
Shadowmeld (Main)

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Part of event chain The Smile, The Face

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Shadowmeld for more details.

Event code

File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy


label christmastwo13:
    scene postphonething1
    with dissolve2

    to "Ahh! Never in my life have I felt so utterly useless! "
    to "All of that time spent studying conflict resolution meant absolutely nothing in the face of an actual conflict! "
    to "Why do they teach you {i}anything{/i} at all if the application of it in the real world is so much different than how it is when you study it?!"
    u "There there, Touka. It’s not your fault that Otoha doesn’t want her parents to know she’s tongue wrestling an emo chick. That’s not a conflict you could’ve solved."
    u "You did all you could at the time. And I’m right here with ya."
    t "You seem troubled, Guardian. Is this due to the romantic spat we just witnessed? Or is it a further continuation of your interpersonal troubles with our teacher?"

    scene postphonething2
    with dissolve

    to "Troubles with our teacher? Did something happen between you and Sensei, Molly?"
    mo "You’re gonna have to roll for persuasion if you want me to talk about that, Touka."
    to "I fail to see how rolling around would persuade anyone and I would much rather not get my clothes dirty. I have no idea when this floor was last vacuumed."
    mo "Besides, I think all the stuff with me and Sensei is kind of...taken care of? Maybe?"
    mo "At the very least, we seem to have narrowly avoided a bad ending."
    u "Shouldn’t you be over there trying to comfort Rin with Futaba and Sensei? I thought you guys were friends."
    mo "We are. Sometimes. Not all the time. Right now, we’re...uhh...nemeses? "

    scene postphonething3
    with dissolve

    mo "Uhh...no. That’s not the right word. Let’s see here...uhh..."
    mo "Okay, so...Rin is basically Lady Jaina Proudmoore and I’m Kael’Thas Sunstrider. "

    scene postphonething4
    with dissolve

    mo "Which basically makes Otoha the Lich King..."
    to "Are these popular culture references? Should I know who these people are?"
    u "No, Molly’s just a dork. But that’s why we love her."
    t "Is that why you seem so uncomfortable, Guardian? Because you have been striding on the sun?"

    scene postphonething5
    with dissolve

    mo "Huh? No. What? Kael’Thas never actually...ugh."
    mo "I just don’t think it would be smart for me to try and comfort Rin when she’s made it very apparent that me being around just makes her {i}more{/i} uncomfortable at this point in time."
    to "That is so sad. If I had any friends, I would hope that they would come to me in my time of need, even if I’d been cross with them recently."

    scene postphonething6
    with dissolve

    mo "Yeah, well...I’m on my last life at this point, so I...have to be as careful as possible or everything will be all over for me."
    mo "But I guess that’s what I get for trying to speedrun love, you know?"
    to "Will it disappoint you to hear that I don’t?"
    mo "Probably not. I’ve got bigger fae to fry right now."
    t "I had no idea they were edible. "
    t "Perhaps I should look into crafting a new side dish to bring more customers in."
    u "You sure you don’t even wanna try, Molly? I can go over there with you if you want. "
    u "I’m not super close with Rin but I still don’t want her crying at a Christmas party. That’s like, one of the worst places for a person to cry. Right next to a petting zoo or, like...Chuck E’ Cheese."

    scene postphonething7
    with dissolve

    to "The American pizza rat?! I love him! Oh, he’s absolutely splendid! "
    to "I had seen videos when I was younger and my father went as far as having an actual restaurant replicated in the basement of our summer home."
    u "You’ve got a friggin’ Chuck E’ Cheese at your summer home?!"
    to "Of course! Well, one of them. But it’s one of the nicer summer homes we have."

    scene postphonething8
    with dissolve

    to "Oh! There’s an idea! Perhaps we could lighten the mood by talking more about our family traditions? That certainly sounds a lot more fun than focusing on the sad things, doesn’t it?"
    t "Tojo Ramen has only had rats on several occasions and I have never once been excited to see them."
    t "I struggle to believe that we can find a common ground if they are one of your key interests."
    t "But I would also like the Guardian to stop frowning, so I will agree to this conversation."
    u "How rich do you have to be to have a restaurant in your basement?..."
    mo "I appreciate the gesture, but now I just feel like even more of a burden."
    to "Not at all, Molly! I’d be over the moon to share some of my experiences with you. "
    u "I’d be thrilled too if I had an entire animatronic band to play music for me whenever I wanted."

