This is generated automatically through code analysis and may include mistakes. For the interactive version of this tool, which looks at your latest savegame to hint the next see the walkthrough tool here.
Days since the start of the game greater than or equal to 240
Day of week is Thursday
Event A Door that People Move Through (Main) is completed)
Uta’s Last Stand for more details.
File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy
label day240:
scene utaintro3
with fade
play music "happyandplotting.mp3"
s "Okay, Uta. Any final questions before you introduce yourself to the rest of class?"
u "Yes. What time is lunch? I’m starving."
s "School literally just started. Didn’t you eat breakfast?"
u "I was so excited to meet everyone that I forgot breakfast was even a thing."
s "..."
s "I’m going to need you to tone it down a bit. You’re too happy for this time of day. "
u "No can do, Sensei. Oh, another question-"
u "I still haven’t moved into my dorm yet. Do you have any idea when that’s going to happen?"
u "I’m trying to avoid sleeping in an alleyway tonight if at all possible."
u "During the summer it would be fine. "
u "I used to go camping all the time when I lived in the country, but a girl my size would probably die if I slept out in the snow."
s "Talk to Makoto about that."
u "Which one is Makoto? "
s "The one that looks like a student council president. You’ll know when you see her. "
u "Got it."
s "Anything else, then?"
u "Yeah. Are you and Maya {i}really{/i} not boyfriend and girlfriend? Cause I’ve got an eye for that sort of thing and I can just {i}feel{/i} the love."
s "I’m sure you’ll feel the same thing about my relationship with pretty much everyone in no time."
scene utaintro2
with dissolve
u "Ah! So there {i}is{/i} some back-scratching going on here!"
u "I’ve gotta go call my parents and let them know the time has finally come for their little girl to become a woman!"
if bonus == True:
s "Can we get your intro out of the way first before you go and jeopardize my livelihood?"
s "Why would any of us scratch each other's backs when we can just hug instead?"
s "Also, can we get your intro out of the way now? I have minds to sculpt."
scene utaintro3
with dissolve
u "Oh, right. That’s what we were doing."
u "Sorry, just having so much fun hanging out here in the hallway with you that I forgot I was even in[school] for a second."
s "So, if that’s everything-"
u "Oh! One more thing! "
s "Another? How many questions can you possibly have?"
u "Do I look good in glasses?"
u "People always used to make fun of me because they made my eyes look huge or something and I don’t want everyone to think I’m some kinda bug-eyed Kansai freak."
s "You look as adorable as ever."
scene utaintro4
with dissolve
u "As ever? Did little old Uta-chan leave such a good impression on you that she’s been forever stapled into your brain as the ideal girl?"
u "Or, better yet, the ideal woman?"
if bonus == True:
u "But Sensei, it’s so soon. We barely even know each other. I’m not ready for such a big leap yet."
s "You were about to call your parents and tell them you were going to become a woman just a minute ago."
u "But Sensei, it’s so soon to hug! We'll burst into flames!"
s "If you don't hug me I will literally set you on fire."
scene utaintro5
with hpunch
if bonus == True:
u "You were gonna make me a woman in front of the whole class?! Sensei! That’s so lewd!"
u "Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about dating someone older and stronger and cooler than me, but {i}in front of everyone else{/i}? That’s just too much!"
u "I knew it! I knew you were an arsonist the moment we met!"
u "That must be why I like you so much!"
s "Keep your voice down, please..."
scene utaintro6
with hpunch
if bonus == True:
play sound "slidedoor.mp3"
w "Really?"
w "Day-one of transfers and you've already lost control?"
"Wakana pulls open her door and peeks her head out just far enough to slight me for being unable to control Uta."
s "Just be happy I got this one instead of you. "
s "Uta, please...Let’s just go inside and introduce you to everyone else."
w "Please calm your {i}miscreant{/i} down, {i}Sensei{/i}...I’m trying to actually do my job over here."
s "I’ve got it, Wakana..."
s "Uta, they’re normal [high_school] girls just like you."
scene utaintro7
with dissolve
u "Normal?..."
u "So...not deer?..."
s "Not deer."
w "Hah..."
w "I want to fucking die."
play sound "slidedoor.mp3"
"Wakana disappears back into her classroom and probably dumps a bunch of dead animals into a cauldron or something."
