totaldays >= 239 and day == 3 and day237 == True and day239 == False:
        jump day239
    if totaldays >= 240 and day == 4 and day239 == True and day240 == False:
        jump day240
    if totaldays >= 244 and day == 1 and day240 == True and day244 == False:
        jump day244
    if totaldays >= 246 and day == 3 and day244 == True and day246 == False:
        jump day246
    if totaldays >= 247 and day == 4 and day246 == True and day247 == False:
        jump day247