    scene postphonething9
    with dissolve

    mo "What do you think, Kendo Princess?"
    t "I think about many different things. I’m not sure which one you are referring to right now."
    mo "About if I should talk to Rin or just...stay in Shadowmeld until the party is over."
    t "I thought you believed the shadows were for cowards?"
    mo "They are..."
    mo "I guess this is just one of those times where I have to sit in a bush and figure out if I should try to finish a group quest on my own or if I should...wait for someone else to pull the mob and go in after them."
    t "I see no harm in relying on others if you are unsure about the outcome of handling something on your own."
    t "But I am also very bad at video games, so you should not feel obligated to listen to me."
    to "I don’t have any idea what’s being discussed right now, but let me just say how excited I am to finally be “one of the girls.”"

    scene postphonething10
    with dissolve

    mo "If you...don’t mind carrying me, I’ll happily group up with you for now. I just might wind up slowing you down a bit."
    t "The Guardian is quite light despite what she says. I have lifted her on multiple occasions so I can confirm this."
    u "Uhh...why exactly have you been lifting her up, Tsunecchi?"
    t "That is an excellent question, Green Onion."
    u "..."
    u "Are you gonna answer it?"
    t "No."

    scene postphonething11
    with dissolve

    to "Uta, would you like to start? I can’t imagine anyone being able to lighten the mood even half as good as you."
    u "Aww, shucks. That’s really kind of ya, Touka. But I don’t really have any fancy summer home traditions to share with everybody."
    to "No, no. I wouldn’t expect a member of the lower-middle class to have something as extravagant as that. I’m referring to what you and your family would do for Christmas."
    to "Did you have any traditions? Or...things that you looked forward to every year?"

    scene postphonething12
    with dissolve

    u "Hmm...not really, I don’t think."
    u "I know a lot of families are starting to get more into the whole western Christmas sorta thing, but my family just kinda treated it like any other day."
    u "Just with a lot more chicken and-"

    scene postphonething13
    with dissolve

    u "Oh! Actually! There was a thing we’d do when I was younger, but I kinda grew out of it once I got to middle school."
    u "So, there was this big pond near my house that used to freeze over every winter. And on days that it was {i}really{/i} cold, me and my big brother would go over there and play hockey with some of the other kids."
    u "I mean...I guess that’s more of a winter thing and less of a Christmas thing, but I’m contributing in my own...non-Christmassy way!"
    t "What is this “hockey” you speak of? I am not familiar with that word."

    scene postphonething14
    with dissolve

    u "Hockey is like..."
    u "Okay, so you’ve got this stick. Right? And there’s this black puck thingy you put on the ice and just sort of whack around with your sticks. And if you whack it into the right place, you get a point."
    to "I’m surprised to hear someone as feminine as you would partake in such...traditionally masculine activities. My father would have never allowed something like that."

    scene postphonething15
    with dissolve

    u "Oh, I was like...a huge tomboy when I was little."
    u "I had short hair and no boobs and like, a lot of people thought I {i}was{/i} a boy since I was always hanging around my brother and his friends."
    u "Miku’s probably pretty close to how I was back then. But even she’s a little girlier than I was, I think."
    mo "Do you...have any pictures we could see? I’m having a tough time imagining you like that, and imagining stuff is kinda my thing."

    scene postphonething16
    with dissolve

    u "Hahah...hah...uhh...no..."
    u "No, I don’t have anything like that..."
    to "How about you, Tsuneyo? Did your family have any Christmas traditions?"
    t "I did not fully understand what Christmas was until recently, so I do not think so."
    t "There have been days in the past where our restaurant was busier than normal, though. So it is possible that Christmas was simply one of those."
    t "From what I understand, this holiday is meant to be a time for significant others to spend with one another. And no one has ever been significant enough to become my other."
    t "Therefore, Christmas is just another day. And another day means another chance to advertise the authentic tonkotsu ramen made by the Tojo family."
    t "Please come by if you ever want to warm your body and your heart."
    to "Well, that wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. But I suppose we all have our own ways of celebrating."

    scene postphonething17
    with dissolve

    mo "The Kendo Princess comes from a realm known to very few human beings where “tradition” carries a different sort of meaning."
    mo "She is not familiar with the cultures of us normal people and it is our duty to cultivate and educate her so that she may, one day, finally fit in."
    u "Is it just me or does that explanation sound a little silly coming from someone else who comes from a totally different world? And I don’t just mean the potato paradise."

    scene postphonething18
    with dissolve

    mo "Hey! That “totally different” world knows a lot more about Christmas than this one does!"
    mo "Except we called it Nollaig and Daidí na Nollag was the one who brought us presents...and it may or may not have also involved killing birds and carrying them around at one point."
    t "Noodles, attack."
    noodles "Caw!"