"She looks like the type who would do that."
scene black
with dissolve
"I wind up calming Uta down after another minute or two and she finally agrees to go meet everyone else. "
"She regains her composure rather quickly and skips into the classroom, stopping right at my desk and turning to face the class without even writing her name on the board."
scene utaintro8
with dissolve
ay "Hm? Isn’t that the girl from the maid cafe?"
ay "What’s she doing here?"
f "She must be...part of all the transfer students coming to our[school] instead now."
mi "Holy heck, I think she’s even shorter than me! "
mi "I’m not I?"
r "Yeaaaaah I don’t think so, Miku. Sorry."
t "Why do all of the girls our age have such nice legs?"
r "I’ve been wondering that ever since I was little, Tsuneyo. I feel ya."
scene utaintro9
with dissolve
t "Do you also get the urge to touch them or am I just broken?"
r "If wanting to touch girls means you’re broken, I never want to be fixed."
scene utaintro10
with dissolve
y "Really? Another one? Our class is already fucking packed."
c "Yumi, only like, half of the desks are occupied."
c "And why do you care in the first place? You never even come here."
y "Still my fuckin’ classroom. Been wanting to come even less since Ireland and Noodles showed up."
scene utaintro11
with dissolve
c "Sure you’re not just jealous that it’s going to get even harder for you to grab Sensei’s attention?"
y "The fuck are you talkin’ about? I’m like the only one {i}not{/i} trying to do that shit."
y "Shouldn’t {i}you{/i} be the one freaking out if that’s the case?"
scene utaintro12
with dissolve
c "I have no idea what you’re talking about~"
c "And even if I did, there’s no way Sensei would be into someone that tiny. "
c "He clearly likes more {i}mature{/i} girls. Ones that can stand on their own two feet, if you know what I mean."
if bonus == True:
y "More like ones that can lay on their back and take-"
y "Too bad you had your feet removed when you were little."
scene utaintro13
with dissolve
c "Excuse me?"
y "…"
y "I didn’t say anythin’."
scene utaintro14
with dissolve
u "Hi everybody! My name’s Uta Ushibori and I just transferred in from Kumon-mi Academy after it sunk into the ground!"
"Oh, so we’re [kumon_mi_high] and the other[school] was Kumon-mi Academy. That’s not confusing at all."
u "I came here from Nara a couple years ago to take care of my grandpa."
a "Wait, really? I didn’t know that..."
scene utaintro15
with dissolve
u "Oh! Ami’s here! Hi, Ami!"
a "Hahaha...hey..."
scene utaintro14
with dissolve
u "Anyway, my grandpa died last year and I obviously don’t have to take care of him anymore as a result."
u "But I obviously can’t go home either because they closed off Kumon-mi, so now I just spend my time working at a maid cafe and shopping!"
u "Umm...what else...what else?"
u "Oh yeah! Being born in the country has kinda made it so I can like...share too much or be too...umm, what’s the word...intrusive at times?"
u "For example, if I ever find out anyone likes anyone else, I’ll probs spill the beans accidentally. Please don’t hate me when that happens."
scene utaintro16
with dissolve
u "Um...Is that good enough for an intro? I’m running outta steam here. "
u "I’ve suddenly forgotten everything interesting about myself."
s "…"
s "Can you do the thing?"
scene utaintro17
with dissolve
u "The thing?..."
u "You mean the Uta-chan thing? The thing that makes boys’ and girls’ hearts melt out of their chest?"
u "Are you really sure it’s okay? "
u "I don’t know if it will have the same impact without my uniform on."
scene utaintro18
with dissolve
a "The thing? She doesn’t mean {i}that{/i} thing, does she?..."
m "What other {i}thing{/i} could she possibly mean?"
a "Also, why’s she all chummy with Sensei?"
a "I know he’s spent millions of Yen on her but she’s not even in maid-mode right now."
a "I’m much cuter than her outside of the cafe. Right, Maya?"
m "Right, Ami. You’re the cutest ever. No one can compete."
a "Thank you, Maya. I love you."
m "Uh-huh..."
scene utaintro19
with dissolve
u "Well, uhh...I guess since the teacher asked me to do this, I can’t possibly say no."
scene utaintro20
with dissolve
u "{i}Ahem...{/i}"
"I have to admit, I didn’t think she’d actually go for it in front of the entire class."
