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No Romeo for more details.
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
label day24:
scene bedroom_day
with dissolve2
play music "normalday.mp3"
s "..."
"I am ruthlessly sodomized by sunlight the moment I open my eyes because, for some strange reason, I decided against closing my blinds before going to sleep last night."
"This poor decision (Or lack thereof) has resulted in me waking up roughly two hours ahead of schedule without an idea of what to do or the motivation to go back to sleep."
"I wouldn’t be surprised if Ami isn’t even awake yet, given how it’s the weekend and everything."
"And while she refuses to let a day go by without preparing breakfast for me, I assume there’s not a chance in Hell that she’d go out of her way to get all that ready {i}this{/i} early."
"I know that 7:00 AM might not be {i}that{/i} early for some people- and {i}I{/i} should be one of them given how I’m normally up around this time to head to school anyway-"
"But the weekend is different."
"Today is supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation."
"Now I might have to starve all because of a foolish mistake I made and how the sun is a relentless bitch with no regard for those of us who prefer sleeping in on our off days."
"My head meets my pillow once more as I wait for Ami to come rescue me from my woes with breakfast in bed."
scene black
with dissolve2
"But I give up within minutes because I can not wait that long and am probably going to die if I don’t eat something immediately."
scene lr_day
with dissolve2
"I step out into the living room and my worst nightmare becomes a reality- Ami is still asleep."
"I think this might be the first time the two of us have been home with only {i}me{/i} being awake and, while that doesn’t sound like much, it’s actually quite...unsettling."
s "..."
"I think to myself about whether or not {i}I{/i} should attempt to prepare breakfast today, but then remember that prepared meals are a thing that exist and elect to remain as useless as always."
"Would it be nice to do something for Ami for a change? Sure. "
"She’s made my life nothing short of a brisk walk through the park up to this point, but..."
"Must such efforts be rewarded with something as uncharacteristic and unusual as that?"
"No. No, such efforts should be rewarded with something greater."
"Which is how I will rationalize the fact that I am about to go wake up Ami instead of venturing a little outside of my comfort zone and attempting to cook."
"I’m sure this is what she’d want anyway since the idea of me having to work around here seems...completely off limits to her for some reason."
"Either way, I apologize in advance if you were hoping to stay asleep, Ami. "
"But this is something that simply must be done."
scene newfrenchtoast1
with fade
play sound "knock.mp3"
"I knock on Ami’s door and wait for her to answer."
play sound "static.mp3"
scene newfrenchtoast2 with flash
stop sound
"She doesn’t answer right away, leading me to believe that she is still deeply I knock again just to be sure."
play sound "knock.mp3"
s "Ami, are you alive in there? Because I don’t mean to worry you, but I might {i}not{/i} be for much longer if I don’t eat soon."
a "..."
s "..."
"Again, there’s no answer. And I’m unable to open the door either as she’s taken it upon herself to actually lock it for once."
a "..."
s "..."
"Alright, can’t say I didn’t try. "
"I’ll just get her something from the convenience store or something. {i}That{/i} can be my good deed for the month."
scene black
with dissolve
"I head back to my bedroom to get dressed, hoping that I’m able to actually {i}locate{/i} a convenience store since I haven’t really been to any around here just yet..."
play sound "static.mp3"
scene happy9 with flash
scene colorbars with flash
scene happy9 with flash
scene colorbars with flash
scene newfrenchtoast4 with flash
stop sound
a "AHH!~~~~ HAH!~~~~ AAAAAHH!~~~~~"
scene newfrenchtoast5
with dissolve
a "Aaahhh...hah...oh my God...he was right there...he was...right outside the door..."
a "What if I hadn’t locked it?...Why {i}did{/i} I lock it?...He almost saw...He almost saw me..."
a "Sensei...come back and help me...I’ll unlock the door for you! I’ll let you do whatever you want to me!"
scene newfrenchtoast4
with dissolve
play sound "static.mp3"
scene newfrenchtoast1 with flash
stop sound
s "Did you say something? I was just walking past your room and-"
s "..."
a "{size=-20}{/size}"
play sound "knock.mp3"
s "Are you masturbating in there?"
play sound "thump.mp3"
with hpunch
a "NGH!"