    scene postphonething19
    with dissolve

    to "I had no idea the Irish were such violent people. "
    mo "Only when they’re drunk."
    mo "Which probably doesn't mean much to you because of stereotypes and...my history at Halloween parties..."
    mo "But I am completely sober this time! And will likely remain that way for the indefinite future in an attempt to not ruin any more friendships!"
    u "So did you like, kill birds every Christmas, Molly? Was that your family’s tradition?"

    scene postphonething20
    with dissolve

    mo "What? No. That wasn’t really ever a thing we did. It’s just one of the origins of how the holiday worked there. No one does it anymore."
    t "So your tradition was {i}not{/i} killing birds. I’m afraid I can not relate to that one either on account of the many chickens that have died by my hand."

    scene postphonething21
    with dissolve

    mo "The real tradition was just spending time with my family. Which I can’t really do anymore, unfortunately."
    mo "So Christmas is kind of sad when I start thinking about how it used to be. "
    mo "I don’t know. I’m starting to think that all traditions are kind of just...temporary."
    mo "Not just Christmas, but stuff like...movie nights or...raid nights or...any other night where you’re supposed to get together and {i}do the thing.{/i}"
    mo "As soon as one person can’t do it anymore, the entire thing falls apart and you’re just left with memories of how things used to be."

    scene postphonething22
    with dissolve

    mo "So you keep chasing after those memories by making new traditions and hoping that they’ll carry on forever."
    mo "But none of them ever do."
    mo "And the next thing you know, you’re standing in a group of people you barely even know."
    mo "But maybe that will become a tradition of its own?"
    mo "I guess there’s...no way of ever really..."

    scene postphonething23
    with dissolve

    mo "S-Sorry! I just rewatched one of my favorite anime series and now I’m stuck feeling all melancholic and stuff."
    mo "But that’s enough about Nollaig! How is Christmas for you...Artificer of...Affluence?"
    to "I beg your pardon?"
    t "The Guardian assigns new names to everyone. It appears the time has come for you to learn yours. "

    scene postphonething24
    with dissolve

    to "Ah! Inclusion! I’m happy to be this...artifact person if that means I’m getting a cool girl nickname!"
    u "“Cool girl” nickname might be a bit of a stretch, but..."

    scene postphonething25
    with dissolve

    to "Christmas for the Tsukiokas..."
    to "Well, similar to Uta- though in a significantly more effeminate manner, Father used to take me ice skating every Christmas."
    to "There were no sticks or...“black puck thingies,” but there was music and...bright lights and...all sorts of beautiful things."

    scene postphonething26
    with dissolve

    to "My mother was absolutely wonderful at it as well. I always thought it was amazing the way she would move around the ice."
    to "It was as if she were dancing."
    u "That {i}is{/i} pretty amazing since I’ve seen what she’s packing and even {i}mine{/i} slow me down sometimes."
    to "That...okay. That was not something I...okay."
    to "Regardless, Christmas is one of the few times I can look back on and remember where she had a genuine smile on her face. Not just the polite one she’s always sporting today."

    scene postphonething27
    with dissolve

    to "Which isn’t to say she isn’t a happy person. I mean, why {i}wouldn’t{/i} she be?  We have everything we could ever want."
    to "But she just seemed so much more...free during those times. And it made {i}me{/i} feel free as well seeing her that way."

    scene postphonething28
    with dissolve

    to "It’s been quite some time since I’ve been able to see that side of her, but I’d love to see it again one day."
    to "But I suppose it’s like Molly said in her melodramatic rant moments ago-"
    to "Sometimes, traditions simply come to an end and there is nothing we can do to bring them back."

    scene postphonething29
    with dissolve

    u "Okay, okay. I know what this calls for."
    to "Hm? Know what {i}what{/i} calls for, exactly?"

    scene postphonething30
    with dissolve

    u "Another tradition, obviously! "
    u "Look at us, four random girls just standing in a room together, sharing our pasts with each other...ain’t this some sorta great bonding experience?"
    mo "The Kendo Princess and I are roommates, though. I don’t know if I’d call us-"
    u "Molly, you two are weird enough that you’d still be random even if you’d lived together for years."
    u "But I’m {i}saying{/i} that next year, if we have another one of these party thingies, we should do this again!"
    to "I think this idea sounds lovely, but how can you be so sure that we’ll be able to do something like this again next year? What if the four of us are separated into new classes?"