"But the way I look at it, what Uta is about to do will either make or break her[school] life."
"Let’s hope her power is strong enough to capture all of the girls' hearts the way it captured mine."
scene utaintro21
with hpunch
s "…"
a "…"
m "…"
scene utaintro22
with dissolve
t "So much...power..."
t "I can feel the flavor from all the way over here!"
f "I don’t feel any different."
r "I feel...light-headed..."
scene utaintro23
with dissolve
mak "…"
mi "…"
u "…"
mak "I am now delicious."
scene utaintro24
with dissolve
y ""
c "Yumi, you should do that for Chinami’s scrambled eggs one day. She’d love it."
y "I’d rather fucking die."
scene utaintro25
with dissolve
u "What’s this? A non-believer in our midst?"
u "Let me guess, you’re the class delinquent? The real {i}tough{/i} one that nobody messes with?"
y "Guess so. What’s it to you, flavor-{i}bitch{/i}?"
c "Come on, Yumi. That was just upsetting."
y "Fuck off, Chika. "
u "Hmm...I see, I see. You {i}do{/i} appear to be rather intimidating. But Uta Ushibori does not shy away from bullies!"
y "So what? You trying to fight or some shit? That what’s going on?"
u "Yes! No! Sort of!"
u "I challenge you to an arm wrestling match! The loser needs to stop bullying everyone for the rest of eternity!"
u "No more bad names! No more making fun of beams designed to warm hearts!"
y "Uh-huh. And when I win, what do I get?"
scene utaintro26
with dissolve
u "I will never cast my spell in class again..."
"Oh no. Anything but that."
y "Fine. I’m in. Let’s do this shit."
c "Not gonna lie, I’m kinda rooting for Uta here."
scene utaintro27
with fade
mo "For once in my life, I am proud to say that I am not the center of attention."
mo "This is a huge victory for Molly MacCormack."
a "I wonder who’s going to win? I’d normally say Yumi but...Uta might have some kind of hidden country-girl strength or something?"
mo "Yes, yes. I, too, possess the hidden power of my ancestors."
y "You sure you want to do this? I ain’t holdin’ anything back, FYI."
u "Of course. Like I said, Uta Ushibori doesn’t let bullies be bullies!"
u "Your days of crime are over...umm...ummm..."
y "Yumi..."
u "Your days of crime are over, Yumi!"
u "Someone! Count us down!"
scene utaintro28
with dissolve
a "Oh! Uhh..."
a "Three..."
a "Two..."
a "One..."
scene utaintro29
a "GO!"
play sound "thump.mp3"
scene utaintro30
with hpunch
mo "Alas...evil has triumphed once again..."
y "So, you’re done with all that flavor beam shit now, right?"
scene utaintro31
with hpunch
y "Hey! We had a fuckin’ deal!"
y "I won! So try that beam shit again and I’ll fuck up your other arm, too!"
c "Jesus, Yumi, let go! You’re going to break the poor girl’s wrist!"
scene black
with dissolve2
"The[school] day ended with me taking Uta to the nurse."
"Thankfully, there was no break or fracture or anything like that. She just pulled a muscle from how suddenly Yumi pinned her arm down."
"I have to say, it was kind of depressing seeing her lose after how much she hyped herself up."
"For a moment, it seemed like she had the potential to be the class hero."
"Unfortunately, the days of the flavor beam are now gone."
"At least in[school], that is."