"Ami (Who may or may not be currently fingering herself) bumps into something rather violently and somehow manages to shake the entire house."
s "Okay, well...have fun {i}being a good girl{/i} while I go get us breakfast at the convenience store."
play sound "static.mp3"
scene newfrenchtoast6 with flash
stop sound
a "What?! You’re just going to leave me behind like this?!"
s "Like what? I thought you were sleeping?"
a "The bad dream woke me up! I’m obviously ready to start the day now!"
s "Cool. Then why don’t you come on out?"
a "Because I...can’t right now!"
s "Because you’re masturbating, right?"
scene newfrenchtoast7
with hpunch
"(She was masturbating.)"
scene black
with dissolve2
play sound "knock.mp3"
a "Wait second...mister!"
scene newfrenchtoast8
with dissolve2
a "Hah......hah.....hah......"
a "Where think you’re going.......without me?........"
s "Ami, don’t rush things like that. You’re at a delicate age and are going to wind up hurting yourself."
scene newfrenchtoast9
with dissolve
a "But......I........That’s not what was happening in there!"
s "So you’re just beet red and out of breath because of...sleeping?"
a "It was a really spooky dream! "
s "Listen, I don’t know what the big deal about just admitting this is when you’ve been extremely open about everything else thus far..."
s "But I’m not going to try and make you feel any {i}more{/i} awkward than you already do."
s "Things like this are obviously going to happen on both sides if the two of us are living together."
a "That’s...well...when you...put it that way-"
s "But 7:00 in the morning, Ami? Come on. How do you even have that sort of energy at this hour?"
scene newfrenchtoast10
with hpunch
s "Oh? What kind of reaction {i}did{/i} you want, then?"
scene newfrenchtoast11
with dissolve
a "Mmm!"
s "So, ignoring that, can we go get breakfast now? "
a "..."
s "..."
a "Can I get a drink of water first?"
s "Dehydrated from dreaming so much?"
a "Yes. "
a "Yes I am."
scene black
with dissolve2
" was bound to happen sooner or later. "
"I just kind of figured {i}I’d{/i} be the one getting caught instead of her."
"It might go without saying based on how casually I was able to brush all of this off, but there’s really only one thing about this scenario that confuses me."
"Well, two- counting the fact that my niece is apparently so horny and hormonal that she has to finger herself right after waking up."
"But the most perplexing part of all of this is why she locked the door."
"Ami isn’t exactly shy when it comes to her feelings about me- and she’s had no issue with just barging into {i}my{/i} office or bedroom in the past."
"So why would she go out of her way to put up a barrier between herself and what she seems to want the most?"
"I don’t have an answer for that, and it’s not like I expect {i}her{/i} to give me one when she still hasn’t even brought herself to admitting what happened yet."
"But if I had to take a guess-"
"It’s because she’s not all that different from me at the end of the day."
"And that sometimes-"
"When things feel too good to be true-"
"We convince ourselves they aren’t."
scene newfrenchtoast12
with dissolve2
a "So, what do you want for breakfast this morning?"
s "Where are we? I thought we were going to the convenience store. This is just some random market stall in the middle of the residential district."
rmo "Wow, rude. "
a "I figured it would be faster to just stop here for some ingredients rather than going all the way to the convenience store for premade stuff."
a "Plus, I know how much you dislike walking first thing in the morning."
s "Are you sure you aren’t just saying that because your legs are still weak from-"
scene newfrenchtoast13
with dissolve
a "Excuse me, Mrs. Market Lady, but do you sell rat poison here?"
rmo "Unfortunately not. We had our rat poison permit revoked after some rich blonde girl used all of it for a science fair project."
scene newfrenchtoast14
with dissolve
a "Damn it, Ayane."
s "On second thought, just make whatever you want to make. And thank you for taking me here instead of the convenience store."
s "That was a very good idea. You are so smart, Ami. You impress me more and more every single day."
scene newfrenchtoast15
with dissolve
a "Aww, Sensei! You’re too good to me."
scene black
with dissolve2
scene newfrenchtoast16
with dissolve
a "Oh. I forgot to ask because of the crisis I was thrown into first thing in the morning, but how come you’re up so early?"
a "Do you have plans today or something? And, if they involve me?"
s "Well, right now, my only plan is making it through breakfast without being poisoned. But after that, I’m not really sure."
a "Oh, stop. You know I’d never actually poison you."
a "At least not without poisoning myself as well."
s "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
scene newfrenchtoast17
with dissolve
a "It would make {i}me{/i} feel better if the tables were turned! We’d be like Romeo & Juliet!"