    scene postphonething31
    with dissolve

    t "Fate, of course."
    mo "Tsuneyo? Are you finally tapping into the spirit realm? "
    mo "Have you had the ability to predict the future all along? Why didn’t you ever tell me?"
    t "I know not what the future holds apart from noodles, but I do know that this “tradition” is one that will not die so easily."
    to "But {i}how{/i} can you know such-"
    u "Shh! Let her finish! It ain’t every day that Tsuneyo goes into the spirit realm!"
    t "No matter who is involved, the cycle will continue. "

    scene black
    with dissolve2
    stop music fadeout 10.0

    t "Life is like a slice of chashu- mostly circular, but with various bumps and grooves along the way."
    t "If you trace it with your finger, you’ll always wind up back at the same place you started."
    t "Perhaps this meeting is our chashu. Perhaps we just need to experience the bumps and grooves before we meet again."
    t "And perhaps-"
    t "That same thing is happening to someone else, somewhere we can’t see tonight..."

    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ christmastwo13 = True

    jump christmastwo14

label christmastwo14:

Code that triggers this event

File: (install folder)\game\ch2script.rpy


scene yuricouch28
    with dissolve

    r "You can meet them whenever you want! They’ve actually been wondering when they’d get to see you ever since we started dating."
    r "Do your parents like...not want to meet me or something?"
    o "..."
    o "Uhh..."

    scene yuricouch29
    with dissolve

    r "Wait..."
    r "Do your parents..."
    r "Even {i}know{/i} about me?..."
    o "..."
    r "..."
    o "Do...they {i}have{/i} to?"

    scene yuricouch30
    with dissolve

    r "..."
    o "Rin, it’s nothing against you. Really."
    r "But...I don’t understand. I know I can be like, clingy and annoying sometimes, but I still think I’m a good person more often than not."
    r "Is it just because it’s Christmas? Can I maybe...meet them {i}eventually?{/i} I just don’t understand why you have to hide-"

    scene yuricouch31
    with dissolve

    o "It’s because you’re a fucking girl, dude."
    r "Because I’m..."
    r "But...what does-"
    o "We can’t all have fucking...cool, accepting, lesbian parents like you. "
    o "If my parents found out I was dating a girl, I'd be literally fucked. They’d take everything away from me. "
    o "And I just...can’t risk that sort of thing right now."
    r "..."
    o "But, uhh...maybe one day when I can like, support myself and shit. If we’re even still together by then."
    r "What is that supposed to mean?"

    scene yuricouch32
    with dissolve

    o "Just that I know I sound like a real asshole right now."
    r "..."
    o "Listen, can I maybe...call you about this later? I don’t really want to do this in front of the whole class."

    scene yuricouch33
    with dissolve

    r "Will you even be able to? What if your parents overhear you talking to a girl? Is {i}that{/i} going to get you in trouble?"
    o "Rin, I’m sorry...Really."

    scene yuricouch34
    with dissolve

    r "Yeah, I know. But, uhh...at least we’re still dating! That’s...good! Anyway, enjoy Christmas with your parents!"
    o "Rin-"
    r "Please leave the room now. I don’t want to cry in front of you."
    o "..."
    r "..."
    o "I’m really sorry..."

    play sound "dooropen.mp3"
    scene yuricouch35
    with dissolve

    "Otoha awkwardly exits the room without making eye contact with anyone."
    "And as much as I want to condemn her for her actions tonight...I can’t."
    "She’s a [teenage]girl caught in the clutches of an iron fist capable of squeezing her until she bursts at the drop of a hat."
    "It only makes sense that she’d want to preserve her feelings over that of someone else- even if that person is someone she’s decided to commit to."
    "“Commit” in the loosest possible sense of the word, of course."
    "It’s hard to assign a high score to any sort of commitment that allows you to leave the room with your partner on the verge of emotional collapse."
    "Maybe Otoha’s just a bad person."
    "Or maybe she’s just grown so used to Rin being on the verge of collapsing that when her knees start to buckle a little more than normal, she has a tough time noticing."
    "I can forgive her for that."
    "What everyone else decides to do with it is entirely on them."

    f "..."
    r "..."
    f "Let’s sit down."

    scene yuricouch36
    with dissolve

    f "I’m here. It’s okay."
    r "All I wanted was-"
    f "We can talk about it later if you want. "
    f "Just take a second to sit down and breathe right now. Trust me."

    scene black
    with dissolve2


    $ renpy.end_replay()
    $ christmastwo12 = True

    jump christmastwo13