"I have every intention of abusing that hidden power of hers each and every time I go to the maid cafe."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ day240 = True
stop music fadeout 5.0
$ uta_love += 1
"{i}Uta’s affection has increased to [uta_love]!{/i}"
jump afterschoolevent
label day244:
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
jump day36
if totaldays >= 40 and day40 == False:
jump day40
if totaldays >= 43 and amisroom10 == True and day24 == True and aminew1 == False:
jump aminew1
if totaldays >= 44 and day38 == True and day44 == False:
jump day44
if totaldays >= 48 and day48 == False:
jump day48
if totaldays >= 50 and cafe15 == True and day50 == False:
jump day50
if totaldays >= 54 and day54 == False:
jump day54
if totaldays >= 55 and pornshop10 == True and makotonew1 == False:
jump makotonew1
if totaldays >= 56 and shrine5 == True and day56 == False:
jump day56
if totaldays >= 60 and ayanenew2 == True and ayanenew3 == False:
jump ayanenew3
if totaldays >= 63 and rindorm20 == True and day63 == False:
jump day63
if totaldays >= 64 and futabanew1 == True and day72 == True and futabanew2 == False:
jump futabanew2
if totaldays >= 65 and bar15 == True and cafe20 == True and day65 == False:
jump day65
if totaldays >= 68 and ayane_lust >= 5 and day68 == False:
jump day68
if totaldays >= 70 and bar10 == True and day70 == False:
jump day70
if totaldays >= 72 and day70 == True and day72 == False:
jump day72
if totaldays >= 77 and day77 == False:
jump day77
if totaldays >= 79 and day == 5 and chikadorm15 == True and day79 == False:
jump day79
if totaldays >= 83 and mikudorm10 == True and day83 == False:
jump day83
if totaldays >= 85 and streets10 == True and day85 == False:
jump day85
if totaldays >= 86 and futaba_lust >= 5 and day == 5 and day86 == False:
jump day86
if totaldays >= 89 and day65 == True and day89 == False:
jump day89
if totaldays >= 91 and day63 == True and day65 == True and day91 == False:
jump day91
if totaldays >= 96 and day == 1 and shrine15 == True and ayanenew1 == True and day96 == False:
jump day96
if totaldays >= 98 and ami_lust >= 5 and day98 == False:
jump day98
if totaldays >= 103 and day102 == True and day103 == False:
jump day103
if totaldays >= 110 and day103 == True and day110 == False:
jump day110
if totaldays >= 114 and day103 == True and bar20 == True and day114 == False:
jump day114
if totaldays >= 120 and day103 == True and day91 == True and day120 == False:
jump day120
if totaldays >= 121 and day85 == True and day103 == True and day121 == False:
jump day121
if totaldays >= 126 and day103 == True and streets15 == True and chikadorm15 == True and day126 == False:
jump day126
if totaldays >= 128 and day103 == True and day126 == True and day == 5 and day128 == False:
jump day128
if totaldays >= 138 and day103 == True and day130 == True and day85 == True and day138 == False:
jump day138
if totaldays >= 139 and chika_lust >= 5 and chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chikadetention == True and day139 == False or chikadorm20 == True and mall20 == True and chika_lust >= 10 and day139 == False:
jump day139
if totaldays >= 140 and day138 == True and day140 == False:
jump day140
if totaldays >= 142 and amidorm15 == True and day140 == True and day142 == False:
jump day142
if totaldays >= 144 and day128 == True and day142 == True and day144 == False:
jump day144
if totaldays >= 150 and day144 == True and streets15 == True and cafe20 == True and soccer10 == True and day150 == False:
jump day150
if totaldays >= 153 and day150 == True and day153 == False:
jump day153
if totaldays >= 154 and day153 == True and day154 == False:
jump day154
if (totaldays >= 200 and day == 5 and beachvacation16 == True and chikainvite1 == True and harukadate1 == True and kaoridate1 == True and cafe25 == True and bar25 == True and mayadorm25 == True
and mikudorm15 == True and streets25 == True and makotoinvite2 == True and makidate1 == True and rindorm35 == True and halloween1 == False):
jump halloween1
if totaldays >= 214 and makidate5 == True and halloween14 == True and makotodorm25 == True and mikudorm30 == True and amidorm25 == True and day == 1 and day214 == False:
jump day214
if totaldays >= 215 and day214 == True and day == 2 and day215 == False:
jump day215
if totaldays >= 216 and day215 == True and day == 3 and day216 == False:
jump day216
if totaldays >= 217 and day216 == True and day == 4 and day217 == False:
jump day217
if totaldays >= 218 and day217 == True and day == 5 and day218 == False:
jump day218
if totaldays >= 230 and makoto_lust >= 10 and christmas7 == True and makotolust10 == False:
jump makotolust10
if totaldays >= 237 and day == 1 and christmas7 == True and day237 == False:
jump day237
if totaldays >= 239 and day == 3 and day237 == True and day239 == False:
jump day239
if totaldays >= 240 and day == 4 and day239 == True and day240 == False:
jump day240