s "Sure. Except for the part where Juliet isn’t the one who killed Romeo and was just some clingy teenager who wound up falling for the first man she-"
s "Actually, yeah. I guess you are kind of like Juliet now that I think about it. But I am absolutely no Romeo."
a "Sure you are! You’re handsome and good with words and you could probably beat anybody I know in a fight."
a "Plus, you were really good at acting out all of his lines when we used to read it together!"
s "I...was?"
scene newfrenchtoast18
with dissolve
a "Yeah. We used to read a bunch of that Shakespeare guy’s plays when I was little."
a "I never really understood any of them, especially with how weird and big some of the words are, but I remember it always being a lot of fun."
a "Especially when M-"
stop music
play sound "static.mp3"
scene imissyoumore with flash
scene newfrenchtoast19 with flash
stop sound
a "Ah..."
s "What? What’s wrong?"
a "Nothing, I just..."
a "I just cut myself a little."
s "..."
a "..."
a "..."
a "..."
s "Ami? Is everything-"
a "Yeah."
a "Yeah, sorry."
a "Breakfast might take a little longer than normal today."
s "Oh...yeah. Do you need my help or-"
scene newfrenchtoast20
with dissolve
play sound "dooropen.mp3"
s "Or..."
s "..."
s "Or not..."
scene black
with dissolve2
"Ami bled to death all over the bathroom floor."
"I keep what’s left of her thumb in a jar on my nightstand."
"I kiss it before going to sleep."
play sound "pop.mp3"
scene happy9
"Just kidding."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ day24 = True
$ ami_love += 1
"{i}Ami’s affection has increased to [ami_love]!{/i}"
play sound "static.mp3"
scene spider1 with flash
scene colorbars with flash
scene smileex with flash
scene black with flash
stop sound
jump saturdayafternoon
label day26:
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
label saturdaymorning:
if totaldays > 24:
$ everyday = True
$ clichebath = True
$ amiawake = True
$ firstclass = True
$ sleepover = True
$ day5 = True
$ day7 = True
$ day8 = True
$ day12 = True
$ day14 = True
$ day16 = True
$ day20 = True
$ day21 = True
$ day24 = True
if cafe20 == True:
$ harukanumber = True
if bar10 == True:
$ saranumber = True
if halloween11 == True:
$ makoto_virgin = False
if ayanedorm10 == True:
$ ayanenew1 = True
$ ayanenew2 = True
$ ayanenew3 = True
if pornshop15 == True:
$ makotonew1 = True
$ makotonew2 = True
$ makotonew3 = True
if futabadorm15 == True:
$ futabanew1 = True
$ futabanew2 = True
$ futabanew3 = True
if amidorm10 == True:
$ aminew1 = True
$ aminew2 = True
if totaldays > 21 and roomwithclocks == False:
$ roomwithtrack = True
$ v11check()
if ((totaldays >= 220) and (day220 == False) and (chap1point >= 90) and (happypoint >= 10 or (happypoint + happymiss == 10)) and (chikapoint >= 13) and
(yumipoint >= 12) and (ayanepoint >= 18 or (ayanepoint + ayanemiss == 18)) and (sanapoint >= 14) and (makotopoint >= 16) and (mikupoint >= 13) and
(rinpoint >= 16 or (rinpoint + rinmiss == 16)) and (futabapoint >= 19 or (futabapoint + futabamiss == 19)) and (amipoint >= 14 or (amipoint + amimiss == 16)) and
(mayapoint >= 12) and (mollypoint >= 6) and (tsuneyopoint >= 6) and (sarapoint >= 5 or (sarapoint + saramiss == 5)) and
(harukapoint >= 6 or (harukapoint + harukamiss == 6)) and (karinpoint >= 3) and (kirinpoint >= 3) and (kaoripoint >= 3) and (makipoint >= 2) and (chinamipoint >= 2) and (day == 6)):
jump day220
if day == 6 and totaldays >= 370 and day355 == True and karindate20 == True and chinamidate20 == True and utadorm20 == True and sanadorm50 == True and osakodojo1 == True and kirindate25 == True and secondbeach1 == False:
jump secondbeach1
if totaldays >= 464 and christmastwo20 == True and day == 6 and mayafestival1 == False:
jump mayafestival1
if utamaid25p2 == True and day == 6 and iodorm25 == True and iospecial30 == False:
jump iospecial30
scene bedroom_day
with dissolve2
"{i}[totaldays] Days have passed...{/i}"
if totaldays >= 24 and day24 == False:
jump day24