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Part of event chain Reverse Cowgirl
Prisoner for more details.
File: (install folder)\game\script.rpy
label ayanelust10:
ay "Well, well, well...If it isn’t good ole’ [ayanemaster]..."
scene whatwelove1
with dissolve
play music "acoustic.mp3"
s "If it isn’t Ayane Amamiya, heiress to the Amamiya fortune."
scene whatwelove2
with dissolve
ay "In the flesh."
s "What are you up to?"
ay "Hmmm..."
ay "Will you think I’m creepy if I say I’ve been waiting here for you to walk by?"
s "A little, yeah. But I already think you’re kind of creepy so just say whatever."
ay "I see. Then I just so happen to be passing by."
s "You’re not passing anything. You’re just standing there leaning against a wall."
scene whatwelove3
with dissolve
ay "Ugh...Would it kill you to just play along for once?"
ay "I’ve barely got to spend any time with you since we got here and...I miss you and stuff."
s "I can tell by the fact that you’ve been literally waiting for me to walk past you."
scene whatwelove2
with dissolve
ay "On the bright side, I haven’t been waiting very long!"
ay "It’s only been maybe...twenty minutes or so? I figured you’d need to pass by eventually."
s "That’s still a decently long time to be doing literally nothing for."
scene whatwelove4
with dissolve
ay "But it’s all worth it because I got to see you!"
ay "So, mission accomplished! Ayane wins!"
"Ayane lets out what sounds like a mixture between a sigh of relief and a childish laugh."
"Despite how creepy it definitely is to stand there waiting for twenty minutes, I really don’t mind."
"Things like this are commonplace for a girl like her."
"A girl who wants to be noticed."
"Who wants to be loved."
if bonus == True:
"One that is inexplicably horny at all times of the day."
"What more could you ask for?"
scene whatwelove5
with dissolve
ay "Is it okay if the two of us hang out for a little while? I freed up my afternoon so I’d be able to spend as much time with you as possible."
s "Well when you put it like that, there’s not really any way I can refuse."
ay "Then I’m glad I put it like that!"
scene whatwelove6
with dissolve
ay "Let it be true! For the next two or so hours, I will be your prisoner!"
s "Wouldn't I be {i}your{/i} prisoner in this case? You’re the one who ambushed me."
ay "I ambushed no one. I just happened to be standing here while you passed by."
s "But you said-"
scene whatwelove7
with dissolve
ay "Shh...No words. I’ve accepted my fate and am ready to take any punishment you are willing to give me."
if bonus == True:
jump prisonerx
scene black with dissolve
"I decide to punish Ayane by forcing her to build one hundred sand castles."
"However, just as she finishes the ninety-nineth, Kirin shows up and kicks all of them down."
"It causes a rift in their friendship and the two of them immediately sever all ties."
"I'm pretty sure Kirin just wanted a hug, though."
"Either way, there are easier ways to hug people. And I do not endorse destroying someone's hard work as a means of bringing yourself closer to your goal."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ ayanelust10 = True
$ ayane_lust += 1
stop music fadeout 5.0
"{i}Ayane’s lust has increased to [ayane_lust]!{/i}"
jump beachvacation13
label ayanelust10skip:
"I fall asleep, but do not dream."
"Everything is black."
"And nothing falls but me."
jump beachvacation13
label beachvacation13:
File: (install folder)\game\scripts\subscribestar\inappropriatecontent.rpy
c "Everybody I hang out with is more into like, fashion and stuff like that. But Rin is super creative and I totally respect that kind of person."
c "Did you know she plays guitar?"
s "I did."
scene sunbathing28
with dissolve
c "So cool, right?!"
c "Do you think she’d teach me?"
s "That’s...something you’d have to ask her about."
c "Yeah, I figured. I know you two are close, so I just wasn’t sure if you’d know the answer off the top of your head or not."
scene sunbathing29
with dissolve
c "{i}Also, between you and me...I think she might have a crush on you.{/i}"
s "…"
"That’s not good."
"I’m not sure what Chika and Rin talked about last night, but I’m pretty sure that Rin’s true feelings didn’t come across if {i}this{/i} is the impression Chika was left with."
if chikadorm20 == True:
c "{i}What are you gonna say to her if that’s true?{/i}"
c "{i} and me are already a thing.{/i}"
c "{i}And I love the girl but...I don’t really want to share you. And she doesn’t know about us either.{/i}"
s "You know...maybe it’s best if we talk about this when there aren’t two other girls sitting right next to you."
c "{i}But I’m a really good whisperer. See? They haven’t even noticed.{/i}"
s "I see that. But I’m a very bad whisperer and they would definitely notice if I tried saying something."
c "{i}Okay. We can talk later then.{/i} "
s "Works for me..."
c "{i}What are you going to do if that’s true?{/i}"
s "I haven’t really thought about it, to be honest..."
"Well, correction- I {i}have{/i} thought about it."
"But Rin’s made it overwhelmingly apparent how interested in Chika she is."
"I mean, the girl is basically obsessed."
"So what I’m more concerned about than anything is how Chika will react if {i}she{/i} finds out it’s her that Rin is into."
"Because right seems like she doesn’t have any idea whatsoever."
"And that worries me."
"So...maybe there’s a way for me to find out?"
s "If you were in my shoes, what would you do?"
c "{i}If I were in your shoes?{/i}"
scene sunbathing30
with dissolve
c "{i}Hmm...{/i}"
c "{i}Well...I obviously can’t get into your head so I don’t know how attracted you are to her...{/i}"
c "{i}But I would consider that there are probably several other girls into you as well...And some might be a little more suited to your tastes or-{/i}"
scene sunbathing31
with dissolve
c "{i}More mature...{/i}"
scene sunbathing32
with dissolve
c "{i}Not to say she’s not or anything! It’s know.{/i}"
scene sunbathing33
with dissolve
mi "Hey, what are you guys whisperin’ about over there?"
c "Huh?! Oh! Uhh...nothing! We were just talking about our plans for tonight and stuff..."
mi "Well then why the heck were you whispering? You guys up to some secret, no-good stuff?"
c "We’re not up to anything!"
t "You’re up to something."
c "You too, Tsuneyo?!"
scene sunbathing34
with dissolve
t "Ah-"
scene black
with dissolve2
"The conversation quickly spirals into a series of other spontaneous topics like where we’d want our next vacation to be or what the girls plan on dressing up as for Halloween."
"Apparently, Tsuneyo had never heard of Halloween, so we needed to explain that to her...which took around half an hour or so."
"Actually, I’m pretty sure it took even longer."
"I wound up leaving before the discussion ended and started heading back to the inn to take a break from everything..."
$ renpy.end_replay()
$ beachvacation12 = True
$ chika_love += 1
$ tsuneyo_love += 1
$ miku_love += 1
stop music fadeout 5.0
"{i}Your affection with Chika, Tsuneyo, and Miku has increased by 1!{/i}"
if ayane_lust >= 10:
jump ayanelust10